CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on February 21st, 2025.
Anipoke is just around the corner! They've finally arrived!! This is Rakua, Pokémon paradise!!
Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!
With the help of the Six Heroes Pokémon, Liko and her friends reach the summit of Mt. Kumli. After walking through the forest spreading across the mountain peak, what they saw was... a truly paradise-like view of nature and many wild Pokémon living there!!
▲ Black Rayquaza was waiting for Liko and her friends to reach the summit.
▲ When Black Rayquaza clears the clouds around the summit......
▲ The summit of Mt. Kumli is like a crater, which makes it hard to find for people to find Rakua!
▲ There is no signs of people and it's a true treasure trove of wild Pokémon!!
▲ It is a paradise where Pokémon coexist without conflict and they don't seem to be wary of people!
▲ Some rare Pokémon appear! This is the Legendary Pokémon, Thunder!!!
Liko and her friends continue farther into the Rakua, searching for traces of Lucias, who visited here 100 years ago. In front of Liko and her friends was something like a wall blocking their way...!? And there is also a Pokémon watching Liko and her friends...!?
▲ A wall stands in front of them as if it's protecting something. What is it......!?
▲ What lies beyond that wall......!?
Find out the rest on the Anipoke at 6:55pm today!!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】ついに到着!! ここがポケモンたちの楽園 ラクア!!
ついに到着!!ここがポケモンたちの楽園 ラクア!!
そう、ここがラクア! ついにライジングボルテッカーズがラクアへと足を踏み入れる!!
▲クムリ山の山頂は人から見つかりにくいクレーター状になっていた! ここにラクアが!?
▲めったに姿を現さないポケモンも! これは伝説のポケモン、サンダー!!!