Shun Horie is a Japanese voice actor that is affiliated with the talent agency
RACCOONDOG. His Twitter account is:
Press Release - March 17th, 2023
A comment from Shun Horie, the voice of Amethyo:
I thought I might just be hallucinating... I was so nervous that when I arrived at the studio they might just ask me what I was doing there... but now that we've actually started recording, it seems that I'm actually seriously going to be in the Pokémon anime! I'm so happy.
I hope I'll be able to give people courage through my acting the same way the Pokémon used to give me courage. The first video game I ever bought with my own money was Pocket Monsters Sapphire; Back then I just bulldozed through using nothing but attack moves, but now I'm able to battle using Growl and Screech most effectively.
That adult me is now playing Amethyo, a character that seems to be charged with a weighty mission despite just being a teenager. Make sure to watch the show to see how he gets involved with Liko and the others.
【アメジオ役 堀江瞬さんコメント】
もしスタジオに着いて「何しに来たんですか?」と言われたら…とどきどきしていましたが、予定通り収録が始まったので僕はちゃんとアニポケに出演出来るみたいです! とても嬉しいです。あの日、ポケモン達に勇気をもらったように、今度は僕が演者としてみんなに勇気を与えられたらと思います。