PocketMonsters.net is a fansite dedicated to all things Pokémon (ポケモン) and Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター). We are the premier site for news and information about all aspects of the franchise from around the world. We cover the Anime, indexing the music, the Trading Card Game, the Games, the variety shows, have a large imageboard, forum and much more. Follow us on Twitter and Subscribe to our RSS Feed for the latest updates!
pokemon-movie.jp website has been redesigned and is now posting a bit of information on Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl Movie 10.The staff of the Pikachu project including Director Yuyama are already working on the tenth movie. This will be the first Diamond and Pearl movie. Director Yuyama and st...
The "Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl Super-Music Collection" CD has been announced by Media Factory (Pikachu Record) and will be released on December 22, 2006. The catalog number is ZMCP-3242 and it will have a fixed price of 2520 yen (including tax). Track information and cover art are currently ...
Today Nintendo officially announced that there are bugs in the Japanese versions of Diamond and Pearl. Version 1.0 of Diamond and Pearl has a bug that allows you to catch Sheimi, Darkrai or Aruseus. The exploit: By surfing through the very first door of the 1st elite four, you literally surf through...
On October 28th, the Diamond and Pearl starter Pokemon Plushies will be available for purchase in Japan. Currently these plushies are not sold outside of Japan and most shops stocking the item will not ship outside of Japan. If you are outside of Japan, you will have to find these on EBay or find so...
Cartoon Network is continuing to pump out the english dub episodes. 3 new titles have been announced. Check the schedule above for all the information. Pokemon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis airs on Saturday October 28th, 2006 and it coincides with the release of the Nintendo DS game 'Pokemon Ranger' which w...
The latest additions to the TCG now has a Japanese release date. The new series of cards will be available on October 27th, 2006. Mediafactory has a starter kit listed on their website for 2000 yen. The kit includes: Game Manual, 1 Pokemon coin, 1 play mat & 3 half decks - 30 cards (Fixed sets, not...
Pokemon PC Master website is now showcasing a Pikachu Mouse that is compatible with Windows PC's. "PC" of 'Pokemon PC mastering' is the ability to draw out children's Potential (possibility). At the same time it means personal computer which is what helps the...
Ever wondered what life as a Pokemon is like? In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, for the first time players can play as an actual Pokemon. At SmugMug's 'Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Detectives' contest, fans can show off what they always imagined life as Pokemon would be like. All you need to do is submit a pho...
According to the official Nintendo Wii website, the next-generation console will go on sale on Saturday, December 2, 2006, in Japan, and in North and South America, Sunday, November 19, 2006. Pokemon Battle Revolution is a Wii title and will go on sale December 14th 2006 in Japan. There is currentl...
Toonami jetstream has posted two episodes of Pokemon on their website. Pokemon Chronicles Episode 1: The Legend of Thunder Part 1 and Pokemon Johto League Journeys Episode 1: The Pokemon Water War are now available to watch online until 11.19.06. This is the first time that streamed episodes of Poke...
Pokemon Battle Frontier Harley Rides Again Odd Pokemon Out Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl Let's Play with Mimiroru!? ...
Pokemon Advanced Battle Vol 3 Ash and his friends continue their adventures, this time visiting Maisie Island, Wazoo Island, and the ABC Islands on their way to Mossdeep City and the Hoenn League. Ash is ready to win his eighth badge - catch the action during the Showdown at Linoone!Contains episode...