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Cover Image Swedish: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress och Team-rivalitet!
Cover Image Italian: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Acromio e la rivalità tra team!
Cover Image Spanish (LA): BWS2N 11 ¡Meowth, Colress y una rivalidad de equipo!
Cover Image Finnish: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress ja ryhmähenkisyys!
Cover Image Dutch: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress en Team Rivaliteit!
Cover Image Portuguese (Brazil): BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress e a Equipe Rivalidade!
Cover Image Norwegian: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress og Team Rivalry!
Cover Image Danish: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress og Team Rivalisering!
Cover Image Korean: BWS2N 11 로켓단 VS 플라스마단! 나옹과 아크로마!
Cover Image Portuguese: BWS2N 11 Meowth, Colress e Rivalidade Entre Equipas!
Cover Image Russian: BWS2N 11 Мяут, Колресс и соперничество команд!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 125 リザードンのたに! またあうひまで!! / 転校する友達のためにロバートがポケモンパーティをお手伝い! / 私立恵比寿中学がアニメのエンディング曲をテレビ初披露!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 125 Lizardon no tani! Mata au hi made!! / Tenkō suru tomodachi no tame ni Robert ga Pokémon party wo otetsudai! / Shiritsu Ebisu Chūgaku ga anime no ending-kyoku wo televi hatsuhirō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 125 The Lizardon Valley! Till the Day we Meet Again! / Robert Helps Holding a Pokémon Party for a Friend Who's Switching Schools! / Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku's First TV Performance of the Anime Ending Theme!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 126 タワータイクーン! その男、クロツグ!! / レッド博士が映画を盛り上げるためにインターナショナル部と「ゲノセクト軍団」を結成! / 驚きのポケモン映画最新情報!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 126 Tower Tycoon! Sono otoko, Kurotsugu!! / Red-hakase ga eiga wo moriageru tame ni International-bu to 'Genesect-gundan' wo kessei! / Odoroki no Pokémon eiga saishin jōhō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 126 Tower Tycoon! That Man, Kurotsugu!! / Professor Red Forms the 'Genesect Army' Along with the International Division in Order to Hype the Movie! / The Latest, Startling News on the Pokémon Movie!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 127 ヒカリはじめてのジムバトル!! / ロバートたちがポケカBW「ゲノセクトEX」の強さの秘密を探って「P2ラボ」へ! / ポケモンバトルにマルが初登場、トルネロスと激突!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 127 Hikari hajimete no gym battle!! / Robert-tachi ga PokéCa BW 'Genesect EX' no tsuyosa no himitsu wo sagutte 'P2 Lab' e! / Pokémon battle ni Maru ga hatsutōjō, Tornelos to gekitotsu!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 127 Hikari's First Gym Battle!! / Robert Head to the 'P2 Lab' to Investigate the Secrets of the Pokémon Card 'Genesect EX''s Powers! / Maru Clashes with Tornelos in Her First Pokémon Battle!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 128 バイバイバタフリー / 去年の放送の中から選りすぐりのオモシロ映像を特集、初公開映像もクイズ形式で放送 / ゲームやイベントのとっておき情報!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 128 Bye bye Butterfree / kyonen no hōsō no naka kara yorisuguri no omoshiro eizō wo tokushū, hatsukōkai eizō mo quiz keishiki de hōsō / Game ya event no totteoki jōhō!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Smash 128 Bye Bye Butterfree / A Selection of the Best and Funniest Clips from Last Year's Episodes, with All-New Footage Presented Through a Quiz / Amazing Game and Event Information!
Cover Image Japanese: Smash 129 史上最強のペリッパー現る!! / ポケモントレッタ第4弾「ゲノセクトを目撃せよ!」最新情報、トレッタとポケスマでコラボ企画!? / 「ポケモンスクランブルU」を体験!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Smash 129 Shijō saikyō no Pelipper arawaru!! / Pokémon Tretta dai4dan 'Genesect wo mokugeki se yo!' Saishin jōhō, Tretta to PokéSma de collabo kikaku!? / 'Pokémon Scramble U' wo taiken!