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Cover Image Korean: XY 14 음침한 저택의 기이한 사건! 냐스퍼는 보고 있다!
Cover Image Portuguese: XY 14 À Procura de Abrigo da Tempestade!
Cover Image Russian: XY 14 Скрываясь от грозы!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 9 ポケモンリーグへのみち / 「ポケモンかくれんぼゲーム」第3回 / メガシンカした番組を作るため新たなポケテレ局員が登場、新メンバーは?
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 9 Pokémon League e no michi/ 'Pokémon kakurenbo game' dai3kai/ Mega shinka shita bangumi wo tsukuru tame arata na PokéTele kyokuin ga tōjō, shin member wa?
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 9 Road to the Pokémon League / The Third Installment of the 'Pokémon Hide-and-seek Game' / The Show Mega Evolves as a New PokéTV Staff Member Shows Up! Who is this New Member?
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 10 ポケモンひっしょうマニュアル / 遊助さんがポケテレチャレンジに挑戦、クリアでアニメ「ポケモンXY」主題歌を披露 / しょこたんキャスターとタカ局長がXYでガチバトル!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 10 Pokémon hisshō manual / Yusuke-san ga PokéTele Challenge ni chōsen, clear de anime 'Pokémon XY' shudaika wo hirō / Shokotan-caster to Taka-kyokuchō ga XY de gachi battle!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 10 Pokémon Victory Manual / Yusuke Takes Part in the PokéTV Challenge, and Will Sing the 'Pokémon XY' Theme Song if it is Cleared! / Anchor Shoko-tan and Office Chief Taka Have a Decisive Showdown in XY!
Cover Image Japanese: GETTV 11 かくれざとのフシギダネ / ドランクドラゴン・鈴木拓の持ち込み企画「ポケモンカードゲーム最強軍団を作ろう」 / 来年のポケモン映画のスクープ!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): GETTV 11 Kakurezato no Fushigidane/ Drunk Dragon Suzuki Taku no mochikomi kikaku 'Pokémon Card Game saikyō gundan wo tsukurō' / Rainen no Pokémon eiga no scoop!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): GETTV 11 Fushigidane of the Hidden Village / Taku Suzuki from Drunk Dragon Introduces his 'Let's Create the Ultimate Pokémon Card Game Corps' Project! / A Scoop on Next Year's Pokémon Movie!
Cover Image Japanese: Special 0 完全マスター!ポケモンXYスペシャル!!
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Special 0 Kanzen master! Pokémon XY special!!
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Special 0 Complete Overview! Pokémon XY Special!!
Cover Image English: Movie 17 Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
Cover Image Japanese: Movie 17 破壊の繭とディアンシー
Cover Image Japanese (Romanized): Movie 17 Hakai no mayu to Diancie
Cover Image Japanese (TL): Movie 17 The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie
Cover Image German: Movie 17 Pokémon – Der Film: Diancie und der Kokon der Zerstörung
Cover Image French: Movie 17 Pokémon, le Film: Diancie et le Cocon de l’Annihilation
Cover Image Spanish: Movie 17 Pokémon Diancie y la crisálida de la destrucción
Cover Image Swedish: Movie 17 Diance och förstörelsens kokong
Cover Image Italian: Movie 17 Il film Pokémon: Pokémon Diancie e il bozzolo della distruzione
Cover Image Spanish (LA): Movie 17 Diancie y la crisálida de la destrucción