Home / Episode Guide / ライジングボルテッカーズVSエクスプローラーズ!/The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers!
Main Image
Titles and Airdates


  • Japan ライジングボルテッカーズVSエクスプローラーズ!
  • Japan Rising Volt Tacklers VS Explorers!
  • Japan The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers!


OP/ED List

Episode Director
Animation Director
Chief Animation Director
Assistant Director
Guest Setting
Screenplay Assistance
Key Animation
Key Animation Assistance
2nd Key Animation
In-Between Animation Check
In-Between Animation
Color Coordination
Special Effects
Line Photography
CGI Designer
Production Assistant
Animation Production
Segment Narrator
Segment Organization
Segment Storyboard
Segment Unit Director
Segment Key Animation
Segment In-Between Animation Check
Segment Production Assistant
Segment Sound Mixing
Recording Studio

Japanese Summary:



Japanese Summary Translation:

In the center of Rakua, Pagogo releases the barrier it set up a 100 years ago... but then the Explorers suddenly appear so they can obtain the Rakulium. The decisive battle over the Rakulium now begins!

In the center of Rakua, Pagogo releases the barrier it set up a 100 years ago... but then the Explorers suddenly appear, having been lying in wait for the barrier to get released so they can obtain the Rakulium...! The decisive battle in Rakua over the Rakulium now begins: Friede VS Spinel, Liko VS Onyx, Roy VS Sango and Dot VS Agate!!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko
  • Japan リコ
  • Japan Liko
  • Japan Liko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy
  • Japan ロイ
  • Japan Roy
  • Japan Roy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede
  • Japan フリード
  • Japan Friede
  • Japan Friede
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede's Pikachu (Cap)
  • Japan フリードのピカチュウ (キャプテンピカチュウ)
  • Japan Friede no Pikachu (Captain Pikachu)
  • Japan Friede's Pikachu (Captain Pikachu)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Friede's Charizard
  • Japan フリード博士のリザードン
  • Japan Friede-hakase no Lizardon
  • Japan Friede's Lizardon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gibeon
  • Japan ギベオン
  • Japan Gibeon
  • Japan Gibeon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Spinel
  • Japan スピネル
  • Japan Spinel
  • Japan Spinel
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot
  • Japan ドット
  • Japan Dot
  • Japan Dot
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Spinel's Umbreon
  • Japan スピネルのブラッキー
  • Japan Spinel no Blacky
  • Japan Spinel's Blacky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Spinel's Beheeyem
  • Japan スピネルのオーベム
  • Japan Spinel no Ohbem
  • Japan Spinel's Ohbem
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sidian
  • Japan オニキス
  • Japan Onyx
  • Japan Onyx
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chalce
  • Japan アゲート
  • Japan Agate
  • Japan Agate
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Coral
  • Japan サンゴ
  • Japan Sango
  • Japan Sango
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Terapagos
  • Japan テラパゴス (パゴゴ)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
  • Japan Terapagos (Pagogo)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Coral's Glalie
  • Japan サンゴのオニゴーリ
  • Japan Sango no Onigohri
  • Japan Sango's Onigohri
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sidian's Garganacl
  • Japan オニキスのキョジオーン
  • Japan Onyx no Kyojiohn
  • Japan Onyx's Kyojiohn
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chalce's Medicham
  • Japan アゲートのチャーレム
  • Japan Agate no Charem
  • Japan Agate's Charem
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Liko's Floragato
  • Japan リコのニャローテ
  • Japan Liko no Nyarote
  • Japan Liko's Nyarote
Character Thumbnail
  • Japan ギベオンのジガルデ (白いジガルデ)
  • Japan Gibeon no Zygarde (White Zygarde)
  • Japan Gibeon's Zygarde (White Zygarde)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dot's Quaxwell
  • Japan ドットのウェルカモ
  • Japan Dot no Welkamo
  • Japan Dot's Welkamo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Roy's Crocalor
  • Japan ロイのアチゲータ
  • Japan Roy no Achigator
  • Japan Roy's Achigator
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Coral's Scream Tail
  • Japan サンゴのサケブシッポ (オニプリン)
  • Japan Sango no Sakebushippo (Onipurin)
  • Japan Sango's Sakebushippo (Onipurin)

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidgey
  • Japan ポッポ
  • Japan Poppo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidgeotto
  • Japan ピジョン
  • Japan Pigeon
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Spearow
  • Japan オニスズメ
  • Japan Onisuzume
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Eevee
  • Japan イーブイ
  • Japan Eievui
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Flareon
  • Japan ブースター
  • Japan Booster
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Zapdos
  • Japan サンダー
  • Japan Thunder
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Stantler
  • Japan オドシシ
  • Japan Odoshishi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Bidoof
  • Japan ビッパ
  • Japan Bippa
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Leafeon
  • Japan リーフィア
  • Japan Leafia
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pansage
  • Japan ヤナップ
  • Japan Yanappu
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Blitzle
  • Japan シママ
  • Japan Shimama
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Virizion
  • Japan ビリジオン
  • Japan Virizion
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Fletchinder
  • Japan ヒノヤコマ
  • Japan Hinoyakoma
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sylveon
  • Japan ニンフィア
  • Japan Nymphia
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Toucannon
  • Japan ドデカバシ
  • Japan Dodekabashi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ribombee
  • Japan アブリボン
  • Japan Aburibbon


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account promoted the preview for episode 86 on February 26th, 2025.

The Pokémon anime episode airing Friday, February 28th, 2025 is... episode 86, "The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers!". Terapagos releases the barrier it set up... but then the Explorers... The decisive battle now begins...!

アニポケ 2月28日(金)の放送は第86話



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a Next Episode Featured Points on February 26th, 2025.

The Explorers had been lying in wait for the barrier to get released so they could obtain the Rakulium. Friede and Spinel now face off in a double battle featuring Lizardon and Captain Pikachu VS Blacky and Ohbem.

アニポケ 次回注目ポイント
フリード VS スピネル



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a Next Episode Featured Points on February 26th, 2025.

Onyx, Sango and Agate now stand in Liko, Roy and Dot's way. It's Liko VS Onyx, Roy VS Sango and Dot VS Agate; How will Liko, Roy and Dot take on the opponent they fought earlier back at Orange Academy...?!

アニポケ 次回注目ポイント
リコ VS オニキス
ロイ VS サンゴ
ドット VS アゲート



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a reminder on at 9am JST on February 27th, 2025 for people to watch the Pokémon Presents.

February 27th is Pokémon Day! May you all have a fun day with Pokémon today! And look forward to the Pokémon Presents at 11pm as well, okay?

2月27日は「Pokémon Day」
そして、よる11時からの「Pokémon Presents」も




At long last, the decisive battle between the Rising Volt Tacklers and the Explorers begins! To commemorate this, we present a personality test where you can find out whether you resemble Liko, Amethio, Dot, Sango etc the most! You can even enter the lottery while sharing the results! Go here for the test: https://anipoke-pr.jp/shindan/index.php

Campaign Period: Tuesday, February 25th, 2025, 10:00 to Monday, March 10th, 2025, 23:59
How to Enter:
① You will need an X (Twitter) account to apply.
② Follow the official Pokémon anime account (@anipoke_PR).
③ Post with the hashtag #Anipoke Fateful Battle (#アニポケ運命の決戦) during the campaign period.


10 winners were randomly selected to win a set of DesQ BATTLE on DESK Pocket Monsters Anime Ver. figures.

VS エクスプローラーズ

Update March 1st, 2025: After the airing of this episode, the quiz results for Spinel changed to remove Spinel's Magneton and it was replaced with a Jibacoil. At the time, it was an unrevealed Pokémon. Agate was also added to the quiz as one of the results.

Update March 5th, 2025: Spinel's Magneton was reverted back for the results.

Update March 7th, 2025: The test readded Spinel's Jibacoil to Spinel's results after it was revealed in episode 87.


Are you an outdoor person or an indoor person?
アウトドア派? or インドア派?

What do you do if there's a line for a limited item?
Be the first in line / Line up if you have time
真っ先に並ぶ 時間があれば並ぶ

Do you prefer cooking or eating food?
料理は作るのが好き? or 食べるのが好き?

Are you a very different person now than you were in the past?
Not much different / Yes got a makeover
あまり変わらない イメチェンした

What do you do if you're fighting with a friend?
Confront the friend directly / Find a peaceful solution
正面からぶつかる 穏便に解決

What do you do when you find a Pokémon?
Battle it / Observe it
バトル 観察

How do you react when you're in a tight spot?
Get fired up / Go nuts
燃える 暴れる

Do you sometimes put on a different personality?
Yes / No
ある ない

Are you a rice person or a bread person?
お米派? or パン派?

What do you do when a tough opponent appears?
Take time to prepare / Face them head on
準備して戦う 真っ向勝負

Are you a sea person or a mountain person?
海派? or 山派?

Do you like showing off on social media?
Yes / No
好き 興味がない

What kind of work do you prefer?
Management position / Support position
中心で動く サポートに回る



The official Japanese Project Eevee PR X account promoted this episode on February 27th, 2025.

The Pocket Monsters anime airs every Friday at 6:55pm! The episode airing tomorrow, Friday February 28th, 2025 is episode 86, "The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers!" This episode will feature lots of white-hot battles, including one between Blacky and Captain Pikachu! Make sure to check it out, okay?

ブラッキー VS キャプテンピカチュウ など白熱のバトルがいっぱい



The official Japanese Pokémon account promoted the preview for episode 86 on February 27th, 2025.

In tomorrow's episode of the Pokémon anime, Liko and the others have a huge battle against the Explorers! Don't miss the battle between Friede and Spinel either, in this one we even see Abilities being used to their full advantage! Check out the episode preview on the official Youtube channel!




The official Japanese Pokémon account posted a teaser trailer on February 27th, 2025 for Pokémon Day 2025 showing a Mega Lucario and revealing that anime news would be announced on Friday, March 14th, 2025. The official Japanese Anime PR X account also posted the same trailer.

Pokémon anime news will be announced Friday, March 14th, 2025! You can't mega-vert your eyes from this!


February 27th is Pokémon Day! We've released a new trailer for the Pokémon anime! News will be announced Friday March 14th! And don't miss the episode airing at 6:55pm tomorrow either!

2月27日は「Pokémon Day」
アニポケ の最新映像が公開されました!



The official Japanese Pokémon Anime PR Twitter account announced on February 28th, 2025 that there would be an anime booth at AnimeJapan 2025.

There's going to be a Pokémon anime booth at AnimeJapan 2025, which will be held Saturday March 22nd and Sunday March 23rd. In addition to this, we'll hold special stage shows on both days hosted by voice actors like Liko's VA Minori Suzuki-san and Roy's VA Yuka Terasaki-san. We'll be presenting anime news and the like as well! Make sure to come visit!

3月22日(土)、23日(日)開催の「AnimeJapan 2025」アニポケ ブースの出展が決まりました
リコ役 鈴木みのり さん
ロイ役 寺崎裕香 さん



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account reminded viewers on February 28th, 2025 about this episodes airing.

The Rising Volt Tacklers have arrived in Rakua alongside Terapagos and the Six Hero Pokémon. The Explorers were lying in wait for them so they can obtain the Rakulium. A fierce fight between these two factions now begins! The Pokémon anime episode coming up soon at 6:55pm is a must see!!

アニポケ 第86話「ライジングボルテッカーズVSエクスプローラーズ!」
テラパゴス と六英雄ポケモンと共にラクアに辿り着いたライジングボルテッカーズ



CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on February 28th, 2025.


Anipoke is just around the corner! The final battle at Rakua!! The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers!

Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!


Lead by the Black Rayquaza, Liko and her friends have finally arrive at Rakua, a paradise for Pokémon that Lucias discovered! At the heart of Rakua is a barrier that Pagogo set up to protect this area 100 years ago and it has now been lifted, and Liko and her friends continue farther into Rakua! However, the Explorers appear in front of Liko and the others!!


▲ Spinel appears before Friede, who had parted ways with Liko, Roy, and Dot!


▲ He has been keeping an eye on Liko and the others since they arrived in Rakua, and he was just waiting for the time when the barrier was removed......!?

Standing in front of Liko, Roy, and Dot, are three members of the Explorers, Onyx, Sango, and Agate! A fateful battle begins over the Rakulium that is in this land!!


▲ Liko and her friends will have a 3-on-3 Pokémon battle against the Explorers!!


▲ Meanwhile, Friede and Spinel also clash in a Pokémon battle!


▲ Liko's opponent is Onyx's Kyojiohn! It's not a bad match-up, but its Recover move makes it a troublesome opponent!


▲ Roy's Achigator clashes with Sango's Sakebushippo! An explosive screaming battle ensues!?


▲ Dot is having a hard time against Agate's Charem!? They're both the type that plans their battle strategies, but who will win......!?


▲ The decisive battle is an intense one in where even Terastallization is used!

And then... Things take an unexpected turn! Catch the rest on the Pokémon anime at 6:55pm tonight!


▲ The background behind Gibeon...... is that Rakulium!? What are they planning to do!!?

【アニポケまであとちょっと!】ラクアでの決戦!! ライジングボルテッカーズVSエクスプローラーズ!
ラクアの中心部で100年前にパゴゴがこの地を守るために張ったバリアを解除し、リコたちはさらにラクアの深部へと進む! しかしリコたちの前に現れたのはエクスプローラーズだった!!
▲リコの相手はオニキスのキョジオーン! 相性は悪くないが「じこさいせい」が厄介な相手!
▲ロイはアチゲータでサンゴのサケブシッポと激突! 絶叫爆音大声バトルに!?
▲ドットはアゲートのチャーレムに苦戦!? 共に戦略を練って戦うタイプだが、勝つのは一体……!?
そして……事態はまさかの展開に!? この続きは今日よる6時55分からのアニポケでチェックしよう!
▲ギベオンの背後に映る風景……これはラクリウム!? 一体、なにをするつもりだ!!?


Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with production artwork pieces on February 27th, 2025.

We present key frames of Friede and Spinel from episode 86. These two engage in a double battle where Friede uses Lizardon and Captain Pikachu while Spinel uses Blacky and Ohbem. Both of them are going all out in this battle where a certain something ends up happening...?!

Friede: 6:00
Spinel: 16:24

アニポケ マニア
第86話より フリードとスピネルの原画をご紹介



Yusuke Oshida (忍田雄介) posted a message on the official AniPoké post on February 28th, 2025 indicated that he worked on Sango's Terastallization scene.

Thank you for watching today!
I was in charge of animation for Sango's Terastallization scene.
Please look forward to future episodes of the Pokémon anime!


In today's Pokémon anime episode, Sango's Sakebushippo Terastallizes during battle!
If you want to know how the battle ends, check out the latest episode on our official YouTube channel!




Chuckle Mouse Studio revealed uncredited staff members on March 17th, 2025 that did In-Between Animation on episode 86.

Pokemon Horizons Episode 79 and 86 credits Chuckle Mouse Studio!

Pokemon Horizon Episode 86
Inbetweeners Credits
- Ellio
- Alex
- JieYi
- Riri
- Arisa
- Nabil
- Effy
- Nana
- CiliPetai


Special First-Airing Segment PM2023 Data Broadcast


Eyecatch PM2023

Spinel and Blacky

Special First-Airing Segment Sponsor Card

Coming up
The latest anime news in the second half of the program!
Battle! Battle! Battle! Find a breakthrough!



Eyecatch PM2023

Sango and Sakebushippo

Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

During the original airing on TV Tokyo, a new trailer was shown for the final 3 episodes of the Rayquaza Rising arc. The trailer was then posted on the official Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel shortly thereafter.

A new trailer for the Pocket Monsters TV show (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") has been released, showing the Rayquaza Rising arc finally reaching its climax as Liko and the others take on the formidable opponent that is the White Zygarde.

This new trailer gives a sneak peek at some intense battle scenes from the Rayquaza Rising arc as it finally approaches its climax, with Liko, Roy and Dot confronting Explorers leader Gibeon's White Zygarde.

It also appears we can see Amethio, who has obstructed Liko and the others' way forward many times, fighting alongside them...?! Will the winners of the battle for Rakua be the Rising Volt Tacklers, or will it be the Explorers...?

At the very end of the trailer, we also see a Mega Evolved alternately colored yellow Lucario. In addition, we clearly see a Mega Ring on the arm of the person we can assume to be its Trainer. New information on the next episodes of the constantly evolving Pokémon anime will be announced on March 14th, 2025!

YouTube Clip - Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising | Rakua Climax PV ~At the End of the Adventure~

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHpt7xoN-uY


Pokémon Seminar Pokémon Seminar

Pokémon Seminar - Professor Friede and Captain Pikachu share their knowledge of Pokémon.
This time... it's the Paradox Pokémon Sunanokegawa!
A magazine said this Pokémon is a 10,000 year old Rarecoil.
What are the black fur-like things that are all over its body?

A: Rubber
B: Iron sand
C: Wigs
Answer: B: Iron sand

ポケモンゼミ フリードとキャプテンピカチュウが、ポケモンに関する知識を紹介

A: ゴム
B: 砂鉄
C: かつら

正解は… B.砂鉄

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account also posted the Question and the answer on March 1st / 2nd, 2025.

The Pokémon Seminar also has its own separate staff list:
Unit Director: 坂本鼓太郎 (Kotarō Sakamoto)
Organization: 小森さじ (Saji Komori)

Animation Storyboard/Unit Director: 植田千湖 (Chiko Ueda)
Key Animation: 花井柚都子 (Yutsuko Hanai)
In-Between Animation Check: 関根有理 (Yuri Sekine)
Production Assistant: 西村楓吹 (Fubuki Nishimura)

            演出 坂本鼓太郎
            構成 小森さじ

アニメーション絵コンテ/演出 植田千湖
            原画 花井柚都子
          動画検査 関根有理
          制作進行 西村楓吹

Special First-Airing Segment Sponsor Card

Next Episode
Zygarde! Dig up the Rakulium!!
Who emerges from within the Rakulium crystal!?


Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:01
Title: SV M83 Unworldly
Liko recaps
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:57
Title: Only One Story
Japanese Opening Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:26
Title: SV M74 タイトル~Tv Anime Ver.4
Japanese (TL): Title~ Tv Anime Ver.4
Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:39
Title: SV M21 Lurking Villains
Gibeon arrives.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:47
Title: SV M30 The Explorers Advance
The Explorers talk to Liko and the others.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:10
Title: 不退転の覚悟
Japanese (Romanized): Futaiten no kakugo
Japanese (TL): Unwavering Determination
Battles between the Explorers are about to begin!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:46
Title: SV M72 The Rising Volt Tacklers 7
Cap is able to absorb Thunderbolt using its ability, Lightning Rod!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:22
Title: 不屈のポケモンバトル
Japanese (Romanized): Fukutsu no Pokémon Battle
Japanese (TL): Persistent Pokémon Battle
Explorers send out their Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:10
Title: 急襲!猛者たちの饗宴
Japanese (Romanized): Kyūshū! Mosa-tachi no kyōen
Japanese (TL): Emergency Raid! A Feast of Fighters
Liko's Nyarote tries to battle against Onyx's Kyojiohn.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:05
Title: SV M83 Unworldly
Original Airing Sponsor Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:06
Title: 不屈のポケモンバトル
Japanese (Romanized): Fukutsu no Pokémon Battle
Japanese (TL): Persistent Pokémon Battle
Eyecatch Return (Last 5 seconds of track)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:11
Title: SV M76 Overcoming Fears
Battle continues after the commercial break.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:26
Title: SV M68 Rival Battle
Spinel's Ohbem is knocked out.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:40
Title: いざ!遙かなる冒険の彼方へ
Japanese (Romanized): Iza! Harukanaru bōken no kanata e
Japanese (TL): Here we go! Towards a Faraway Adventure
Liko's Nyarote uses Magical Leaf.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:45
Title: 戦闘!ジムリーダー~Tv Anime Ver.2
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader ~ Tv Anime Ver.2
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader ~ Tv Anime Ver.2
Pokémon Lecture Question (Track starts 2:22 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:50
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Pokémon Lecture Question (Track starts 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:07
Title: ピッカーン!
Japanese (Romanized): Pikkaan!
Japanese (TL): Pikkaan!
Japanese Ending Theme
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:37
Title: ルンルンルンルン♪
Japanese (Romanized): Runrunrunrun ♪
Japanese (TL): La, La, La, La ♪
Pokémon Lecture Answer (Track starts 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:00
Title: いざ!遙かなる冒険の彼方へ
Japanese (Romanized): Iza! Harukanaru bōken no kanata e
Japanese (TL): Here we go! Towards a Faraway Adventure
Pocket Monsters Episode 87 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:30
Title: SV M76 Overcoming Fears
Original Airing Sponsor Card

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 20
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
23 Jan 2025 02:41 PM
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Titles: ライジングボルテッカーズVSエクスプローラーズ!/The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The Explorers!
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25 Feb 2025 12:18 PM
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In the center of Rakua, Pagogo releases the barrier it set up a 100 years ago... but then the Explorers suddenly appear so they can obtain the Rakulium. The decisive battle over the Rakulium now begins!

In the center of Rakua, Pagogo releases the barrier it set up a 100 years ago... but then the Explorers suddenly appear, having been lying in wait for the barrier to get released so they can obtain the Rakulium...! The decisive battle in Rakua over the Rakulium now begins: Friede VS Spinel, Liko VS Onyx, Roy VS Sango and Dot VS Agate!!

Voice Cast:
Minori Suzuki: Liko
Megumi Hayashibara: Nyarote
Yuka Terasaki: Roy
Daiki Yamashita: Achigator
Yoshino Aoyama: Dot
Daisuke Namikawa: Welkamo
Taku Yashiro: Friede
Show Hayami: Gibeon
Makoto Furukawa: Spinel
Yuki Onodera: Onyx
Mimi Maihane: Agate
Kenta Miyake: Lizardon
Kei Shindo: Blacky
Tatsuki Kobe: Onigohri
Ayane Sakura: Onipurin (Sango's Scream Tail)
Arisa Shida: Charem
Ikue Ohtani: Captain Pikachu

Professor Friede's Pokémon Seminar:
Taku Yashiro: Friede
Ikue Ohtani: Captain Pikachu
Megumi Hayashibara: Nakanuchan
Daiki Yamashita: Ikkanezumi
Ayane Sakura: Ikkanezumi
Yoshino Aoyama: Ikkanezumi
Last edited 28 Feb 2025 05:41 AM by Adamant