Pokémon Red
Loves to build muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger. |
Pokémon Blue
Loves to build muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger. |
Pokémon Stadium
ぜんしんが きんにくなので からだの どこにでも ちからこぶが つくれる。 100にんの おとなを なげとばせる。 |
Pokémon Stadium
Its whole body is covered with muscles, so it can raise bulges anywhere. It can throw a hundred adults. |
Pokémon Yellow
Very powerful in spite of its small size. Its mastery of many types of martial arts makes it very tough. |
Pokémon Gold
Always brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger. |
Pokémon Silver
It loves to work out and build its muscles. It is never satisfied, even if it trains hard all day long. |
Pokémon Ruby
Machop's muscles are special - they never get sore no matter how much they are used in exercise. This Pokmeon has sufficient power to hurl a hundred adult humans. |
Pokémon Sapphire
MACHOP exercises by hefting around a GRAVELER as if it were a barbell. There are some MACHOP that travel the world in a quest to master all kinds of martial arts. |
Pokémon Emerald
It continually undertakes strenuous training to master all forms of martial arts. Its strength lets it easily hoist a sumo wrestler onto its shoulders. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
Loves to build its muscles. It trains in all styles of martial arts to become even stronger. |
Pokémon FireRed
Its whole body is composed of muscles. Even though it's the size of a human child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups. |
Pokémon Pearl
Its muscles never cramp however much it trains. It lives in the mountains away from humans. |
Pokémon Diamond
It hefts a GRAVELER repeatedly to strengthen its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts. |
Pokémon Platinum
Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of GEODUDE at once. |
Pokémon HeartGold
Always brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
It loves to work out and build its muscles. It is never satisfied, even if it trains hard all day long. |
Pokémon White
Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of Geodude at once. |
Pokémon White
こがらな からだだけど ちからもち。 イシツブテなら なんびきも まとめて かるがると もちあげ なげとばす。 |
Pokémon Black
Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of Geodude at once. |
Pokémon Black
こがらな からだだけど ちからもち。 イシツブテなら なんびきも まとめて かるがると もちあげ なげとばす。 |
Pokémon Black 2
Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of Geodude at once. |
Pokémon Black 2
こがらな からだだけど ちからもち。 イシツブテなら なんびきも まとめて かるがると もちあげ なげとばす。 |
Pokémon White 2
Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of Geodude at once. |
Pokémon White 2
こがらな からだだけど ちからもち。 イシツブテなら なんびきも まとめて かるがると もちあげ なげとばす。 |
Pokémon X
Il muscle son corps en soulevant régulièrement un Gravalanch. Il est rompu à tous les arts martiaux. |
Pokémon Y
Il suo corpo è formato interamente da muscoli. Non è più alto di un bambino, ma può sollevare e lanciare 100 adulti. |
Pokémon Y
Es una masa de músculos y, aunque es pequeño, tiene fuerza de sobra para tomar en brazos a 100 personas. |
Pokémon Y
Son corps est essentiellement composé de muscles. Même s’il a la taille d’un petit enfant, il peut soulever 100 adultes avec ses bras. |
Pokémon Y
몸집은 어린아이만 하지만 온몸이 근육으로 되어 있어서 어른 100명은 날려 버릴 수 있다. |
Pokémon Y
Sein ganzer Körper besteht aus Muskeln. Auch wenn es nur so groß wie ein Menschenkind ist, kann es 100 Erwachsene jonglieren. |
Pokémon Y
ぜんしんが きんにくに なっており こどもほどの おおきさしかないのに おとな 100にんを なげとばせる。 |
Pokémon Y
Its whole body is composed of muscles. Even though it’s the size of a human child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups. |
Pokémon X
Solleva Graveler ripetutamente per mantenersi forte. Conosce ogni tipo di arte marziale. |
Pokémon X
Levanta un Graveler para mantener sus músculos en forma. Domina todas las artes marciales. |
Pokémon X
Es hebt Georok hoch, um seinen Körper zu trainieren. Außerdem übt es sich in jeder Art von Kampfsport. |
Pokémon X
ゴローンを なんども あげおろしして ぜんしんの きんにくを きたえる。 あらゆる かくとうぎを つかう。 |
Pokémon X
It hefts a Graveler repeatedly to strengthen its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts. |
Pokémon X
데구리를 수없이 들었다 놨다 하며 전신의 근육을 단련한다. 모든 격투기를 사용한다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Machop si allena sollevando un Graveler come fosse un attrezzo ginnico. Esistono Machop che girano il mondo nel tentativo di imparare ogni tipo di arte marziale. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
아무리 운동을 해도 아프지 않은 특별한 근육을 가진 포켓몬이다. 어른 100명을 내던지는 파워다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
I particolari muscoli di Machop non si infiammano mai, nemmeno in caso di esercizio eccessivo. Questo Pokémon ha forza sufficiente per scagliare lontano un centinaio di uomini. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Gracias a su portentosa musculatura, Machop no se agota por mucho esfuerzo que haga. Este Pokémon es tan fuerte que puede derrotar a cien personas adultas de una sola vez. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Les muscles de Machoc sont spéciaux. Quels que soient les efforts qu’il produit, il n’a jamais de courbature. Ce Pokémon est assez puissant pour lancer une centaine d’hommes adultes. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Machollos Muskeln sind etwas Besonderes. Sie schmerzen nie, egal, wie sehr sie beansprucht werden. Dieses Pokémon hat genug Kraft, um 100 Erwachsene umherzuwerfen. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
どんなに うんどうを しても いたくならない とくべつな きんにくを もつ ポケモン。 おとな 100にんを なげとばす パワー。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Machop’s muscles are special—they never get sore no matter how much they are used in exercise. This Pokémon has sufficient power to hurl a hundred adult humans. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
데구리를 들어 올려 몸을 단련한다. 모든 격투기를 마스터하기 위해 전 세계를 여행하는 알통몬도 있다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Machop se entrena levantando Graveler a modo de pesas. Algunos de estos Pokémon viajan por todo el mundo para aprender distintos tipos de artes marciales. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Machoc s’entraîne en soulevant un Gravalanch, comme s’il s’agissait d’haltères. Certains Machoc voyagent un peu partout dans le monde pour apprendre à maîtriser tous les types d’arts martiaux. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Machollo trainiert, indem es ein Georok hochhebt, als wäre es eine Hantel. Es gibt auch Machollo, die durch die Welt reisen, um alle Arten der Kampfkunst zu erlernen. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
ゴローンを もちあげて からだを きたえる。 すべての かくとうぎを マスターするために せかいじゅうを たびする ワンリキーも いる。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Machop exercises by hefting around a Graveler as if it were a barbell. There are some Machop that travel the world in a quest to master all kinds of martial arts. |
Pokémon Sun
It loves working out. As it gazes at its muscles, which continue to swell day by day, it becomes more and more dedicated to its training. |
Pokémon Moon
With its superhuman strength, it’s able to throw a hundred people all at the same time. Its strength comes from lifting Graveler every day. |
Pokémon Sword
Its whole body is composed of muscles. Even though it’s the size of a human child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups. |
Pokémon Shield
Always brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger. |
Pokémon Stadium 2
Always brimming with power, it passes time by lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger. |