Reflect A move that reduces damage from the opponent's physical moves for 5 turns. If you raise your Defense with Diamond Storm, you will decrease the damage from the opponent's physical moves even further. |
Return A Normal type move that changes is power depending on how friendly you are with the Pokémon. Its special trait is that it grows stronger the friendlier you are. After you receive Diancie, take it with you on your adventure, and it will become more and more friendly. |
Moonblast A Fairy type move that reduces the opponent's Special Attack. Just like Diamond Storm, it's of the same type as Diancie, so its power will increase by 1.5! |
Yoshiko Mita (voice of Xerneas) - 三田佳子(ゼルネアス役): | |
When I was first approached about voice acting, I was very surprised! (laughs) I think it might have been the sum of my long time working in these circles, living this career and my outlook on life that got me to taking this role. I am happy being able to make myself known through Pikachu and the others. In this world, I'd like to make use of the same mentality that make my grandchild(ren) like me. 初めて声優のお話を聞いた時は「あら、驚いた!」という感じでした(笑)長くこの世界でやってきて、生きてきたキャリアや人生観などトータルなもので、この役に声をかけて頂いたのかなと思いました。私の存在をピカチュウたちを通して、知ってもらえるというのは、嬉しいです。孫に好かれる精神が、この世界でも活かせればと思います。 |
Koichi Yamadera (voice of Ninja Riot) - 山寺宏一(ニンジャ・ライオット役) | |
Perfect attendance and still going! I'm really happy! But this is the first installation of "Pokémon the Movie XY", so I'll go back and remember what it's like to be a beginner, and do my best! (Although I'm always nervous anyways, since my roles are very different every time.) This time, I'm playing a thief who uses a Gekkouga. Come to think of it, when I was a child I loved this series called "Phantom Agents" (Jp. Ninja Butai Gekkou) and I'd often play ninja games... I'll try to recall those times and give it my all while acting! 皆勤賞継続中です!本当に嬉しい!でも「ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY」として初の劇場版なので、初心に帰って頑張ります!(そもそも毎回役が違うので、いつもドキドキなんですが)今回はゲッコウガを使う忍者盗賊の役。そういえば子供の頃「忍者部隊月光」という番組が大好きで、よく忍者ごっこをしていたっけ‥。その頃を思い出して精一杯演じます!! |
Shoko Nakagawa (voice of Miriss Steel) - 中川翔子(ミリス・スティール役) | |
This is my eighth time being a guest voice actor, and for the first time in a while, I've got a human role! Since it's a role I've never played before but have been wanting to do for a while, I'm excited. This character changes expressions often, I hope you'll see a new side of me. I'll put all I've learned in these eight years into this, so I'd be happy if you came to the theaters to watch. 8年目のゲスト声優の役が、久々の人間役!今まで演じたことのない、やってみたかった役に挑戦できるので、とても楽しみです。色んな顔を見せるキャラクターなので、新たな中川翔子を見ていただけると思います。今までの8年間のすべてを込めて、がんばりたいと思いますので、是非、劇場で観て頂けると嬉しいです。 |
Rika Adachi (voice of Marilyn Flame) - 足立梨花(マリリン・フレイム役) | |
This is the happiest thing that has happened to me lately, and I got so psyched that I kept shouting, "For real? For real?" over and over (laughs). I've been playing the games since I was little and have watched the anime the whole time, so I was overjoyed about this job. I also want to do my best so children watching this movie will grow to like Pokémon even more. ここ最近で一番うれしい事だったので、テンション上がりっぱなしで、「マジですか?」「マジですか?」と連呼してしまいました(笑)小さい頃からゲームもやっていたし、アニメもずっと見ていたので、すごく嬉しいお仕事でした。この映画を観て、子供たちにさらにポケモンを好きになってもうらえるように、私もがんばりたいと思います。 |
The Nakagawake duo (Tsuyoshi Nakagawa: Voice of Melecie & Reiji Nakagawa: Voice of Algus Steel) - 中川家(中川剛:メレシー役、中川礼二:アルガス・スティール役) | |
Comment written by Reiji: "What? Why?" was our initial response when we heard about this (laugh). We're comedians, but this is our first time voice acting, so we're amateurs, but we hope not to fall behind the others and to be able to express ourselves. We don't know if the children recognize our faces, but we hope they're looking forward to [the movie] in any case.
「え、なぜだ?」それが、一番最初にこの話を聞いた時に返した言葉です。(笑)お笑いをやっていますけど、声優は初めてで、素人なので、みなさんに負けないように、自分を出せればいいのかなと思います。子供たちは、僕の顔が分かるかどうか分かりませんが、楽しみにしていただければと思います。 |
Mayu Watanabe (Narrator) - 渡辺麻友 (ナレーション) | |
I'm so happy (to be in charge of the narration of the short)! I went to watch the movie "Mewtwo Strikes Back" with my family and played the games with my older sister. The Pokémon in the short are truly lovely, so it's a soothing work. I was motivated to do my best so people could enjoy it. As it premieres in the summer holidays, I hope I can help making children from all over the country come to the theaters to watch it, and make it the most wonderful work of this summer! (短編のナレーションを担当することになり)すごく嬉しいです!映画は「ミュウツーの逆襲」を家族と一緒に観に行き、ゲームも姉と一緒にやっていました。短編はポケモンたちが本当に可愛らしくて癒やされる作品。楽しんでもらえるように頑張らなくてはと感じました。夏休み公開の作品ということで、全国の子どもたちにぜひ劇場で観て頂き、この夏一番の素敵な作品になるよう、お手伝いが出来ればと思います! |
HARUNA (Vocals and guitar) - Haruna Ono (小野春菜) | |
When I heard we were going to do the theme song this year, I got so happy I started jumping around with joy. While the four of us are from what you call the first generation of Pokémon fans, I still remember me and my friends excitedly looking forward to the very first Pokémon movie "Mewtwo Strikes Back" during the summer vacation when it first premiered as if it was yesterday. Every year since then, children have been falling in love with another such Pokémon movie during summer vacation, and I want our song to help burn this movie into the memories of the children that will be running the world in the future just like those older movies remain in our memories. 今回主題歌を担当させていただけると聞いたときは、飛び上がるぐらい嬉しかったです。ポケモン第一世代と呼ばれる私達ですが、夏休みのポケモン映画第一弾「ミュウツーの逆襲」が上映される時に友達みんなでワクワク待ち遠しくしていたのをつい最近のことのように覚えています。そんな長年に渡ってキッズ達に愛されてきた夏休みのポケモン映画、私達の記憶にずっと残っているようにこれからの未来を担う子供たちの記憶に焼きつくよう私たちの楽曲で更に盛り上げていければなと思います! |
TOMOMI (Bass and vocals) - Tomomi Ogawa (小川ともみ) | |
Back when we were in grade school, Pokémon was always the subject when we had time off. It practically was our youth. I think there's a lot of children who will be watching "Pokémon the Movie XY: The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie" as their first movie ever, and we're going to do our absolute utmost to make those children come back home as excited and emotionally moved as we were back then... or no, even more excited and moved than we were. We will be very happy if you enjoy the movie all the way till the end. 小学生の頃、休み時間の話題はいつだってポケモン。まさに私たちの青春そのものでした。今回の『ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 「破壊の繭とディアンシー」』が初めて観る映画になる子供たちも沢山いると思います。あの頃の私たちが抱いた興奮と感動と同じくらい、いやそれを越えるものを持って帰って頂けるように、精一杯心を込めて作りました。ラストまで楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです。 |
MAMI (Bass and vocals) - Mami Sasazaki (笹崎まみ) | |
Pokémon was the first movie I ever saw in my life. It was so intense I thought the Pokémon were going to jump out of the screen at any moment, and I still remember the tears that fell as I entered the world of movies way back then. I also really love the Pokémon video games and have played them all the way since "Pocket Monsters Red/Green" and "Pocket Monsters Blue" up to the recent "Pocket Monsters X/Y", and I'm incredibly happy I get to take part in the production of something as indispensable to my life as Pokémon. I think our song will cheer the Pokémon in the movie on. 生まれて初めて観た映画はポケモン。今にもポケモンたちが画面から飛び出してくるんじゃないかと思うくらいの迫力と子どもながらに映画の世界に入り込んでボロボロ泣いたのを覚えています。ポケモンのゲームも大好きで、『ポケットモンスター赤・緑』『ポケットモンスター青』の頃から最新作『ポケットモンスターX・Y』までプレイしているので、そんな自分の人生には欠かせないポケモンに携われて、とても嬉しいです!ポケモンたちの活躍を私たちの曲で応援できたらなと思います! |
RINA (Drums and vocals) - Rina Suzuki (鈴木理菜) | |
We've been chosen to do the theme song for "Pokémon XY the Movie: The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie"! Since the four of us were born right into the Pokémon generation, this makes us very happy. Pokémon was the very first video game I ever got as a birthday present, and if I look back on my childhood, I remember Pokémon always being part of it. It makes me very happy to think that the children who will be watching this as their first movie, and who make "Meteor Shower at Dawn" the first song they memorize, will have that song automatically play in their heads when they reflect back on their childhood after growing up. I'm also really looking forward to the live performance we'll be doing of the song! 今回、映画『ポケモン・ザ・ムービーXY 「破壊の繭とディアンシー」』の主題歌を担当させていただくことになりました!ポケモン世代ド真ん中の私たちにとっても、とても嬉しいことです。誕生日プレゼントで初めてもらったゲームもポケモンで、思い返せばポケモンがそばにある幼少期でした。今回が初めて観る映画になる子供たちが、初めて覚えた歌が「夜明けの流星群」になって、それが大人になった時に子供の頃を振り返ると頭の中で自然に再生されたら嬉しいです。ライブでやるのも楽しみです! |