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15th Anniversary Pokémon Center Event Distributions

The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that the Pokémon Centers in Japan will each offer a special event Pokémon during the summer of 2013. A battle strategy card will also be distributed with each Pokémon. One of the seven Pokémon will also be distributed randomly from July 3rd, 2013 un...

Pokémon Center - Red Genesect Merchandise

The Pokémon Centers in Japan will begin selling Red Genesect products based on this years 16th Pocket Monsters movie starting on Saturday March 23rd, 2013 and Saturday March 30th, 2013. Below are the products that will be for sale. Stationary Set (文具集合) / Red Genesect Plushie (赤いゲノセクトぬい...

Masuda Deoxys Distrubted Again / Deoxys Plushies

The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that Masuda Deoxys will be distributed again, this time at participating Aeon (イオン), Ito-Yokado (イトーヨーカドー), Daiei (ダイエー), Toys"R"Us (トイザらス), Al-Plaza (アル・プラザ), Heiwado (平和堂), Fuji (フジ), Apita (アピタ), Piago (ピアゴ) and Pokémon Center (ポケモンセンター) location...

Lizardon Pokémon Center - March 2013

The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that a bunch of Lizardon related goods, some of which are for adults, will be going on sale at the Pokémon Centers on March 9th, 2013. Lizardon was made popular when it debuted on the cover of Pocket Monsters Red. Below are the revealed items. Th...

Pokémon Center - Practical Adventure Items Product Line

The official Japanese website has posted information on a new line of merchandise named the Practical Adventure Items series (ぼうけんおたすけグッズ), based on items from the Pocket Monsters Black 2 and White 2 video games. The line will go on sale at the Pokémon Centers starting on January 19th, 2013. Below i...

Genesect Pokémon Center Merchandise

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced a bunch of Genesect merchandise will go on sale on December 26th, 2012 at the Pokémon Centers. Genesect has awoken from its sleep from 300 million years ago and is rampaging in the wilderness. A variety of Genesect goods. Genesect Plushi...

Corocoro Reveals Movie 16 and the 16th Short

Images from the January 2013 issue of Corocoro have revealed that the 16th Pocket Monsters movie will be tentatively called Extremespeed Genesect (神速のゲノセクト). Also revealed was the 16th movie short Pikachu and its Eievui Friends (ピカチュウとイーブイフレンズ) which will accompany the movie. Both will be released i...

Fun Outing Rootote Bags

Fun Outing Rootote has revealed a line of Pokémon carrying bags that go on sale at the Pokémon Centers in Japan on November 23rd, 2012. Some of them will also be available to purchase from the Amazon.co.jp Pokémon Store. Mammy ROO pokémon and flowers 5,800yen DELI pokémon and flowers 2,800yen...

Pokémon Center Patchwork Plushies and La Maison de Eievui

The Japanese Pokémon Centers have announced a bunch more new items that will be in stock in November and December of 2012. The Patchwork Plushies and Keychains of Pikachu, Fushigidane and Minccino will be available on November 23rd, 2012. Patchwork Plushies 1500yen each Patchwork Keychains...

Tohoku Pokémon Center's 1st Anniversary

To celebrate the 1st Anniversary of the Tohoku Pokémon Center, many planned events and campaigns will be taking place. A bunch of memorabilia will also be released on December 1st, 2012 in conjunction with the anniversary. Below is some of the items that will be available. Tohoku Pokémon Center ...

Pokémon Center Cosmetics and Jewelry for Girls

The Pokémon Centers in Japan will begin selling a bunch of new Cosmetic and Jewelry related items for girls starting November 3rd, 2012. Below are a list of some of the items that will be for sale. Pikachu and Pichu / Minccino and Purin / Emonga and Shaymin Heart and Jewelry Mascot - 700yen eac...

Pokémon Center Limited Edition Lizardon Nintendo 3DS LL

The official Japanese Pokémon website has announced that a Limited Edition Lizardon Nintendo 3DS LL will be released at Pokémon Center in Japan. This is a limited 3DS LL and only those that apply to a lottery and win that lottery will be allowed to purchase it. Applications are available at the Poké...

Amazon Japan Pokémon Store

The Pokémon Company has launched a Pokémon Store on Amazon Japan. Many of the items that are found at the Japanese Pokémon Centers can now be purchased online. 10,000+ items are available for purchase and most of them have free shipping inside of Japan. Many of these items can also be sent worldwide...

Pokémon Center Eievui Event

The official Japanese Pokémon website has revealed that an Eievui event will take place at the Pokémon Center in Japan from November 10th, 2012 until December 31st, 2012. A special Fes Mission will be available at all the Pokémon Centers for Japanese players of Pocket Monsters Black 2 and White 2. T...

Pokémon Center Cup (ポケモンセンターカップ オンライン)

The Pokémon Center Cup (ポケモンセンターカップ オンライン) is a new Wi-Fi Tournament for the Japanese Pokémon Global Battle Union and it is a Single Battle tournament to feature your strongest Pokémon. The tournament is open to the first 50000 players that have a copy of the Japanese versions of Pokémon Black 2 and...

Pokémon Town Opens at Core Pacific City in Taipei, Taiwan / Taiwanese Keldeo Distribution

Pokémon Town opened on September 20th, 2012 on the 5th floor of Core Pacific City in Taipei, Taiwan. Pikachu was on hand for the opening celebration of the store which features genuine imported Pokémon goods from the Japanese Pokémon Center. Toys, plushies and clothes are all available for purchase ...

Lizardon, Muggyo and Mixed Pattern iPhone Cases

On Saturday, September 29th, 2012, the Pokémon Centers will be adding 3 new iPhone4/4S compatible cases to their inventory. One features Lizardon, another features Muggyo, and the final one features a mixture of different Pokémon. Each case will sell for 1680 yen. Click on image for higher res...

Pokémon Center Kitchen Appliances

Starting September 20th, 2012, the Pokémon Center stores in Japan will be selling a line of Pikachu-themed kitchen appliances. An Imageboard thread of all the merchandise has been posted and can be viewed by clicking here. The full set will include a number of items: The items are as follows: ...

Pokémon Center Christmas Merchandise / Nagoya 10th Anniversary Commemorative Merchandise

The Pokémon Centers will be offering a limited series of Christmas-themed merchandise starting October 27th. An Imageboard thread of all the merchandise has been posted and can be viewed by clicking here. Christmas 2012 Pikachu Plushie (the hood can be put on and off) [ぬいぐるみ クリスマス2012 ピカチュウ フード...

Pokémon Cafe Pokémon Center Event Features Dream World Pokémon

A poster for the Pokémon Cafe Pokémon Center Event has announced the details for the event. The Dream World Pokémon downloads are: Doble (ドーブル), Eievui (イーブイ), Nyorozo (ニョロゾ) and Minomutchi (ミノムッチ). A C-gear skin as well as some Dream World furniture will also be available to download off of Pokémon...