Home / Characters / Ludlow/ランドウ/Randou
Character Names
  • English / United States: Ludlow
  • Japanese / Japan: ランドウ
  • Japanese (Romanized) / Japan: Randou
  • Japanese (TL) / Japan: Randou
Voice Actors
Landau looks like a fisherman and is a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers led by Friede. The Rising Volt Tacklers use an airship as their base when they go out on adventures.

Mighty G

Landau has an alternate persona called Might G. He is the legendary hero protecting the oceans of the world. He is a very muscular man but also spreads love and peace with his Hero Hug. He had met Palafin in the past and had worked together to protect the ocean.
Owned Pokémon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ludlow's Quagsire
  • Japan ランドウのヌオー
  • Japan Randou no Nuoh
  • Japan Randou's Nuoh
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ludlow's Sharpedo
  • Japan ランドウのサメハダー
  • Japan Randou no Samehader
  • Japan Randou's Samehader
Series Title
PM2023 37
PM2023 38
PM2023 39
PM2023 40
PM2023 41
PM2023 42
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