Home / Episode Guide / Meeting Up with the Monarch!/密着!ダンデのスペシャルトレーニング!!/A Full Coverage of Dande's Special Training!!


On February 25th, 2022, the official Japanese anime Twitter account posted new illustration drawn by Shuhei Yasuda to celebrate the 100th episode of PM2019.

In commemoration of the 100th episode of Anipoke,
a new illustration drawn by Shuhei Yasuda, a character designer, has been released!
In addition, we will be holding a campaign to present original goods using the illustration.
Please join the campaign!

アニポケ 放送100話記念
キャラクターデザイン安田周平 さん描き下ろしイラストを公開!


On March 4th, 2022, the official Japanese Twitter account reminded people that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available for 1 week from March 4th, 2022 to March 11th, 2022. This episode was specifically labeled as a limited time broadcast (期間限定配信).

Pocket Monsters Anime Episode 100 'A Full Coverage of Dande's Special Training!!'
What did you think!?
Be sure not to miss Dande's various expressions where he reveals the true intentions of a champion in the scenes playing with Wooloo and Dorameshiya!
Episode 100 of Anipoke will be available for one week from today!
Please check it out!

アニポケ 第100話「密着!ダンデのスペシャルトレーニング!!」
ウールー やドラメシヤ とたわむれたり


On March 4th, 2022, Toru Nara, the voice actor for Oba, retweeted the official AniPoké Tweet promoting a battle between Oba and Dande. He posted a small comment as well.

It's been a while since we've seen Oba! Thank you to everyone for watching!!
オーバひさしぶりの登場でした! ご覧くださった皆様 ありがとうございました!!


CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on March 4th, 2022. They also tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic Twitter account to promote it.

It's almost time for Anipoke! The secret of an undefeated champion? Training with Dande!


The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! It airs every Friday at 6:55 p.m. and it is very popular! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other Anipoke information you won't find anywhere else! Today's broadcast features Champion Dande!


Satoshi and Go are visiting the Galar region for the Pokémon World Championships. After the battle with Marie, Satoshi and Go were planning to explore Pokémon in the Galar Region, but Satoshi overslept in the morning as usual! Go has no choice but to leave without Satoshi. Then, Go meets Sonia, who is investigating a power spot in the Wild Area, and is guided to a place where many Pokémon are said to appear!


▲ Go is anxious when he hears that Sonia is driving. Yes, Sonia's driving is very rough!

Meanwhile, Satoshi, who overslept as usual, rushes to go see Go, but when he hears that Dande is having a battle, and he forgets to meet up with Go and dashes as fast as he can to the Shoot Stadium. After the battle, Dande invites him to join him for training! Satoshi's expectations for Dande's training were high, but... Dande's training was anything but normal!


▲ Dande's training is all about interacting with Pokémon and playing with Pokémon!


▲ Dande said that today's training is the sea! But it's a mountain... That's right, Dande has no sense of direction.


▲ On the other hand, Go is currently in this state. Can Satoshi remember his promise?

Go then hears from Sonia about an unexpected side of Dande. What is the secret of Dande, the undefeated champion and hero of Galar? Watch today's broadcast for the rest of the intriguing story! Let's all enjoy the champion time!


▲ Sonia, a childhood friend, tells us that Dande and Satoshi have something in common that we didn't expect!

【アニポケまであとちょっと!】無敗のチャンピオンの秘密? ダンデといっしょにトレーニング!!
この記事はアニメ放送直前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナーだ! 今日の放送はチャンピオン・ダンデが登場!
そしてバトル後のダンデに誘われてトレーニングに付き合うことに! あこがれのダンデのトレーニングに期待が高まるサトシだったが…ダンデのトレーニングは普通じゃなかった!!
気になる続きは今日の放送で! みんなでチャンピオンタイムを楽しもう!!


On March 4th, 2022, the official Japanese anime Twitter account posted comments from Rica Matsumoto and Daiki Yamashita who sang the new opening version of 1・2・3 which debuted in this episode.

Comments from Rica Matsumoto:
I've been waiting! I've been looking forward to my turn~♪♪♪ The story of the anime begins when the opening theme song is played! I think it's a magical song that brings you into the world of Pokémon and makes you smile just by listening to it.
I did my best to make everyone happy by ad-libbing harmonies for parts other than my own during the recording. It's been a long time since I've sang a duet. I hope everyone will join Satoshi and Go and will be full of energy.
Rica Matsumoto as Satoshi

Comments from Daiki Yamashita:
Since the beginning broadcast of the TV anime series of Pocket Monsters began, the songs "1・2・3" has been sung together by many different people. I always wondered who would sing the song next!? I was so excited to see who would sing next... But... But now a duet with Satoshi has arrived! I'm so happy!
Anyway, I had a lot of fun singing with Satoshi so you can imagine me singing with him at a karaoke! Let's go one, two, three toward our dreams!
Daiki Yamashita as Go

松本さんは「待ってました! 心待 ちにしていた順番がきたぁ~♪♪♪ アニメの物語は、オープニングテーマ曲がかかるところから始まっている!!と思っているのですが……ポケモンの世界に誘える、聞いただけでパッと笑顔が生まれる、そんな魔法みたいな歌が歌えていたならうれしいです。今回、レコーディングは自分パート以外もアドリブでハーモニーを入れさせていただいたりと、みんなに喜んでもらえるよう全力で頑張りました。久しぶりのデュエット♪ みんなもサトシとゴウと一緒に、元気いっぱい歌ってくださいね ♪」とコメント。 サトシ役松本梨香

山下さんは「テレビアニメ『ポケットモンスター』の放送がスタートしてから、ずーっとさまざまな人たちが歌いつないできた『1・2・3』。僕も毎回、次は誰が歌うんだろう!?とワクワクしていたんです……がががが!! ついにサトシとのデュエットがやってきたじゃないですか!? うれしい!!! とにかく、サトシと一緒にカラオケに行って楽しそうに歌ってるゴウを想像してもらえるように僕自身もメッチャ楽しく歌わせていただきました!! 夢に向かって 1・ 2・ 3 レッツゴー!!!」


On February 25th, 2022, the official Japanese anime Twitter account posted a teaser video of the 4th variant of 1・2・3.

Starting Friday, March 4th, 2022, the opening for the Pocket Monsters anime will be renewed! Two artists will perform 1・2・3, a song that has already been sung by many artists. The first part of the song has been released to celebrate Pokémon Day! Watch the next broadcast for the rest of the song!

3月4日(金)の放送から、アニメ「ポケットモンスター」のオープニングが新しくなるよ! さまざまなアーティストが歌い継いできた「1・2・3」を披露するのは、あの2人!? 「Pokémon Day」を記念して冒頭部分が公開! 続きは次回の放送を見てみてね!


After Story

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted an After Story comic on March 6th, 2022 by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie.

Anipoke Episode 100 After Story
Satoshi is very interested in the Himenka that Goh got in the Galar region.
By the way, Go discovered that Satoshi and Dande have something in common.

アニポケ 第100話アフターストーリー
ガラル地方でゴウがゲットしたヒメンカ に興味津々のサトシ

Satoshi: You got Himenka! Let me see it! I want to see it!
Go: (Dande) He is maniac about Pokémon...
サトシ: ヒメンカ、 ゲットしたのかよー!会わせて! 会いたい!
ゴウ: ポケモンバカの子ども…


The official Pokémon anime promo Twitter account announced on March 24th, 2022, an audio drama series to celebrate the 100th episode of Pocket Monsters (2019). Translation follows:

Believe it or not, we're going to bring you two original audio dramas to celebrate the 100 episode milestone!

They are titled:
"What Dande Does in the Morning" (ダンデのとある朝)
"Sakuragi Park at Night" (夜のサクラギパーク)

The first drama, "What Dande Does in the Morning", will be released on the official Twitter account at 6:55pm tomorrow (March 25th, 2022).

Look forward to it.






Animation Director Masaaki Iwane posted a Tweet on April 15th, 2022 showing off a hoodie that the OLM staff received for reaching 100 episodes of the Pocket Monsters series. It featured Koharu and Eievui, Satoshi and Pikachu, as well as Go and Aceburn.

We received a 100th episode commemorative hoodie from OLM.
It takes courage to put it on and go outside.


Shūhei Yasuda posted a message on March 4th, 2022 announcing that he worked on 1・2・3 Variant 4 which premiered in this episode. He also posted a fanart picture with his post.

The long-awaited new Pokémon anime opening!!
It's finally here!!
For all you anime Pokémon fans, prepare for goosebumps!!
I participated as the Animation Director and a Key Animator.
I reached out to some of my favorite illustrators.
The team is made up of a fantastic crew of original artists, so be sure to check out the ending credits!!



Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with a production artwork piece on March 3rd, 2022. The picture featured Pikachu resting on Wooloo.

A glimpse behind the scenes of the Anipoke production
This time, from episode 100, it's an original drawing of Wooloo and Pikachu.
Soft and fluffy is healing for everyone

今回は第100話の中からウールーとピカチュウ の原画をご紹介