CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on December 6th, 2024.
Anipoke is just around the corner! A mysterious person who may know Entei's whereabouts appears!? Sohnano? Sohdayo!
Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!
The Rising Volt Tackers visit the savanna to find the whereabouts of Entei, one of the Six Heroes Pokémon. It seems that Freide plans to meet with an informant called Sohdayo in the savanna. Freide says that he might know where Entei is.
Liko and her friends immediately land on the savanna, but are suddenly attacked by Rikikirin!
▲ When Liko and her friends land on the savanna, they are attacked by Rikikirin!
▲ For some reason, Rikikirin seems angry as it chases after them, and they end up in a battle!!
Liko and her friendsfend off the Rikikirin. Then suddenly, a mysterious person who had been watching them appears. This man with Sohnano was Sohdayo, the person that Friede had mentioned! Moreover, Sohdayo was once a member of the Rising Volt Tacklers! He seems to be a cheerful and easy-going person who calls himself a "truthful Pokémon journalist" but...... the more important thing is, where is Entei!?
▲ Sohdayo is a former member of the Rising Volt Tacklers. It had been a long time since he'd seen Cap!
▲ Sohdayo's partner, Sohnano, joins in on Sohdayo's stories, which may or may not be true.
▲ Sohdayo is happy to be reunited with his old friends on the Brave Asagi, but......
▲ For some reason, Molly is the only one who is cold towards Sohdayo. Did something happen between the two of them in the past!?
Liko and her friends immediately try to ask Sohdayo where Entei is, but something strange happens on the savanna...!? Rikikirin, who attacked Liko and her friends, appears again, and an unexpected situation occurs!!
▲ This time there are three Rikikirin!? They all seem angry, but what's the reason......!?
▲ The Rikikirin appear to be fighting. What is going on the savanna!?
The rest will be on Anipoke tonight at 6:55pm! With the appearance of former members of the Rising Volt Tackers that Liko and friends don't know about, will their past be revealed?!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】エンテイの居場所を知る(かもしれない)謎の人物が登場!? ソーナノ? ソーダヨ!
エンテイの居場所を知る(かもしれない)謎の人物が登場!?ソーナノ? ソーダヨ!
しかもソーダヨは、かつてライジングボルテッカーズのメンバーだった!!? 「真実のポケモンジャーナリスト」を自称する、明るくノリのよい人物のようだが……肝心のエンテイの居場所は!?
さっそくソーダヨにエンテイの居場所を聞こうとするリコたちだったが、サバンナに異変が……!? リコたちを襲ったリキキリンが再び現れ、まさかの事態に!!
▲今度はリキキリン3匹!? やはり怒った様子だがそのワケとは……!?