Pokémon Ruby
Numel is extremely dull witted - it doesn't notice being hit. However, it can't stand hunger for even a second. This Pokemon's body is a seething cauldron of boiling magma. |
Pokémon Sapphire
NUMEL stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees F within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the POKeMON's body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish. |
Pokémon Emerald
A NUMEL stores boiling magma in the hump on its back. It is a hardy POKeMON that can transport a 220-pound load. It has served humans at work since long ago. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
Magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body. When it grows cold, the magma hardens and slows it. |
Pokémon FireRed
Magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body. When it grows cold, the magma hardens and slows it. |
Pokémon Pearl
Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. |
Pokémon Diamond
Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. |
Pokémon Platinum
Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. |
Pokémon HeartGold
The flaming magma it stores in the hump on its back is the source of its tremendous power. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
The flaming magma it stores in the hump on its back is the source of its tremendous power. |
Pokémon White
Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. |
Pokémon White
しゃくねつの マグマを せなかの コブに ためている。あめに あたると マグマが ひえて うごきが にぶる。 |
Pokémon Black
Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. |
Pokémon Black
しゃくねつの マグマを せなかの コブに ためている。あめに あたると マグマが ひえて うごきが にぶる。 |
Pokémon Black 2
1200どの マグマを たいないに ためこんでいる。ほのおの わざを つかうと コブは ちいさく しぼむ。 |
Pokémon White 2
1200どの マグマを たいないに ためこんでいる。ほのおの わざを つかうと コブは ちいさく しぼむ。 |
Pokémon White 2
The magma in its body reaches 2,200 degrees F. Its hump gets smaller when it uses Fire-type moves. |
Pokémon Black 2
The magma in its body reaches 2,200 degrees F. Its hump gets smaller when it uses Fire-type moves. |
Pokémon Y
1200도의 마그마를 체내에 모아두고 있다. 불꽃 기술을 사용하면 혹은 작게 쪼그라든다. |
Pokémon Y
Nel suo corpo accumula magma che ribolle a 1200 °C. Dopo aver usato una mossa di tipo Fuoco, la sua gobba si restringe. |
Pokémon Y
Almacena en su cuerpo magma a 1200 °C. Su joroba mengua cuando utiliza movimientos de tipo Fuego. |
Pokémon Y
Son corps renferme une lave à plus de 1 200 °C. Sa bosse se contracte lorsqu’il utilise des capacités de type Feu. |
Pokémon Y
In seinem Körper fließt 1 200 °C heißes Magma. Nach Einsatz einer Feuer-Attacke schrumpft sein Höcker. |
Pokémon Y
1200どの マグマを たいないに ためこんでいる。ほのおの わざを つかうと コブは ちいさく しぼむ。 |
Pokémon X
이글거리는 마그마를 등의 혹에 모으고 있다. 비를 맞으면 마그마가 식어 움직임이 둔해진다. |
Pokémon X
Nella gobba accumula magma. Quando piove, il magma si indurisce e il Pokémon diventa più lento. |
Pokémon X
En su joroba almacena magma ardiente que se enfría cuando llueve y lo ralentiza. |
Pokémon X
Son dos bossu renferme une lave bouillonnante. Elle refroidit par temps de pluie, ce qui le ralentit. |
Pokémon X
In seinem Rücken speichert es sehr heißes Magma. Regnet es, kühlt das Magma ab und es wird langsamer. |
Pokémon X
しゃくねつの マグマを せなかの コブに ためている。あめに あたると マグマが ひえて うごきが にぶる。 |
Pokémon X
Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. |
Pokémon Y
The magma in its body reaches 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Its hump gets smaller when it uses Fire-type moves. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Numel acumula en su interior un magma de 1200 °C. Si se moja, el magma se enfría y se solidifica. Cuando esto ocurre, aumenta su tamaño y se vuelve pesado y lento en sus movimientos. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
맞아도 알아채지 못할 정도로 둔하지만 배고픔은 단 1초도 참지 못한다. 몸 안에는 마그마가 끓어오르고 있다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Numel è estremamente tardo, tanto da non notare di essere attaccato. Tuttavia, non sa resistere alla fame per più di un secondo. Il suo corpo è un calderone bollente di magma liquido. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Numel tarda en percibir las cosas, no se entera ni cuando lo golpean, pero se da cuenta enseguida de si tiene hambre. El cuerpo de este Pokémon es un caldero de magma hirviendo. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Chamallot est terriblement lent d’esprit. Il ne remarque même pas quand il est touché. Il ne supporte pas d’avoir faim, même une seconde. Le corps de ce Pokémon est comparable à un chaudron de magma bouillonnant. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Camaub ist nicht besonders helle. Es nimmt nicht einmal wahr, wenn es getroffen wurde. Ein Hungergefühl allerdings kann es nicht einmal eine Sekunde lang aushalten. In seinem Körper brodelt glühend heißes Magma. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
たたかれても きが つかない にぶさ だが くうふくは 1びょうでも がまん できない。 からだの なかでは マグマが にえたぎっている。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Numel is extremely dull witted—it doesn’t notice being hit. However, it can’t stand hunger for even a second. This Pokémon’s body is a seething cauldron of boiling magma. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
1200도의 마그마를 몸에 저장하고 있다. 물에 젖으면 마그마가 식어서 덩어리져 무거워지므로 움직임이 둔해진다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Numel accumula magma a una temperatura di 1200 °C all’interno del proprio corpo. Se si bagna, il magma si raffredda e si solidifica. Se si appesantisce diventa goffo nei movimenti. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Chamallot stocke du magma à 1 200 °C dans son corps. Lorsqu’il est mouillé, le magma se refroidit et durcit. Le corps du Pokémon devient alors très lourd et ses mouvements très lents. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Camaub speichert fast 1 200 °C heißes Magma in seinem Körper. Wenn es nass wird, kühlt das Magma ab und wird hart. Dadurch wird der Körper dieses Pokémon schwer und seine Bewegungen träge. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
1200どの マグマを からだに ためている。 みずに ぬれると マグマが ひえて かたまり おもたくなるので うごきが にぶって しまう。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Numel stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens. In that event, the Pokémon’s body grows heavy and its movements become sluggish. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield