CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on June 2nd, 2023. They also
tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic Twitter account to promote it.
Anipoke is just around the corner! Back in the Paldea region! This is the end of Liko's adventure when she goes back to her parents' house!
Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!
The Rising Volt Tacklers arrive in the Paldea region. Liko went home with Friede and Roy, while the other members went out to buy food. Friede's original request was to rescue Liko and take her back to her parents' house. So, when they get home, Liko's adventure is over......?
▲ They've arrived in the Paldea region, Liko's home! This is Roy's first time in Paldea!
▲ Roy, in the mood for sightseeing, was excited to see the Pokémon and the streets of the Paldea region!
▲ Meanwhile, Dot is remaining on the blimp and is...... secretly washing something!?
▲ Will the adventure end when they reach her home? Liko walks with a confused feeling.
With these feelings, Liko finally arrives at her own home. Friede and the others are greeted by Alex, Liko's father. Liko tries to relax in her room for the first time in a while, but she unexpectedly hears her father's true intention when he talks with Friede. He wants Liko to stay at home from now on.......
▲ This is Liko's house, which has finally been revealed!
▲ Liko's father, who paints Pokémon artwork and picture books, also made his first appearance!
Liko has just taken her first step with courage, but will her adventure end here? What is it that Liko really wants to do!? ......and the rest of the story is on today's Anipoke!!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】ただいまパルデア地方! 実家に帰ったらリコの冒険はこれでおしまい!?
▲リコの故郷・パルデア地方に到着! ロイにとっては初めてのパルデアだ!!
▲家に着けば冒険が終わっちゃう? もやもやした気持ちで歩くリコ。
勇気をもって第一歩を踏み出したばかりのリコの冒険はここで終わってしまうのか!? リコが本当にしたいこととは何なのか!? ……ということでこの続きは今日のアニポケで!!