Home / Episode Guide / Roserade the Mystery Man and the Flower Legend!/怪傑ロズレイドと花伝説!/Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan!
It's night time, and Team Rocket is in a field eating berries. They suddenly smell something good. Meowth points to a building and thinks that the smell is coming from it. Team Rocket begins to walk towards the building. Suddenly, a figure is seen on the chimney. It jumps up and uses a Magical Leaf attack on Team Rocket. All the berries drop out of Team Rocket's hands, and they blast off again.

It's day time, and Ash and co. have finally made it to Floaroma Town. Brock notices a lot of flowers in the town and realizes that the town gets its name from the flowers. Ash and co. walk up to a bulletin board that advertises an upcoming contest in Floaroma Town. An old lady walks up to Ash and co. and assumes that it is their first time visiting Floaroma Town. Dawn tells her that she is here for the contest. Then Dawn compliments on the beautiful trees and flowers. The old lady agrees with Dawn. However, she tells a story about how Floaroma Town used to be a wasteland and that there was no beauty. But people believed a god came and provided the beauty to Floaroma Town. Ash and co. thank the old lady for sharing the story with them. Then the lady walks away.

Dawn notices on the bulletin board that a Poffin Cooking class is going to take place soon. Both Ash and Brock doen't know what a Poffin is, so Dawn explains it to them. She states that Poffins are Pokémon snacks that are made from berries. Ash assumes that Poffins are similar to Pokéblocks. Brock says that Poffins and Pokéblock are similar in a way. Dawn thinks that it will be fun to take a Poffin Cooking class, and Ash and Brock agree.

A Roserade and Lotad are watering the flowers in a field. Ash and co. walk up to a house. Ash wonders if anyone is home because he wants to take the Poffin Cooking class. Dawn points to the Roserade in the field. Ash looks it up in his Pokédex. A girl walks out and asks if they are here for the Poffin Cooking class. Ash and co. reply that they are. Brock immediately takes the girl's hand and asks for her name. Her name is Forsythia. Forsythia leads them inside her house.

Forsythia fills a pot with cold water and dumps the berries in. Then she turns on the stove. She states that stirring the berries to completeness is what gives the poffins their flavor. When Forsythia is done teaching, she gives Ash, Dawn, and Brock each a pot full of berries and water. What they have to do is try and make the poffins on their own. Dawn sets the timer on her Pokétch before she begins. She tells Ash that you need to make sure that the berries are stirred just right otherwise they will burn or not be cooked long enough. Forsythia assumes that Dawn has made poffins before. Dawn tells her that she used to make them with her mom in the kitchen.

When Dawn's Pokétch beeps, she removes the pot from the stove and pours the liquid in a pan. Ash is having some trouble cooking his poffins. He accidentally burns his. When all the poffins are done, everyone sends out their Pokémon for a snack. Piplup, Buneary, and Pachirisu tries Dawn's poffins, and they dislike them a lot. Of course, Sudowoodo and Croagunk like the poffins Brock made since he's already a good cook. Ash's poffins are burnt, so his Pokémon tastes the poffins Forsythia made, and they like it. Ash decides to eat his own poffins, and he realizes that they taste really bad.

One of the poffins fly out the window. Team Rocket is nearby. Meowth picks it up and eats it. Meowth says that it was the most delicious thing he has ever had. Dawn doesn't know why her poffins tasted bad since they always worked on Glameow. Forsythia explains that Pokémon have likes and dislikes just like humans, and her Pokémon probably didn't like the poffins she made. She adds in that you have to keep on testing the different flavors until you find one that your Pokémon like.

Team Rocket has been listening in on the poffin conversation. Jessie says that with poffins they will rule the world. Team Rocket plans on getting rich with the poffins.

Ash and co. decide to take a break. Roserade passes out tea cups to everyone, and then it hides behind the door. Ash notices that Roserade seems to be scared of him. Forsythia says that Roserade has always been like that ever since it was a Budew. Suddenly, Ash and co. hear a loud crash from outside. It is Team Rocket, and they are in one of their mechanical robots stealing all the poffins. Forsythia tells Team Rocket to stop the destruction, but Team Rocket replies only with their motto. Pikachu uses Thundershock on Team Rocket, but their robot blocks electricity. Then Jessie sends out Dustox, and James sends out Carnivine and Cacnea. Dustox uses Poison Sting, but Croagunk counters back with its Poison Sting. Then Piplup uses Bubblebeam, and Turtwig uses Razor Leaf. James has his Pokémon counter back with Pin Missile and Bullet Seed.

Roserade runs back into the house and puts on a scarf. Ash then commands his Aipom to use Swift. Wobbuffet uses Counter to block off the Swift. Buneary then attacks with Ice Beam. Cacnea counters with Sandstorm. The Sandstorm attacks is a bit stronger, and the whole field soon becomes covered with sand. Suddenly, Roserade comes out with the scarf tied to its face. IT demands that Team Rocket gives the berries back. Roserade states that it protects the field of flowers from bad people like Team Rocket. Forsythia knows that her flowers are better than others because of Roserade. She also wonders how Roserade can be so confident. Lotad says that Roserade gains confidence as soon as it puts on the scarf.

Ash plans on helping Roserade. Pikachu uses its Quick Attack on Team Rocket's robot. Meowth takes out a remote and presses a button. A few nets shoot out, trapping Ash and co. Then Dustox uses Gust on Roserade. Roserade jumps onto the ground. Meowth runs up to Roserade and tries to pull the scarf off. To increase Meowth's chance of succeeding, Mime Jr runs up to them and uses Tickle on Roserade. Finally, Meowth is able to pull the scarf off. Team Rocket then gathers up Roserade, and they begin to drive away. Forsythia stands in Team Rocket's path. She tells Roserade that it doesn't need a scarf to become powerful. Roserade is already a powerful Pokémon. Hearing these words, Roserade regains its confidence. It uses Petal Dance on the robot. The robot spins out of control, and the nets are split open, freeing Ash and co.

Ash and co. decide to battle. Piplup uses Bubblebeam, and Croagunk uses Poison Sting. Pikachu then uses Iron Tail to break open the wall that was holding in the berries. All the berries fall out of the robot. Finally, Roserade uses Petal Dance, and Team Rocket blasts off again. The destruction that Team Rocket caused still remains. So, Roserade uses its Sunny Day attack to light up the sky. Lotad then uses Water Gun on the soil. Beautiful flowers begin to sprout all over the ground, making the field a gorgeous place again.

Dawn has made another batch of poffins. She places the bowl of poffins in front of Piplup, Buneary, and Pachirisu. They each try one, and they love them. Dawn has finally found her own recipe for making poffins. Dawn also owes a lot to Forsythia and her Roserade. If she hadn't been inspired by them, she wouldn't have been able to make the great poffins. Now Dawn is even more determined to win the upcoming Floaroma Contest.

English Official Summary

Dawn and Ash have reached Floaroma Town, the site of Dawn's next Pokémon Contest as well as a Poffin cooking class! Poffins are a type of Pokémon snack that Ash has never seen before, and it doesn't take much convincing for him and his friends to join the class. Making Poffin turns out to be harder than it looks, even when our heroes are being instructed by an expert like Forsythia. She's a Trainer with a flowery field full of Poffin ingredients and a shy Roserade that she met back when it was a lonely little Budew. When Team Rocket launches an automated raid on the berries Forsythia uses to make her Poffins, her Roserade puts on a scarf and steps up to defend its home. Whenever Roserade wears that scarf, its personality changes from shy to superhero—but once Meowth snatches the scarf, Roserade loses its nerve and is kidnapped by Team Rocket! Forsythia calls to Roserade, reminding it that it's still strong even without the scarf. This gives Roserade the confidence it needs to deal Team Rocket another defeat and restore the damage caused by their rampage. Now it's back to cooking class, where Dawn develops her own special Poffin recipe. It looks like everyone has found some inspiration today, and Dawn should be on track to make a great showing at the upcoming Pokémon Contest!

French Official Summary

Aurore et Sacha ont atteint Floraville, où Aurore doit participer à son prochain Concours Pokémon. Mais la ville organise aussi des cours de cuisine pour apprendre à préparer des Poffins !

German Official Summary

Lucia überredet Ash und Rocko, mit ihr an einem Kochkurs teilzunehmen. Dort lernen sie, wie man den Pokémon-Snack Knursp herstellt. Außerdem treffen sie das faszinierende Pokémon Roserade!

Italian Official Summary

Lucinda e Ash hanno raggiunto Giardinfiorito il luogo in cui si terrà la prossima Gara di Pokémon di Lucinda. Nello stesso posto è in programma una lezione su come cucinare i Poffin!

Portuguese Official Summary

Dawn convence Ash e Brock a entrar na aula de culinária com ela, onde eles aprendem a fazer doces Pokémon chamados Poffins – e conhecem o fascinante Pokémon Roserade!

Finnish Official Summary

Dawn saa Ashin ja Brockin tulemaan mukaan ruoanlaittokurssille, jossa he oppivat kuinka tehdä Pokémon-välipalaa,  poffineita, ja tapaavat kiehtovan Pokémonin, Roseraden!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Dawn convence a Ash y a Brock de unirse a su clase de cocina, donde aprenderán a hacer bocadillos Pokémon llamados Poffins, ¡y conocerán al fascinante Pokémon Roserade!

Spanish Official Summary

Maya y Ash han llegado a Pueblo Aromaflor, el lugar del próximo Concurso Pokémon de Maya, así como ¡una clase de cocina sobre Pokochos!

English Great Britian Official Summary

Dawn and Ash have reached Floaroma Town, the site of Dawn's next Pokémon Contest as well as a Poffin cooking class! Poffins are a type of Pokémon snack that Ash has never seen before, and it doesn't take much convincing for him and his friends to join the class. Making Poffin turns out to be harder than it looks, even when our heroes are being instructed by an expert like Forsythia. She's a Trainer with a flowery field full of Poffin ingredients and a shy Roserade that she met back when it was a lonely little Budew. When Team Rocket launches an automated raid on the berries Forsythia uses to make her Poffins, her Roserade puts on a scarf and steps up to defend its home. Whenever Roserade wears that scarf, its personality changes from shy to superhero—but once Meowth snatches the scarf, Roserade loses its nerve and is kidnapped by Team Rocket! Forsythia calls to Roserade, reminding it that it's still strong even without the scarf. This gives Roserade the confidence it needs to deal Team Rocket another defeat and restore the damage caused by their rampage. Now it's back to cooking class, where Dawn develops her own special Poffin recipe. It looks like everyone has found some inspiration today, and Dawn should be on track to make a great showing at the upcoming Pokémon Contest!

Russian Official Summary

Доун убеждает Эша и Брока присоединиться к ней на мастер-классе по готовке. Они узнают, как готовить пофины, а также знакомятся с невероятным покемоном Роузрейдом!

Dutch Official Summary

Dawn haalt Ash en Brock over om mee te doen met haar kookles, waar ze Pokémon snacks genaamd Poffins leren maken—en de fascinerende Pokémon Roserade ontmoeten!

Norwegian Official Summary

Dawn overbeviser Ash og Brock på å bli med i matlagingsklassen hennes, der de lærer hvordan man lager Pokémon snacks som kalles Poffins - og møter den fascinerende Poémon Roserade!

Swedish Official Summary

Dawn övertalar Ash och Brock att följa med henne på en matlagningskurs där man får lära sig att göra ett Pokémon-godis som kallas för Poffins—och träffa också Roserade som är en fascinerande Pokémon!

Danish Official Summary

Dawn overtaler Ash og Brock til at tage med hende på et madlavningskursus, hvor de lærer at lave Poffins. Her møder de den fascinerende Pokémon Roserade!