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Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

Aired from: 2007-04-20 until 2011-02-05
Popular Characters
Ash Ketchum/サトシ/Satoshi
Ash's Pikachu/サトシのピカチュウ/Satoshi's Pikachu
Dawn's Piplup/ヒカリのポッチャマ/Hikari's Pochama
Jessie's Wobbuffet/ムサシのソーナンス/Musashi's Sonansu
Brock's Croagunk/タケシのグレッグル/Takeshi's Gureggru
Dawn's Buneary/ヒカリのミミロル/Hikari's Mimirol
James' Carnivine/コジロウのマスキッパ/Kojiro's Muskippa
Episode List
PSDP 1: Following a Maiden's Voyage
  • Setting Off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town!
  • 旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウンへ!
PSDP 2: Two Degrees of Separation
  • Find Pikachu! Route 202!
  • ピカチュウをさがせ!202番道路!
PSDP 3: When Pokémon Worlds Collide
  • Rival Battle! Three vs. Three!!
  • ライバルバトル!三対三!!
PSDP 4: Dawn of a New Era
  • Pochama VS Subomie! Hikari's First Battle!!
  • ポッチャマ対スボミー!ヒカリ初バトル!!
PSDP 5: Gettin' Twiggy With It
  • I got a Naetle!
  • ナエトル、ゲットだぜ!
PSDP 6: Different Strokes for Different Blokes
  • Forest of Hesitation! Shinji Again!
  • 迷いの森!シンジふたたび!!
PSDP 7: Like It or Lup It
  • Pochama Tries its Best!!
  • ポッチャマがんばる!!
PSDP 8: Gymbaliar
  • Gureggru of the Mysterious Gym!
  • なぞのジムのグレッグル!
PSDP 9: Setting the World on its Buneary
  • Let's Play with Mimirol!?
  • ミミロルとあそぼう!?
PSDP 11: Mounting a Coordinator Assault
  • Hikari! Contest Debut!!
  • ヒカリ!コンテストデビュー!!
PSDP 12: Arrival of a Rival
  • Contest Battle! Rival Confrontation!!
  • コンテストバトル!ライバル対決!!
PSDP 13: A Staravia Is Born
  • Mukkuru Stands Firm!
  • ムックルがんばる!
PSDP 15: Shapes of Things to Come
  • Kurogane Gym! Hyōta vs Shinji!!
  • クロガネジム!ヒョウタVSシンジ!!
PSDP 16: A Gruff Act to Follow
  • Zugaidos vs. Pikachu
  • ズガイドスVSピカチュウ
PSDP 17: Wild in the Streets
  • Big Charge of Ancient Pokémon!
  • 古代ポケモン大進撃!
PSDP 18: O'er the Rampardos We Watched
  • Return to Kurogane Gym! Decisive Match with Rampard!!
  • クロガネジムふたたび!決戦ラムパルド!!
PSDP 19: Twice Smitten, Once Shy
  • Getting Pachirisu...... is fine!?
  • パチリスゲットで・・・・・・大丈夫!?
PSDP 20: Mutiny in the Bounty
  • Pokémon Hunter J!
  • ポケモンハンターJ!
PSDP 21: Ya See We Want an Evolution
  • The Strongest Koiking and the Most Beautiful Hinbass!
  • 最強のコイキングと最も美しいヒンバス!
PSDP 22: Borrowing on Bad Faith
  • Pachirisu VS Eipam! Contest Battle!!
  • パチリスVSエイパム!コンテストバトル!!
PSDP 23: Faced with Steelix Determination
  • Roaring Haganeil! Protect the Bippa Village!!
  • 爆走ハガネール!ビッパの村を守れ!!
PSDP 24: Cooking Up a Sweet Story
  • Showdown! Satoshi VS Pikachu!?
  • 対決!サトシ対ピカチュウ!?
PSDP 25: Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan
  • Roserade the Mystery Man and the Flower Legend!
  • 怪傑ロズレイドと花伝説!
PSDP 26: Getting the Pre-Contest Titters
  • Pokémon Contest! Sonou Tournament!!
  • ポケモンコンテスト!ソノオ大会!!
PSDP 27: Settling a Not-So-Old Score
  • Deciding Match! Pochama VS Pottaishi!!
  • 決戦!ポッチャマVSポッタイシ!!
PSDP 28: Drifloon on the Wind
  • Fuwante and the Carrier of the North Wind!
  • フワンテと北風の使い!
PSDP 29: The Champ Twins
  • Satoshi and Hikari! A Tag Battle Will be Fine!?
  • サトシとヒカリ!タッグバトルで大丈夫!?
PSDP 30: Some Enchanted Sweetening
  • Hakutai Forest! Minomucchi Evolution Tactics!!
  • ハクタイの森!ミノムッチ進化作戦!!
PSDP 31: The Grass-type Is Always Greener
  • Naetle VS Naetle! Speed Showdown!!
  • ナエトル対ナエトル!スピード対決!!
PSDP 32: An Angry Combeenation
  • Biikuin of the Amber Castle
  • 琥珀の城のビークイン
PSDP 33: All Dressed Up With Somewhere to Go
  • I like it! Pokémon Roleplay Tournament!!
  • スキです!ポケモンなりきり大会!!
PSDP 34: Buizel Your Way Out of This
  • Buizel! The Road to Strength!!
  • ブイゼル!最強への道!!
PSDP 35: An Elite Meet and Greet
  • Elite Four Goyō and Dootakun!
  • 四天王ゴヨウとドータクン!
PSDP 36: A Secret Sphere of Influence
  • The Shin'ō Space-Time Legend!
  • シンオウ時空伝説!
PSDP 37: The Grass Menagerie
  • Hakutai Gym! VS Natane!
  • ハクタイジム!VSナタネ!!
PSDP 38: One Big Happiny Family
  • Explosive Birth! Cycling Road!!
  • 爆誕!サイクリングロード!!
PSDP 39: Steamboat Willies
  • Pikachu in Charge!
  • ピカチュウのおるすばん!
PSDP 40: Top-Down Training
  • Champion Shirona Appears!!
  • チャンピオン・シロナ登場!!
PSDP 41: A Stand-Up Sit-Down
  • Hikari, Nozomi and a Double Performance!!
  • ヒカリとノゾミとダブルパフォーマンス!!
PSDP 42: The Electrike Company
  • Rakurai Practice Center!
  • ラクライ訓練センター!
PSDP 43: Malice in Wonderland
  • Mumage! Escape from a Nightmare!!
  • ムウマージ!悪夢からの脱出!!
PSDP 44: Mass Hip-Po-Sis
  • Save the Stray Child Hipopotas!
  • 迷子のヒポポタスを助けろ!
PSDP 45: Ill-Will Hunting
  • Hunter J Returns! Protect Tatetops!!
  • ハンターJ再び!タテトプスを守れ!!
PSDP 46: A Maze-ing Race
  • Maze Shuffle! Everyone Hustle!!
  • 迷路でシャッフル!みんなでハッスル!!
PSDP 47: Sandshrew's Locker
  • Miru and Keeshi and the Water's Bottom
  • ミルとケーシィと水の底!
PSDP 48: Dawn’s Early Night!
  • Pokemon Contest! Yosuga Tournament!!
  • ポケモンコンテスト!ヨスガ大会!!
PSDP 49: Tag! We're It
  • All Members Participate! Tag Battle!!
  • 全員参加!タッグバトル!!
PSDP 50: Glory Blaze
  • Hikozaru VS Zangoose! Battle of Fate!!
  • ヒコザルVSザングース!運命のバトル!!
PSDP 51: Smells Like Team Spirit
  • Tag Battle! The Finals!!
  • タッグバトル!ファイナル!!
PSDP 53: Once There Were Greenfields
  • Natane and Sabonea! Who is the Farewell for!
  • ナタネとサボネア!さよならは誰ため!
PSDP 54: Throwing the Track Switch
  • Eipam and Buizel! Respective Roads!!
  • エイパムとブイゼル!それぞれの道!!
PSDP 56: Bibarel Gnaws Best
  • Beadull Knows!
  • ビーダルは知っていた!
PSDP 57: Nosing 'Round the Mountain
  • Dainose! Burning Spirit!!
  • ダイノーズ!熱き魂!!
PSDP 59: Journey to the Unown
  • Unknown of the Zui Ruins!
  • ズイの遺跡のアンノーン!
PSDP 60: Team Shocker
  • Pokémon Contest! Zui Tournament!!
  • ポケモンコンテスト!ズイ大会!!
PSDP 61: Tanks for the Memories
  • The Maid Cafe Miltank!
  • メイドカフェのミルタンク!
PSDP 62: Hot Springing a Leak
  • The Urimoo Trio and the Steamy Battle!!
  • ウリムートリオと湯けむりバトル!!
PSDP 63: Riding the Winds of Change
  • Gliscor and Gligar! Getting Through the Maze of Wind!
  • グライオンとグライガー!風の迷路をぬけて!
PSDP 64: Sleight of Sand
  • Pachirisu is in Kabarudon's Mouth!?
  • パチリスはカバルドンの口の中!?
PSDP 65: Lost Leader Strategy
  • Lucario! Wave Bomb of Anger!!
  • ルカリオ!怒りのはどうだん!!
PSDP 66: Crossing the Battle Line
  • Hikari's First Gym Battle!!
  • ヒカリはじめてのジムバトル!!
PSDP 67: A Triple Fighting Chance
  • Tobari Gym! Lucario VS Buoysel!!
  • トバリジム!ルカリオVSブイゼル!!
PSDP 68: Enter Galactic
  • Lovely Fashion! The Name is the Galaxy Gang!!
  • ステキファッション!その名はギンガ団!!
PSDP 69: The Bells Are Singing
  • Pull Yourself Together, Lisyan!
  • シャンとしてリーシャン!
PSDP 70: Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1
  • Pokémon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu!! (Part 1)
  • ポケモンレンジャー!波導のリオル!! (前編)
PSDP 71: Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2
  • Pokémon Ranger! The Wave-Guiding Riolu!! (Part 2)
  • ポケモンレンジャー!波導のリオル!! (後編)
PSDP 72: Crossing Paths
  • Farewell Dokucale!
  • さよならドクケイル!
PSDP 73: Pika and Goliath
  • Pikachu! Raichu! The Way to Evolution!!
  • ピカチュウ!ライチュウ!進化への道!!
PSDP 74: Our Cup Runneth Over
  • Contest Master Mikuri Appears!!
  • コンテストマスター・ミクリ登場!!
PSDP 75: A Full Course Tag Battle
  • Restaurant Seven Stars! Tag Battle for a Full Course!!
  • レストラン七つ星!タッグバトルでフルコース!!
PSDP 76: Staging a Heroes' Welcome
  • Everyone's a Rival! Mikuri Cup!!
  • みんなライバル!ミクリカップ!!
PSDP 77: Pruning a Passel of Pals
  • Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!!
  • 激闘!!それぞれのバトル!!
PSDP 78: Strategy With a Smile
  • Decisive Match! Hikari VS Haruka!!
  • 決戦!ヒカリVSハルカ!!
PSDP 79: The Thief That Keeps On Thieving
  • Yanyanma! Operation: Get It!!
  • ヤンヤンマ!ゲット作戦!!
PSDP 80: Chim-Charred
  • Scorching Hikozaru!
  • 灼熱のヒコザル!
PSDP 81: Cream of the Croagunk Crop!
  • Gureggru Festival of the Nomose Great Marsh!?
  • ノモセ大湿原のグレッグル祭り!?
PSDP 82: A Crasher Course in Power!
  • Nomose Gym! VS Maximum Mask!!
  • ノモセジム!VSマキシマム仮面!!
PSDP 83: Hungry for the Good Life!
  • The Gluttonous Urimoo at Urayama's House!
  • ウラヤマさんちの大食いウリムー!
PSDP 84: Fighting Fear With Fear
  • Gliger! Wings of Friendship!!
  • グライガー!友情の翼!!
PSDP 85: Arriving in Style
  • Yosuga Collection! The Road to Becoming a Pokémon Stylist!!
  • ヨスガコレクション!ポケモンスタイリストへの道!!
PSDP 86: The Psyduck Stops Here!
  • The Koduck Roadblock!
  • コダックの通せんぼ!
PSDP 87: Camping It Up!
  • Pokémon Summer School Course!!
  • ポケモンサマースクール開講!!
PSDP 88: Up Close and Personable
  • Research Presentation 'Legend of the Lake'!
  • 研究発表「湖の伝説」
PSDP 89: Ghoul Daze
  • It's Ghost Time After School
  • 放課後はゴーストタイム
PSDP 90: One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!
  • The Final Contest! Pokémon Triathalon!!
  • 最後の大勝負!ポケモントライアスロン!!
PSDP 91: A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!
  • Back to Basics for the Rocket Gang!?
  • 原点回帰だロケット団!?
PSDP 92: Playing the Leveling Field
  • Dancing Gym Leader! Melissa Appears!
  • 踊るジムリーダー!メリッサ登場!!
PSDP 93: Doc Brock
  • Pachirisu's Fever! Care-taking by 2 People!?
  • パチリスお熱です!2人でお留守番!?
PSDP 94: Battling the Generation Gap
  • Pokémon Contest! Kannagi Tournament
  • ポケモンコンテスト!カンナギ大会!!
PSDP 95: Losing Its Lustrous!
  • The Galaxy Gang's Charge!! (Part One)
  • ギンガ団襲撃!! (前編)
PSDP 96: A Double Team Turnover
  • The Galaxy Gang's Charge!! (Part Two)
  • ギンガ団襲撃!! (後編)
PSDP 97: If the Scarf Fits, Wear It
  • Unidentified Floating Monster!?
  • 浮かぶ未確認怪物!?
PSDP 98: A Trainer and Child Reunion
  • Elite Four Ryō! Forest of Meeting and Separation!
  • 四天王リョウ!出会いと別れの森!
PSDP 99: Aiding the Enemy
  • Naetle, Hayashigame... and Dodaitose!
  • ナエトル、ハヤシガメ…そしてドダイトス!
PSDP 100: Barry's Busting Out All Over
  • Rival Trainer Jun Appears!
  • ライバルトレーナー・ジュン登場!
PSDP 101: Shield With a Twist
  • Yosuga Gym Match! VS Melissa!!
  • ヨスガジム戦!VSメリッサ!!
PSDP 102: Jumping Rocket Ship
  • Chaotic Melee in Mio City!
  • 混戦混乱ミオシティ!
PSDP 103: Sleepless in Pre-Battle
  • Crecelia VS Darkrai!
  • クレセリアVSダークライ!
PSDP 105: A Breed Stampede
  • How to make friends with Pokémon!?
  • ポケモンと仲良くなる方法!?
PSDP 106: Ancient Family Matters
  • Rampard VS Trideps!!
  • ラムパルドVSトリデプス!!
PSDP 107: Dealing With Defensive Types
  • Mio Gym Match! Steel Battle!!
  • ミオジム戦!はがねのバトル!!
PSDP 111: Cheers on Castaways Isle!
  • Pikachu-Pochama Drifting Chronicle!
  • ピカチュウ・ポッチャマ漂流記!
PSDP 113: Another One Gabites the Dust!
  • Pokémon Contest! Akebi Tournament!!
  • ポケモンコンテスト! アケビ大会!!
PSDP 114: Stealing the Conversation!
  • Wild Junsa and her Partner Perap!
  • ワイルドジュンサーと相棒ペラップ!
PSDP 115: The Drifting Snorunt!
  • Yukimenoko in the Middle of a Blizzard
  • 吹雪の中のユキメノコ
PSDP 117: Pursuing a Lofty Goal!
  • PokéRinger! Decisive Sky Battle!!
  • ポケリンガ ! 天空大決戦!!
PSDP 118: Trials and Adulations!
  • Clash! Manmoo VS Bossgodora!
  • 激突!マンムーVSボスゴドラ!
PSDP 119: The Lonely Snover!
  • The Lonely Yukikaburi!
  • さびしがりやのユキカブリ!
PSDP 120: Stopped in the Name of Love!
  • Evolution! But Then Pochama...?!
  • 進化!その時ポッチャマは!?
PSDP 121: Old Rivals, New Tricks!
  • Pokémon Contest - Tatsunami Tournament!!
  • ポケモンコンテスト・タツナミ大会!!
PSDP 122: To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!
  • Pokémon Ping Pong Tournament! Eteboth Gives Its All!!
  • ポケモンピンポン大会!エテボースがんばる!!
PSDP 123: Battling a Cute Drama!
  • Cherinbo! A Brave Battle!?
  • チェリンボ!けなげなバトル!?
PSDP 124: Classroom Training!
  • Teacher Suzuna of the Trainers' School!
  • トレーナースクールのスズナ先生!
PSDP 125: Sliding Into Seventh
  • Kissaki Gym! Ice Battle!!
  • キッサキジム! 氷のバトル!!
PSDP 126: A Pyramiding Rage!
  • Battle Pyramid! Shinji VS Jindai!!
  • バトルピラミッド!シンジvsジンダイ!!
PSDP 127: Pillars of Friendship!
  • The Revived Regigigas! J Returns!!
  • 復活のレジギガス!J再び!!
PSDP 128: Frozen on the Tracks!
  • The Denryu Train! Handsome Appears!!
  • デンリュウ列車!ハンサム登場!!
PSDP 129: Pedal to the Mettle!
  • Full Battle! Shinji VS Satoshi!! -Part 1-
  • フルバトル!シンジVSサトシ!!-前編-
PSDP 130: Evolving Strategies!
  • Full Battle! Shinji VS Satoshi!! -Part 2-
  • フルバトル!シンジVSサトシ!!-後編-
PSDP 132: Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!
  • The Forest King! Mojumbo!!
  • 森の王者!モジャンボ!!
PSDP 133: Beating the Bustle and Hustle!
  • Everyone Joins the Battle! Pokémon Hustle!
  • 全員参戦!ポケモンハッスル!
PSDP 134: Gateway to Ruin!
  • The Ruins at Mt. Tengan! The Galaxy Gang Conspiracy!!
  • テンガン山の遺跡!ギンガ団の陰謀!!
PSDP 135: Three Sides to Every Story!
  • Maril - Pochama - Elekid!
  • マリル・ポッチャマ・エレキッド!
PSDP 136: Strategy Begins at Home!
  • Hikari VS Mama! Showdown Between Parent and Child!!
  • ヒカリVSママ!親子対決!!
PSDP 137: A Faux Oak Finish!
  • Rescue Professor Okido! Nyorotono VS Gureggru!!
  • オーキド博士を救出せよ! ニョロトノVSグレッグル!!
PSDP 138: Historical Mystery Tour!
  • Naty, Natio... Mysterious Forest!
  • ネイティ, ネイティオ。。。不思議な森!
PSDP 139: Challenging a Towering Figure!
  • Tower Tycoon! That Man, Kurotsugu!!
  • タワータイクーン! その男, クロツグ!!
PSDP 140: Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!
  • The Most Horrible Togepi of All Time!
  • 史上最悪のトゲピー!
PSDP 141: An Egg Scramble!
  • Jouto Festa! Chicorita and Waninoko Appear!!
  • ジョウトフェスタ! チコリータとワニノコ登場!!
PSDP 142: Gone with the Windworks!
  • Dungeon Escape!? The Valley Power Plant!
  • ダンジョン攻略!? 谷間の発電所!
PSDP 143: A Rivalry to Gible On!
  • I got... Fukamaru!
  • フカマル…ゲットだぜ!
PSDP 144: Dressed for Jess Success!
  • Pokémon Contest! Suiren Tournament!!
  • ポケモンコンテスト! スイレン大会!!
PSDP 145: Bagged Then Tagged!
  • Satoshi and Hikari! Tag Battle!!
  • サトシとヒカリ!タッグバトル!!
PSDP 146: Try For the Family Stone!
  • Muma and Yamikarasu and the Dark Stone!
  • ムウマとヤミカラスとやみのいし!
PSDP 147: Sticking with Who You Know!
  • Pikachu, Pochama, Keep Apart!!
  • ピカチュウポッチャマくっつかないで!!
PSDP 148: Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!
  • The Red Chain! Activated by Galaxy Gang!!
  • 赤い鎖!ギンガ団始動!!
PSDP 149: The Needs of the Three!
  • Agnome-Yuxie-Emrit!
  • アグノム・ユクシー・エムリット!
PSDP 150: The Battle Finale of Legend!
  • Dialga and Palkia! The Final Battle!!
  • ディアルガとパルキア! 最後の戦い!!
PSDP 151: The Treasure Is All Mine!
  • Full of Danger! Kojiro's Treasure Chest!!
  • 危険がいっぱい!コジロウの宝箱!!
PSDP 152: Mastering Current Events!
  • The Air Battle Master Appears! Glion VS Hassam!!
  • エアバトルマスター登場!グライオンVSハッサム!!
PSDP 153: Double-Time Battle Training!
  • Double Battle! Manmoo and Hinoarashi!!
  • ダブルバトル!マンムーとヒノアラシ!!
PSDP 154: A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!
  • Fukamaru and Draco Meteor!!
  • フカマルとりゅうせいぐん!!
PSDP 155: Gotta Get a Gible!
  • Fukamaru! Get it!!
  • フカマル! ゲットだぜ!!
PSDP 156: Regaining the Home Advantage!
  • Roaring Around! Jibacoil VS Metagross!!
  • 爆走!ジバコイルVSメタグロス!!
PSDP 157: Short and to the Punch!
  • Roar, Ice Punch! Buoysel VS Barrierd!!
  • 唸れ れいとうパンチ!ブイゼルVSバリヤード!!
PSDP 158: A Marathon Rivalry!
  • Get Fired Up, Kabigon! The King of Pokéthlon!!
  • 燃えよカビゴン!ポケスロンの王者!!
PSDP 159: Yes in Dee Dee, It’s Dawn!
  • Opening! Pokémon Contest・Asatsuki Tournament!!
  • 開幕!ポケモンコンテスト・アサツキ大会!!
PSDP 160: Playing the Performance Encore!
  • Double Battle! VS Plusle・Minun!!
  • ダブルバトル!VSプラスル・マイナン!!
PSDP 161: Fighting Ire With Fire!
  • Blast Evolution! Goukazaru!!
  • 爆進化!ゴウカザル!!
PSDP 162: Piplup, Up and Away!
  • Pochama Runs Away!
  • ポッチャマはぐれる!
PSDP 163: Flint Sparks the Fire!
  • Elite Four Oba and Gym Leader Denji!
  • 四天王オーバとジムリーダー・デンジ!
PSDP 164: The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
  • Takeoff! Nagisa Tower!!
  • 発進!ナギサタワー!!
PSDP 165: Teaching the Student Teacher!
  • The Pokémon School at the Beach!
  • 海辺のポケモンスクール!
PSDP 166: Keeping in Top Forme!
  • Fly Shaymin! Beyond the Sky!!
  • 飛べシェイミ!空の彼方へ!!
PSDP 167: An Elite Coverup!
  • Elite Four Kikuno! Kabarudon VS Dodaitose!!
  • 四天王キクノ!カバルドンVSドダイトス!!
PSDP 168: Dawn of a Royal Day!
  • Togekiss Dances! The Princess' Pokémon Contest!!
  • トゲキッス舞う!王女さまのポケモンコンテスト!!
PSDP 169: With the Easiest of Grace!
  • Togekiss! A Battle of Splendor!!
  • トゲキッス! 華麗なるバトル!!
PSDP 170: Dealing with a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!
  • Metamon Transform Battle! Which One~ is it that's Real!?
  • メタモン・へんしんバトル!本物はドッチ~ニョ!?
PSDP 171: Last Call—First Round!
  • The Grand Festival Begins! The Art of Flame and Ice!!
  • グランドフェスティバル開幕! 炎と氷のアート!!
PSDP 172: Opposites Interact!
  • Manmoo, Pachirisu! Finish it with Ice Chandelier!!
  • マンムー、バチリス!決めろ氷のシャンデリア!!
PSDP 173: Coming Full-Festival Circle!
  • Semi-Finals! Who will Advance to the Finals!?
  • セミファイナル!決勝へ進むのは!?
PSDP 174: A Grand Fight for Winning!
  • Concluding Rival Battle! Hikari VS Nozomi!!
  • 決着ライバル対決!ヒカリVSノゾミ!!
PSDP 175: Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!
  • Pokémon Ranger! Heatran Rescue Mission!!
  • ポケモンレンジャー! ヒードラン救出作戦!!
PSDP 176: For the Love of Meowth!
  • Farewell, Rocket Gang! Nyarth's Love!?
  • さよならロケット団!ニャースの恋!?
PSDP 177: The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!
  • Electric Shock Battle! The Final Badge!!
  • 電撃バトル!最後のバッジ!!
PSDP 178: Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!
  • Satoshi VS Kengo! Setting Sail for Respective Destinations!!
  • サトシvsケンゴ!それぞれの船出!
PSDP 179: Bucking the Treasure Trend!
  • Treasure Hunter Baku and Yajiron!
  • トレジャーハンター・バクとヤジロン!
PSDP 180: An Old Family Blend!
  • The Night before the Fierce Fight! The Great Assembly of Satoshi's Pokémon!!
  • 熱戦前夜!サトシのポケモン大集合!!
PSDP 181: League Unleashed!
  • Begin! The Sinnoh League Suzuran Tournament!!
  • 開幕! シンオウリーグ・スズラン大会!!
PSDP 182: Casting a Paul on Barry!
  • The Third Fighting Round of the Sinnoh League! Shinji VS Jun!!
  • シンオウリーグ三回戦!シンジ対ジュン!!
PSDP 183: Working on a Right Move!
  • The Trick Room of Terror! Satoshi VS Kohei!!
  • 恐怖のトリックルーム!サトシ対コウヘイ!!
PSDP 184: Familiarity Breeds Strategy!
  • Decisive Rival Match! Satoshi vs Shinji!!
  • ライバル決戦!サトシ対シンジ!!
PSDP 185: A Real Rival Rouser!
  • Fierce Full Battle! Satoshi VS Shinji!!
  • 激闘フルバトル!サトシ対シンジ!!
PSDP 186: Battling a Thaw in Relations!
  • Rival Battle Conclusion! Satoshi VS Shinji!!
  • 決着ライバルバトル!サトシ対シンジ!!
PSDP 187: The Semi-Final Frontier!
  • Sinnoh League Semifinal! Darkrai Appears!!
  • シンオウリーグ準決勝!ダークライ登場!!
PSDP 188: The Brockster Is In!
  • Pokémon Doctor Takeshi!
  • ポケモンドクター・タケシ!
PSDP 189: Memories Are Made of Bliss
  • Memories are Pearls! Friendships are Diamonds!!
  • 思い出はパール!友情はダイヤモンド!!