Home / Episode Guide / シンオウ時空伝説!/A Secret Sphere of Influence/The Shin'ō Space-Time Legend!
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Some clips of the episode appear as Satoshi does a voice-over before it begins.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:26
Title: Movie 7 BGM - Trying to Break In!
Movie 7 BGM - The alarm in the Hakutai City's museum rings.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:40
Title: Together <TVバージョン>
Japanese (Romanized): Together <TV Version>
Japanese (TL): Together <TV Version>
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:08
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Subtitle
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:24
Title: Movie 5 BGM - Eifie Attacks Vongole
Movie 5 BGM - The group spots the thieves: Rocket Gang.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:36
Title: Movie 5 BGM - Zanner and Lions Jump Around
Movie 5 BGM - Rocket Gang is confronted by the group and soon Junsa arrives with a Skutank.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:50
Title: Movie 8 BGM - キッド(サスペンスB)
Japanese (Romanized): Kid (Suspense B)
Japanese (TL): Kid (Suspense B)
Movie 8 BGM - The group spots Natane, who's talking with a few police officers.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:33
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M19 海の科学博物館
Japanese (Romanized): Umi no kagakuhakubutsukan
Japanese (TL): The Oceanology Museum
Officer Junsa brings Naoshi as a suspect.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:51
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M19 海の科学博物館
Japanese (Romanized): Umi no kagakuhakubutsukan
Japanese (TL): The Oceanology Museum
Naoshi tells about his Gym match with Natane.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:57
Title: Movie 4 BGM - Celebi Refuses
Movie 4 BGM - Junsa shows a photo with a Kimawari holding the Adamant Orb, implying it's Naoshi's Pokémon who did it.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:20
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Rocket Gang is hiding inside the museum.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:59
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M20 おふれのせきしつ
Japanese (Romanized): Ofure no sekishitsu
Japanese (TL): Proclaimed Stone Chamber
Natane explains the group about the Shinou Space-Time legend.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:24
Title: 活躍!
Japanese (Romanized): Katsuyaku!
Japanese (TL): Activity!
Satoshi and Hikari send out their Pokémon to search for the thieves.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:39
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch C
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:45
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:55
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch B
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:13
Title: Movie 2 Short - Tamatama
Officer Junsa refuses to accept that Naoshi is innocent.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:23
Title: ザンナー&リオンのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Zanner & Lions no Theme
Japanese (TL): Zanner & Lions' Theme
Movie 5 BGM - Rocket Gang take out their "thieves" clothes, seen by Kimawari, Pochama and Pikachu.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:23
Title: Movie 4 BGM - Vicious' Mecha
Movie 4 BGM - Sabonea attacks Kimawari and Pochama with Pin Missile.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:38
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang's Diamond & Pearl Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:35
Title: アンノーンのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Unknown no thema
Japanese (TL): Unknown's Theme
Movie 3 BGM - All the Pokémon surround Rocket Gang.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:09
Title: 活躍!
Japanese (Romanized): Katsuyaku!
Japanese (TL): Activity!
Natane tells her Naetle to use Leaf Storm on the Adamant Orb to be able to pick it safely.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:51
Title: Movie 6 Short - Escaping Destruction
Rocket Gang starts escaping from the building.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:26
Title: Movie 3 Short - ともだち記念日 (インストルメンタルショート)
Japanese (Romanized): Tomodachi kinenbi (Instrumental Short)
Japanese (TL): Friendship Commemoration Day (Instrumental Short)
The two Officer Junsa exchange some sentences.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:04
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M20 おふれのせきしつ
Japanese (Romanized): Ofure no sekishitsu
Japanese (TL): Proclaimed Stone Chamber
Naoshi tells the story about the Pokémon and how the world was created.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:14
Title: Movie 2 Short Unused BGM-Feeling the Joy
Natane offers a Gym Battle for Satoshi the next day.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:47
Title: サトシ戦いの決意
Japanese (Romanized): Satoshi tatakai no ketsui
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's Battle Resolve
Movie 1 BGM - The first part of the music plays as everyone wonders who might have ordered Rocket Gang to steal the Adamant Orb. The Galaxy Gang is then seen on a helicopter...
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:14
Title: 君のそばで~ヒカリのテーマ~(Pop-up.VER)
Japanese (Romanized): Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ (Pop-up Version)
Japanese (TL): By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ (Pop-up Version)
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:35
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M08 201ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 201-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 201 (Day)
Okido explains the characteristics of Rampard.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:18
Title: Okido's Pokémon Senryū Theme
English: Oak's Pokémon Senryū Theme
Okido recites a Senryū.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:30
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Diamond & Pearl Episode 37 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 25:00
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M01 けんきゅうじょ(オープニング)
Japanese (Romanized): Kenkyūjo (Opening)
Japanese (TL): Laboratory (Opening)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:21
Title: Diamond & Pearl
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:21
Title: Movie 5 BGM - Zanner and Lions Jump Around
Team rocket are confronted by the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:18
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M19 海の科学博物館
Japanese (Romanized): Umi no kagakuhakubutsukan
Japanese (TL): The Oceanology Museum
Officer Jenny brings in Nando as a suspect.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:35
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M19 海の科学博物館
Japanese (Romanized): Umi no kagakuhakubutsukan
Japanese (TL): The Oceanology Museum
Nando talks about his gym battle with Gardenia
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:04
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Team rocket is hiding in the museum.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:45
Title: ザンナー&リオンのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Zanner & Lions no Theme
Japanese (TL): Zanner & Lions' Theme
Movie 5 BGM-Team rocket unveil their clothes.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:01
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:58
Title: アンノーンのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Unknown no thema
Japanese (TL): Unknown's Theme
Movie 3 BGM- All the Pokémon surround Team rocket.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:14
Title: Movie 6 Short - Escaping Destruction
Team rocket escape.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:39
Title: Diamond & Pearl
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 32
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 10