Home / Episode Guide / League Unleashed!開幕! シンオウリーグ・スズラン大会!!Begin! The Sinnoh League Suzuran Tournament!!

Script Error

Magmarashi is mentioned in the Japanese original as a Pokémon he could select but it is left out in the English dub.

Ash: So that means I should choose from Glalie, Infernape, Staraptor or Swellow then, right?
Satoshi: In that case, Onigohri, Magmarashi, Goukazaru, Mukuhawk or Osubame would be good.
(サトシ): それなら オニゴーリにマグマラシにゴウカザルムクホークにオオスバメのどれかだな。

Script Error

In the Japanese original, Shinji doesn't insult Satoshi after Satoshi explains that he is going to beat Shinji through fighting spirit. Shinji just calls him naïve for thinking that way.

Paul: You're pathetic.
Shinji: How naïve.
(シンジ): 甘いな。

Script Error

While the Sinnoh League is a large complex, it's unlikely an airport would be required to traverse it.

Jessie: If we were any farther away from the action, we'd have to build our own airport.
Musashi: Thanks to her our shop is in the far corner of the grounds!
(ムサシ): お陰で… 私たちのお店が会場の隅っこじゃない!

Script Error

Most of the items Team Rocket sell are the same in both the Japanese and English versions like the Swablu/Tyltto cotton candy and Bronzor/Dohmirror rice cracker but the English dub dropped the dumpling part for the Octillery snacks.

The Solrock rice cakes (Manjū まんじゅう) were translated to specifically state they are Solrock bean bun.

James: Yummy Octillery snacks! Swablu cotton candy!
James: Bronzor rice crackers and a Solrock bean bun only add to the fun!

Kojiro: Delicious Okutank dumplings and Tyltto cotton candy!
Kojiro: We have Dohmirror rice crackers and Solrock yeast bun as well!

(コジロウ): おいしいオクタン焼きにチルットのわたあめ!
(コジロウ): ドーミラーせんべいにソルロックまんじゅうも揃ってるよ!

Script Error

The English dub should have used the phrase: "The customer is always right!" instead for Meowth's line.

Meowth: Happy folks are hungry folks.
Nyarth: The customer is king!
(ニャース): お客様は 神様ニャ。

Script Error

Just before and just after the commercial break in the Japanese original, Satoshi tells Mukuhawk to fly into the air. Both instances were not included in the English dub.

Satoshi: Fly, Mukuhawk!
(サトシ): 飛べ ムクホーク!

Paint Edit

Just after Satoshi beats Naoshi, Heracros comes over and sucks Satoshi's head. While Pikachu turns to look at them, Pikachu doubles. It is not a deinterlacing or ghosting issue. The same clip was used for the DP184 preview on Pokemon Sunday 299.