Home / Episode Guide / Opposites Interact!マンムー、バチリス!決めろ氷のシャンデリア!!Manmoo, Pachirisu! Finish it with Ice Chandelier!!

Script Error

The English dub narrator doesn't say anything about Kenny and Dawn making a promise to meet again.

Dub Narrator: Kenny leaves them, and the Grand Festival behind.
Narrator: Hikari, making an oath to meet him again, waved him goodbye.
(ナレーター): ヒカリは またの再会を誓ってケンゴを見送るのであった

Script Error

The English dub removed Urara's constant and specific reference to Hikari as 'hikitateyaku' (引き立て役), which is a person who makes someone else appear better and plays a secondary role. An equivalent translation could be a silver medalist or an orchestra's second violinist.

Ursala: That way, when I beat you, you'll make me look all that much better. Agreed?
Dawn: No, I do not.
Urara: That way, you could play second fiddle to me when I win the championship. Isn't that right?
Hikari: Second fiddle?!
(ウララ):そうなれば 優勝する私の引き立て役になれるもの。そうでしょ?
(ヒカリ): 引き立て役!?

Script Error

Marian in the English dub specifically names all 4 battle blocks. While its obvious, the English dub makes a point of stating the obvious for some reason.

Marian: The first round of contest battles will be separated into four blocks, "A," "B," "C," and "D."
Momoan: In the first fighting round, everyone will split into four blocks and challenge the Contest Battles!
(モモアン): 一回戦では 4つのブロックに分かれコンテストバトルに挑んでいただきます!

Scene Cut

Clearly Meowth is a better salesman than Nyarth as 4 lines of dialog was added to the English dub that were not present in the Japanese original. In the Japanese version, Sonansu and Nyarth just make random noises as they filled the orders.

Added English Dub Dialog:
Meowth: Postcards comin' right up!
Meowth: Key chains comin' right up!
Meowth: Pictures comin' right up !
Meowth: And up and up and up and...

Japanese Closed Captions for Scene:
(ソ~ナンス): ソ… ソソ… ソ~ナンス!

Script Error

Melissa is a francophone but for this line in the Japanese version, she says it in English. The English dub changed the English line from the Japanese original release and turned it into French dialog.

English Dub Original Line - Fantina: Oh, c'est magnifique!
English Dub Line Translation - Fantina: Oh, it's magnificent!
Japanese Translation Melissa: Oh, wonderful!
(メリッサ): オー! ワンダフル!

Script Error

Unlike the previous remarks by Fantina, the English dub kept the first line of her final remarks the same as Japanese original. The second line though was modified and removed references to the Coordinators as well as the Pokémon and replaced it a raindrop and flood metaphor.

English Dub:
English Dub Original Line - Fantina: It was fantastique and incroyable.
English Dub Translated Line - Fantina: It was fantastic and unbelievable!
Fantina: If my excitement could be measured in raindrops, we would be in the midst of a flood.

Japanese Version:
Melissa: It was fantastic and unbelievable!
Melissa: To the Coordinators as well as the Pokémon, I'm thankful and deeply moved!
(メリッサ): ファンタスティックで アンビリーバボーでした。
(メリッサ): コーディネーターとポケモンたちに感謝感激雨あられで~す!