Home / Episode Guide / The Battle Finale of Legend!ディアルガとパルキア! 最後の戦い!!Dialga and Palkia! The Final Battle!!

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl HD Eyecatch

Satoshi-centered Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Takeshi and Hikari.

Hikari-centered Commercial Return Eyecatch with Hikari, Pochama, Satoshi and Takeshi.

Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

Clips from the upcoming Diamond and Pearl episodes where shown during the original aired special.

DP154: Glion challenges the Hassam of a specialist on midair battles called Mitsuzo!
DP159: Buoysel gets fired up watching the martial artist Kijuro and his Barrierd, who they meet in the mountains.
DP161: Manmoo and Hinoarashi, who Hikari chooses for the training to overcome her weakness, create a miraculous performance!

Okido Segment Great Pokémon Examination

Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination
Pokémon Upah (ウパー)
Quiz Level Beginners' Level (初級レベル)
Quiz Question For protective purposes, Upah's film contains what?
Quiz Answers
(Correct Quiz Answer in Bold)
A: Electricity B: Poison
(A: 電気 B: 毒