Home / Episode Guide / Coming Full — Festival Circle!セミファイナル!決勝へ進むのは!?Semi-Finals! Who will Advance to the Finals!?

Script Error

At the beginning of the battle between Nozomi and Nando, Nozomi tells Mumage to use Shock Wave (dengekiha でんげきは). In the English dub, Zoey tells Mismagius to use Thunder Wave instead.

Zoey: And Mismagius, Thunder Wave!
Nozomi: Mumage, Shock Wave!
(ノゾミ): ムウマージ 電撃波!

Script Error

The Japanese original release had the francophone Melissa stating part of her line in English as she was surprised at Nozomi's tactic. Fantina in the English dub said her line in French and said it was a beautiful move.

Fantina (English Original Line): Such a thrill is tres belle!
Fantina (English Translated Line): Such a thrill is very beautiful!
Melissa (Japanese Translated): Wow! What a surprise!
(メリッサ): おぉ~! なんというサプライズ!

Script Error

The English dub removed the swear word that Melissa said in the Japanese original.

Fantina: Oh, my, my, my!
Melissa: Oh my god!
(メリッサ): オーマイガッド!

Script Error

Once again, Zoey in the English dub tells Mismagius to use Thunder Wave instead of Shock Wave.

Zoey: All right, Mismagius, use Thunder Wave!
Nozomi: Mumage, Shock Wave!
(ノゾミ): ムウマージ でんげきは!

Script Error

Ash in the English dub becomes super violent verses his Japanese counterpart Satoshi and encourages Dawn to kill her opponents Pokémon.

Ash: Good luck, Dawn, knock 'em dead!
Satoshi: Hikari, do your best!
(サトシ): ヒカリ がんばれよ!

Script Error

The English dub focused on getting James and Meowth's lines to rhyme while they cheered for Jessie.

Character English Translation Japanese
James Go for it, Jessie! Win this one for the team! Musashi, we're with you! ムサシ… オレたちがついてるぞ!
Meowth We're all in the same dream! Fight! ファイトなのニャ!