Home / Episode Guide / The Yabukuron Squadron and the Secret Base!?/Here Comes The Trubbish Squad/ヤブクロン戦隊と秘密基地!?
On their quest to get the second badge, Ash and his friends continue their journey to Nacrene City where the next Gym is located. Dent displays an electronic map to Iris and Ash, reflecting their projected route to Nacrene City. A few moments later, the shouts of children can be heard in the distance. A group of five children and a Trubbish ride on a group of tricycles towards our heroes followed shortly after by two women. One of the preschoolers’ shouts out that an enemy is spotted ahead, directing his comrades to prepare for attack. Ash stands in a confused state, pondering what the preschoolers meant by attack. The preschoolers begin launching mud balls which successfully strike Ash and Cilan; however Iris manages to escape to a nearby fence post, dodging the flurry of attacks. As the preschoolers cross paths with Ash, Trubbish grabs Ash’s hat which managed to become dislodged from his head from the prior attack. The preschoolers shout out announcing their victory, and escape into the distance. In a cloud of dust and debris, the preschoolers vanish into the horizon. Iris hops down from the fence post, questioning what the intentions of the children were. The two women who were previously pursuing the children successfully catch-up to our heroes; a younger woman of the group, apologizes for the children and states that they are overseen at her kindergarten.

Afterwards, our heroes traverse to the nearby preschool which is also partially utilized as a Pokémon Daycare. Inside, a room contains multiple egg incubators containing unhatched eggs. Cilan suggests that the eggs are filled with the kindness of raising Pokémon. The older woman in the group introduces herself as Karena, operator of the Pokémon Day Care, and the younger woman as Daniela, who runs the kindergarten. Daniela explains that the prior day, the children had brought a Trubbish to the kindergarten without permission and apparently had been found at a scrapyard in the outskirts of town. Ash queries his Pokédex, recalling Trubbish’s entry: “Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon. It is said that a trash bag that was thrown away chemically reacted with waste to become this Pokémon. It likes dirty places such as waste deposits”. After completing the entry, Ash shouts that his hat isn’t garbage (Note: Ash’s hat was previously taken by Trubbish during their first encounter). Daniela states that when she first saw Trubbish, she grimaced without thinking.

Flashback: Daniela explains that upon first seeing the Trubbish, she shrieked out questioning why the kindergartners had brought Trubbish to the school. The schoolchildren explain that Trubbish had been crying, which is why they decided to bring Trubbish home. A young boy in the group questions Daniela if they would be able to keep Trubbish at the kindergarten. Daniela responds that it is impossible because Trubbish is a Pokémon that loves garbage and they cannot allow the kindergarten to be filled with garbage. The children retort that they will clean up the schoolyard if she allows them to keep Trubbish. Daniela shouts out that “No means No!” commanding for the school children to return Trubbish to the scrapyard. The children refuse her request, shouting out that they should be allowed to keep Trubbish. A few moments later, Trubbish belches a small sphere of gas which envelopes Daniela, forcing her to hold her nose due to the stench. The school children also hold their noses to shield themselves from the stench, however attempt to bear the smell and convince their teacher that it doesn’t smell at all.

With a group of reluctant school children, Daniela states that she will return the Pokémon herself, grabbing Trubbish by its plastic body and dragging it back to the scrapyard. Karena states that Daniela properly returned Trubbish back to the scrapyard where it used to be however something unbelievable happened in the morning. Ash questions Karena about what she meant by something “unbelievable”. Outside, the entire schoolyard is enveloped by discarded bookcases, fans, and other discarded consumer goods. The discarded items are stacked together around a nearby tree, creating a makeshift “fortress” for the children. Daniela explains that Trubbish and the children had collected scrap to construct their fortress. Cilan suggests that judging by its taste; it must be a secret base. Ash states that he is impressed by their efforts. Iris responds that it is not the time to be impressed. Daniela states that there will be no surprise if the structure collapses and they should clean it up as soon as possible. Karena questions our heroes if they will aid in the restoration. Ash, Iris, and Cilan respond that they would be glad to assist in their efforts. Daniela thanks the trio for their efforts, stating they will be of great assistance.

Moments later, the group of preschoolers reveal themselves, shouting that it is the secret base of the Trubbish Squadron. The children are adorned in makeshift cardboard armor and weapons. Daniela shouts out to the children, suggesting that they should stop the secret base game. Ash questions Daniela to allow him to pursue the children, as he used to play squadron in his childhood as well which allows him to understand their feeling better. Daniela and Karena agree to allow Ash to pursue the children. As Ash begins ascending the fortress, a child shouts out commanding for the Trubbish Squadron to begin attacking. Trubbish leaps forward and launches a ball of toxic sludge, with collides with the ground nearby, releasing a foul stench which envelops both Ash and Pikachu. As Ash and Pikachu attempt to recover from the attack, the children follow-up with a shower of mud balls which manages to strike Ash in his face. Afterwards, a young boy in the Squadron starts an electric fan, which begins repelling a nearby rope attached to a wooden post. Seconds later, the post is dislodged from the scrap fortress, which forces Ash and Pikachu to crash into the ground. The school children surround Ash, commanding for him not to move. Iris shouts out to Ash, questioning what had happened. Ash explains that he had been captured by the children. Iris commands for Ash to pull himself together. The school children begin shooting Ash and Pikachu with a stream of water, commanding for the two to behave.

Afterwards, Ash successfully enters the secret base, constructed with cardboard and adhesive tape. Ash compliments the children on their construction, stating that it is well-made. Ash questions if the children had built the entire structure by themselves. A young girl, named Choko, in the group explains that Trubbish also assisted in the construction. A boy, named Avery, (wearing Ash’s hat) scolds Choko explaining that she cannot make friends with the enemy. Ash introduces himself and his Pikachu. Choko shouts that she has never seen a real Pikachu before. The children rush over to Pikachu and begin stroking its fur, squealing over Pikachu’s cute appearance. Ash explains that he is not their enemy and has only come to talk. Avery begins pulling at Pikachu’s tail recklessly with the other children. Ash shouts out that the children shouldn’t be so careless with Pikachu, as he will not take responsibility if they are hit by electricity. The children dash backwards in fear, as Pikachu takes stance to launch Thunderbolt. The children stare in anticipation; however Pikachu simply continues to pose in the stance, never intending to launch the attack. Ash explains that Pikachu is an Electric type Pokémon, and cause use a move called Thunderbolt. Pikachu launches Thunderbolt as an example, enveloping Ash in its electric energy. Trubbish walks up to Pikachu and begins standing in a pose to attempt to express itself in a cute manner like Pikachu had previously done. Ash stares at the Trubbish in a confused state, responding that Trubbish is also cute in its own way. The children respond that Trubbish is cute as well. Avery returns Ash’s hat, apologizing for their previous actions.

Later in the afternoon, Team Rocket rendezvous with a comrade at a local train station. In the background, a news reporter discusses the scrapyard incident involving Trubbish. An older man adorned in black clothing approaches Team Rocket and takes a set on the opposite side of their location. Jessie asks the man when the limited express will depart. (Note: This is used as a phrase to identify herself to the messenger). The man responds with “7 PM”, placing a small rectangular case on the ground and kicking it across the floor towards James. James opens the case to reveal a dark object. James questions the man what the object is to be used for. He responds stating that it is a dummy of a certain stone (meteonite) and they will be contacted later with the details. The man continues by complimenting the trio and begins departing, stating that Giovanni has had a high opinion of the trio lately.

Ash suggests to the Trubbish Squadron that they it would be better if they stopped hiding and made up with Daniela. The children shout back that it isn’t their fault, and their actions were influenced by the instructor. The children complain that Daniela only wants to throw Trubbish away although it hasn’t done anything wrong. Ash questions the schoolchildren, inquiring if Daniela wanted to dispose of Trubbish due to it exhaling a foul stench. A younger girl in the squadron, Ann, responds that it is very smelly however is interrupted by Avery who rebukes that it isn’t smelly at all. Trubbish exhales a foul stench which quickly engulfs the interior of the tree house. The school children attempt to deceive Ash by shouting that it isn’t smelly; however after a few moments, Ash screams out that it is in fact smelly. Ash manages to escape from the tree house, taking a much need gasp of fresh air. Avery continues to support Trubbish, stating that it isn’t smelly at all.

A thunderous roar is heard in the distance, and shortly after Sandile reveals itself from underneath the pile of scrap. Ash identifies the Sandile as the previous Pokémon he had encountered at the hot springs. Sandile begins to gather energy in its back, soon forcing it into skyward generating a cluster of small boulders. After a few moments, Sandile launches the attack towards Ash which collides into the nearby terrain. Ash identifies the attack as Stone Edge. The school children begin attacking Sandile, launching a cluster of mud balls which collide with Sandile. Sandile launches another Stone Edge attack, which shatters around the school children. Trubbish launches a sphere of poison energy skyward, which explodes into smaller spheres and absorbs into the terrain surrounding Sandile. Ash identifies the previous attack as Toxic Spikes. Sandile begins pursuing the children, however collides with the cunningly laid Toxic Spikes attack laid by Trubbish. Pikachu follows-up with Iron Tail, striking forth and launching Sandile into the air. With Sandile air born, Trubbish launches Sludge Bomb which successfully strikes Sandile, launching it skyward away from the school. The children cheer in excitement thanking Ash for his efforts.

Shortly after, Daniela interrupts the chatter, suggesting that they should discuss the matter with Trubbish properly. Iris questions Ash why he is now friends with the school children. Ash responds that it just happened in the flow of things. Daniela questions the children about how much longer they want to barricade themselves in the tree house. Avery responds that they will barricade themselves until she agrees to allow Trubbish to stay at the playground. Daniela refuses the child’s statement, stating that Trubbish cannot stay. The school children begin shouting that they do not understand her reasoning. Ash recommends that Daniela should listen to what the children have to say. Daniela responds that Ash should be quiet in the matter, as it is her kindergarten. Ash responds that it is also the children’s kindergarten as well. Daniela rebukes Ash’s statement, stating that she has to protect the children, and will do it by force if necessary. Daniela soon reveals a Pokéball, calling upon her Deerling. Ash steps forward, announcing that he will be her opponent in the battle as he is also a member of the Trubbish Squadron. Deerling dashes forward with Tackle, striking Pikachu. Pikachu retaliates with Thunderbolt; however Deerling successfully dodges the attack. Deerling retaliates with another Tackle, however misses Pikachu, slamming into the fortress of scrap. Deerling’s attack forces the tower of scrap to become dislodged, and begins crashing down. Deerling uses its forehead to temporarily stop the pile of scrap from collapsing. Ash and Pikachu rush over and begin holding the wall of scrap with Deerling, granting everyone an opportunity to escape. Daniela commands for Avery to hurry and run away. Avery refuses, stating that he will stay with Trubbish. Seconds later, a bookcase crashes down from the pile of scrap on a collision course with Avery. Daniela dashes behind Avery and successfully blocks the bookcase from smashing Avery. Trubbish begins launching a barrage of Sludge Bomb attacks, which collides with the pile of scrap and disperses it amongst the schoolyard, preventing it from collapsing on Ash, Avery, and Daniela.

Afterwards, the school children apologize to Daniela for their previous actions. Daniela responds that she is also at fault, for not listening to the children previously. Ash states that the children really love Trubbish, and questions Daniela on his behalf, if they could be allowed to keep Trubbish. After pondering on the proposal, Daniela decides to allow Trubbish to stay at the schoolyard. Karena states that Trubbish should stop exhaling four air once it has befriended the person in question. Dent questions if Karena had known it all along. Karena responds that of course she knew it, due to being a daycare worker. Iris questions why Karena simply didn’t inform Daniela of the information before. Karena responds that individuals have to find out how to raise Pokémon on their own.

Night has fallen on the land and our heroes’ aide in the removal of the scrap. Our heroes’ Pokémon also assist in the cleanup including Pikachu, Oshawott, Tepig, Pansage, Snivy, and Dwebble. After a long night’s work, the school yard is completely rid of scrap. Ash, Iris, and Cilan prepare for departure from the school grounds. Karena interrupts Ash, presenting a round cylinder with a Pokémon Egg, stating that it is her reward to him. Karena continues that he will be able to see what Pokémon it is when it hatches. The school children wish Ash, Iris, and Cilan good luck on their adventure, and suggest that they should play sometime again. Ash responds that they should battle in the future.

Ash and his friends set off again, looking forward to the day they battle the children. Together with the new Pokémon egg, they continue their journey to Nacrene City where the next Gym is.

English Official Summary

Ash and friends come across a group of kindergarten students who have befriended a Trubbish after rescuing it from a junkyard. The students want to keep it in their class, but their teacher, Daniela, will have no part of it! She thinks a Trubbish will be impossible to care for, as well as being unsafe for the class. Ash offers to go and talk to the kids on behalf of their teacher, but when he sees how much fun the kids are having in their clubhouse—and how much they really care about Trubbish—he ends up siding with them! When Daniela still refuses to allow Trubbish to stay, Ash challenges her to a battle. As they’re about to begin, the secret clubhouse that the kids and Trubbish built out of junk starts to collapse! Ash and Pikachu attempt to help Daniela and her Deerling stop the clubhouse from falling down. As they struggle to hold up the toppling wall of junk, the Trubbish saves the day with a powerful series of Sludge attacks! Seeing how much the kids care about Trubbish and vice versa, the teacher reconsiders her position and asks Trubbish to stay with the class after all. And for his role in helping protect the children, Ash is given a mysterious Pokémon Egg!

French Official Summary

Tandis que nos Héros font route vers l’Arène de Maillard, ils rencontrent soudain une classe d'enfants de maternelle qui ont lié amitié avec un Miamiasme qu'ils ont trouvé et sauvé d'un dépôt d'ordures. Les élèves veulent le garder dans leur classe, mais leur professeure ne veut rien entendre. Elle pense qu'il est impossible de prendre soin d'un Miamiasme et qu'il représente un danger pour la classe. Sacha propose d'aller trouver les enfants et de leur parler de la part de la professeure, mais lorsqu'il découvre le merveilleux repère que les enfants se sont bâti et qu’il s'aperçoit à quel point ils tiennent à leur Miamiasme, il se range dans leur camp ! Hélas, la professeure refuse encore d'autoriser Miamiasme à rester. Sacha engage alors un Combat contre elle. Mais tout à coup, le repaire secret que les enfants et Miamiasme ont construit avec toutes les ordures trouvées dans la déchargemenace de s'effondrer ! Abandonnant le Combat, Sacha et Pikachu tentent d'aider la professeure et son Vivaldaim à empêcher le repaire de s'écrouler. Soudain, Miamiasme sauve la situation grâce à une puissante série d'attaques Détritus. S'apercevant à quel point les enfants aiment Miamiasme et réciproquement, la professeure reconsidère sa décision et demande à Miamiasme de rester dans sa classe. La joie règne à présent dans le cœur des enfants, de nos Héros, de leur professeure, et bien sûr, de Miamiasme ! À la fin de l'épisode, nos Héros reprennent le chemin de Maillard, et Sacha promet de revenir un jour pour livrer un Combat contre les petits batailleurs.

German Official Summary

Auf ihrem Reise zur Septerna-City-Arena, laufen unseren Helfen plötzlich eine Gruppe Kindergartenkinder über den Weg. In ihrer Begleitung haben sie ein Unratütox, dass sie von einem Müllplatz gerettet haben. Sie wollen das Unratütox behalten, doch die Kindergärtnerin erlaubt dies nicht, weil sie glaubt, um ein Unratütox kann man sich nicht kümmern und es wäre gefährlich für die Gruppe. Ash bietet an, mit den Kindern zu reden. Doch als er merkt, wie wohl sie sich in ihrem gebastelten Müllhaufen fühlen, und wie viel ihnen an Unratütox liegt, verbündet er sich mit ihnen. Da die Kindergärtnerin Unratütox zwingen will, den Kindergarten zu verlassen, kommt es zu einem Kampf zwischen ihr und Ash. Doch plötzlich droht der ganze Müllberg zusammen zu fallen. Statt zu kämpfen helfen Ash und Pikachu nun der Kindergärtnerin und ihrem Sesokitz, das schlimmste zu verhindern, doch gerettet werden sie durch eine Serie von Schlammbad-Attacken von Unratütox. Als die Kindergärtnerin erkennt, wie sehr die Kinder an Unratütox hängen - und umgekehrt - ändert sie ihre Meinung und fragt Unratütox, ob es bleiben möchte, sehr zu Freude der Kinder, unsere Helden und Unratütox selbst. Wir verlassen unsere Helden, als sie ihre Reise nach Septerna-City fortsetzen, nicht ohne zu versprechen, eines Tages wieder zu kommen und gegen die temperamentvollen Jungstars zu kämpfen.

Italian Official Summary

Mentre i nostri eroi proseguono verso la Palestra di Zefiropoli, incontrano improvvisamente un gruppo di bambini dell’asilo che hanno stretto amicizia con un Trubbish trovato in una discarica. Gli studenti lo vogliono tenere, ma la loro maestra non vuole, perché pensa che sia impossibile occuparsi di un Trubbish, che potrebbe anche essere pericoloso per la classe. Ash si offre di parlare con i bambini a nome della maestra, ma quando vede quanto si divertono i bambini e quanto tengono a Trubbish si allea con loro! Quando la maestra si rifiuta comunque di permettere a Trubbish di restare, Ash la sfida in una lotta… Ma all’improvviso la base che i bambini hanno costruito con Trubbish comincia a crollare! Ash e Pikachu tentano di aiutare la maestra e il suo Deerling a impedire il crollo, ma all’improvviso interviene Trubbish con una potente serie di attacchi Fango. Vedendo quanto i bambini tengano a Trubbish, la maestra rivede la sua posizione e chiede a Trubbish di restare con la classe, per la gioia dei bambini, della maestra, dei nostri eroi e di Trubbish. Lasciamo la scena mentre i nostri eroi riprendono il cammino verso Zefiropoli, e Ash promette di tornare un giorno a lottare con i bambini!

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto nossos heróis continuam indo para o Ginásio da Cidade de Nacrene, eles de repente cruzam com um grupo de alunos do jardim de infância que tem um Trubbish simpático com eles depois de o encontrarem e resgatarem de um ferro-velho. Os alunos querem ficar com ele na sala, mas a professora deles não concorda com isso, achando que será impossível cuidar de um Trubbish e deixar a sala segura.  Ash se oferece para ir falar com as crianças em nome da professora, mas quando ele vê o quanto as crianças se divertem em sua casa na árvore e o quanto eles gostam do Trubbish, ele termina ficando do lado deles! Quando a professora recusa-se a deixar que o Trubbish fique, Ash desafia a professora para uma batalha quando de repente a casa na árvore secreta que as crianças e Trubbish construíram com o lixo do ferro-velho, começa a desmoronar! Abandonando a Batalha, Ash e Pikachu tentam ajudar a professora e o Deerling dela impede que a casa na árvore caia, e é quando, de repente, que o Trubbish salva o dia com uma série poderosa de Ataques de Lama. Vendo o quanto as crianças gostam do Trubbish e vice-versa, a professora, finalmente, reconsidera sua posição e pede a Trubbish que fique com a classe, para a alegria das crianças, da professora, de nossos heróis e do Trubbish também!   Nós saimos de cena enquanto nossos heróis resumem sua jornada a Cidade de Nacrene, e Ash promete retornar algum dia para batalhar com as crianças mal-humoradas.

Finnish Official Summary

Sankareidemme jatkaessa kohti Nacrene Cityn salia he kohtaavat yllättäen joukkoon lastentarhan lapsia, jotka ovat ystävystyneet Trubbishiin pelastettuaan sen romuttamolta. Lapset haluavat ottaa sen mukaansa tarhaan, mutta heidän opettajansa kieltää sen ehdottomasti, koska hänen mielestään Trubbishista on mahdoton huolehtia ja se olisi vaaraksi lapsille. Ash tarjoutuu menemään puhumaan lapsille opettajan puolesta, mutta kun hän näkee, miten hauskaa lapsilla on majassaan ja miten kovasti he välittävät Trubbishista, hän loikkaakin lasten puolelle! Kun opettaja ei vieläkään anna Trubbishin jäädä, Ash haastaa opettajan otteluun – jolloin yhtäkkiä “salainen kerhotalo”, jonka lapset ja Trubbish olivat rakentaneet rojuista, alkaa romahtaa! Ottelu keskeytyy ja Ash ja Pikachu yrittävät auttaa opettajaa ja tämän Deerlingiä estämään kerhotaloa romahtamasta. Silloin Trubbish yllättäen pelastaa päivän sarjalla voimakkaita Sludge-hyökkäyksiä. Kun opettaja näkee, miten paljon lapset pitävät Trubbishista ja päinvastoin, opettaja harkitsee kantaansa uudestaan ja pyytää Trubbishia sittenkin jäämään lasten seuraksi, mikä ilahduttaa suuresti lapsia, Trubbishia, sankareitamme sekä opettajaa itseäänkin! Jätämmekin sitten sankarimme jatkamaan matkaansa Nacrene Cityyn ja Ash lupaa palata jonain päivänä ottelemaan sisukkaiden lasten kanssa.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes siguen su camino hacia el Gimnasio de Ciudad Nacrene, se encuentran repentinamente con un grupo de estudiantes de jardín de niños que han hecho amistad con un Trubbish después de encontrarlo y rescatarlo de un deshuesadero. Los estudiantes quieren mantenerlo en su clase, pero la profesora no comparte su opinión, pensando que será imposible cuidar de Trubbish, además de ser peligroso para la clase. Ash se ofrece a hablar con los niños en nombre de la maestra, pero termina por ponerse del lado de los niños cuando ve lo bien que lo pasan en su casaclub y lo bien que cuidan de Trubbish. Como la maestra se sigue negando a permitir que Trubbish se quede, Ash reta a la maestra a una batalla, cuando de pronto comienza a colapsar el "club secreto" que los niños y Trubbish habían construido con basura del deshuesadero. Dejando la batalla de lado, Ash y Pikachu intentan ayudar a la maestra y a su Deerling a evitar que la casaclub se derrumbe, cuando repentinamente Trubbish salva el día con una poderosa serie de ataques Residuos. Al ver cuánto se preocupa Trubbish por los niños y viceversa, la profesora reconsidera su posición y pide a Trubbish que se quede con la clase. ¡Esto alegra mucho a los niños, la maestra, a nuestros héroes y también a Trubbish! Cerramos la escena mientras nuestros héroes reanudan su viaje a Ciudad de Nacrene, y Ash promete regresar algún día a enfrentar a los chicos.

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes siguen su camino hacia el Gimnasio de Ciudad Esmalte, se encuentran con un grupo de niños de una Guardería que tienen como amigo a un Trubbish, al que han encontrado y rescatado de un vertedero. Los niños quieren que se quede en su clase, pero su profesora no quiere oír hablar de ello, pensando que Trubbish no solo será imposible de cuidar, sino que además será un peligro para los niños. Ash se ofrece a ir a hablar con ellos en nombre de la profesora, pero cuando ve lo mucho que se divierten en su casa del árbol y cuánto les importa Trubbish, termina poniéndose de su parte. Cuando la profesora sigue negándose a permitir que se quede Trubbish, Ash desafía a la profesora a un combate. De pronto, la casa secreta del club que los niños y Trubbish han construido con basura del vertedero empieza a derrumbarse. Abandonando el combate, Ash y Pikachu ayudan a la profesora y su Deerling a impedir que la casa del árbol se derrumbe. Trubbish consigue solucionarlo con una potente serie de ataques Residuos. Al ver cuánto quieren los niños a Trubbish y viceversa, la profesora reconsidera su posición y le pide a Trubbish que se quede en la clase. Todos, tanto los niños como la profesora, nuestros héroes y también Trubbish, quedan encantados. Nuestros héroes continúan su viaje hacia Ciudad Esmalte, y Ash promete regresar algún día para combatir con estos jovencitos tan luchadores.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Ash and friends come across a group of kindergarten students who have befriended a Trubbish after rescuing it from a junkyard. The students want to keep it in their class, but their teacher, Daniela, will have no part of it! She thinks a Trubbish will be impossible to care for, as well as being unsafe for the class. Ash offers to go and talk to the kids on behalf of their teacher, but when he sees how much fun the kids are having in their clubhouse—and how much they really care about Trubbish—he ends up siding with them! When Daniela still refuses to allow Trubbish to stay, Ash challenges her to a battle. As they’re about to begin, the secret clubhouse that the kids and Trubbish built out of junk starts to collapse! Ash and Pikachu attempt to help Daniela and her Deerling stop the clubhouse from falling down. As they struggle to hold up the toppling wall of junk, the Trubbish saves the day with a powerful series of Sludge attacks! Seeing how much the kids care about Trubbish and vice versa, the teacher reconsiders her position and asks Trubbish to stay with the class after all. And for his role in helping protect the children, Ash is given a mysterious Pokémon Egg!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Накрин Сити, наши герои встречают группу детей из детского сада, которые нашли на свалки Трабиша и подружились с ним. Они хотят оставить его себе, но воспитательница им этого не позволяет, так как считает, что за ним  будет невозможно ухаживать. Эш соглашается с воспитательницей и берется поговорить с детьми от ее имени. Но, когда он видит, насколько дети любят Трабиша, переходит на их сторону. И даже бросает вызов воспитательнице! Но тут домик из мусора, который дети построили с Трабишем, начинает разваливаться! Эш и Пикачу бросаются на помощь воспитательнице и ее Дирлингу. Но тут Трабиш спасает всех, используя свои грязевые атаки. Поняв, как дети любят Трабиша, а он их, воспитательница все же позволяет ему остаться. Наши же герои продолжают свой путь в Накрин Сити. А Эш обещает детям однажды вернуться и сразиться с ними.

Dutch Official Summary

Wanneer onze helden op weg zijn naar de Nacrene City Gym zien ze plotseling een groep kleuters, die vrienden zijn geworden met een Trubbish, nadat ze hem hebben gered van een vuilnisbelt. De kleuters willen hem houden, maar hun lerares heeft daar geen oren naar en denkt dat het onmogelijk is om voor een Trubbish te zorgen en onveilig is voor de leerlingen. Ash biedt aan om met de kinderen te praten, maar als hij ziet hoeveel lol de kinderen hebben in hun clubhuis en om Trubbish geven, sluit hij zich bij hen aan! Als de lerares nog steeds weigert Trubbish te laten blijven, daagt Ash haar uit voor een Gevecht. Plotseling begint het “geheime Clubhuis” dat de kinderen en Trubbish uit afval van de vuilnisbelt hebben gebouwd in elkaar te storten! Ash en Pikachu stoppen met het Gevecht en helpen de lerares en haar Deerling het Clubhuis te behouden. Trubbish redt de boel door een paar krachtige Blubber aanvallen te doen. De lerares ziet nu hoeveel de kinderen om Trubbish geven en visa versa en komt op haar besluit terug en vraagt Trubbish of hij toch wil blijven. Dit tot groot genoegen van de kinderen, lerares, onze helden en natuurlijk Trubbish! Onze helden vervolgen hun reis naar Nacrene City en Ash belooft dat hij op een dag terug zal keren om met de kleuters te vechten!

Norwegian Official Summary

Når våre helter fortsetter mot Nacrene City-gym, treffer de plutselig på en gruppe barnehagebarn som har blitt venn med en Trubbish etter å ha funnet og reddet den fra en søppeldynge. Barna vil beholde den i barnehagen, men læreren deres vil ikke ha noe av det, og mener en Trubbish blir umulig å ta seg av, og dessuten ikke er trygg rundt barna. Ash tilbyr seg å snakke med barna på vegne av læreren, men når han ser hvor moro barna har det i klubbhuset sitt, og hvor mye de faktisk bryr seg om Trubbish, ender han opp med å leke med dem! Når læreren fortsetter å nekte dem å beholde Trubbish, utfordere Ash læreren til en kamp, når plutselig det "hemmelige klubbhuset", som ungene og Trubbish har konstruert av søppel fra søppeldynga, begynner å kollapse! Ash og Pikachu forlater kampen og prøver å hjelpe læreren og hennes Deerling å stoppe klubbhuset fra å kollapse, når pluselig Trubbish redder dagen med en kraftfull runde Sludge angrep. Når hun ser hvor mye barna bryr seg om Trubbish og vice versa, revurderer læreren avgjørelsen sin og ber Trubbish om å bli, og både barna, læreren, våre helter og Trubbish er begeistret! Vi forlater stedet i det våre helter fortsetter på reisen sin til Nacrene City, og Ash lover å komme tilbake en dag for å kjempe mot de ivrige barna.

Swedish Official Summary

När våra hjältar fortsätter sin resa mot Nacrene City-gym, möter de plötsligt en grupp förskolebarn som har blivit vänner med en Trubbish som de hittat på och räddat från ett skrotupplag. Barnen vill behålla den i sin klass, men deras lärare vägrar, för hon tycker att Trubbish är omöjlig att ta hand om och dessutom är den osäker att ha kring barnen. Ash erbjuder sig att gå och prata med barnen för lärarens räkning, men när han ser hur roligt barnen har med sitt klubbhus och hur mycket de faktiskt bryr sig om Trubbish, slutar det med att han tar parti med dem! När läraren fortsätter vägra att låta Trubbish stanna, utmanar Ash henne till strid. – och då börjar plötsligt det gamla klubbhuset, som barnen och Trubbish har byggt av skrot från skrotupplaget att kollapsa! Ash och Pikachu överger striden för att försöka hjälpa läraren och hennes Deerling att hindra klubbhuset från att kollapsa, men då räddar plötsligt Trubbish situationen med en serie kraftfulla Sludge attacker. När hon ser hur mycket barnen bryr sig om Trubbish och vice versa, tar läraren sitt beslut under återövervägande och ber Trubbish att stanna med klassen trots allt. Detta gläder naturligtvis barnen, läraren, våra hjältar och även Trubbish! Vi lämnar scenen när våra hjältar återupptar sin resa till Nacrene City och Ash lovar att återvända en dag, för att strida mot dessa ivriga ungdomar.

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte fortsætter mod Nacrene City-salen og møder pludselig en gruppe børnehaveklasse-elever, som er blevet gode venner med en Trubbish, som de har fundet på en skrotplads og taget til sig. Eleverne synes, den skal bo i deres klasselokale, men det vil deres lærer ikke vide af. Hun mener det vil være umuligt at passe en Trubbish, og at det kan være farligt for bønene. Ash tilbyder at tale børnene til rette på lærerens vegne, men da han ser, hvor sjovt børnene har det i deres klubhus, og hvor meget de holder af deres Trubbish, ender han med at være på deres side! Da læreren stadig nægter at lade Trubbish blive, udfordrer Ash hende til en kamp. Men pludselig begynder det ”hemmelige klubhus”, som børnene og Trubbish har bygget af skrammel fra skrotpladsen, at synke sammen! Kampen bliver afbrudt, og Ash og Pikachu prøver at hjælpe læreren og hendes Deerling med at forhindre klubhuset i at falde sammen, da Trubbish pludselig redder situationen med en serie kraftfulde Sludge angreb. Da hun ser, hvor meget børnene holder af Trubbish, og omvendt, tænker læreren sig om en gang til og beder alligevel Trubbish om at blive hos klassen, til børnenes, lærerens, vores heltes og også Trubbish’ store fornøjelse! Det sidste vi ser, er at vores helte fortsætter deres færd mod Nacrene City, og Ash lover, at han en dag vil komme tilbage og kæmpe mod de livlige børn.