CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on March 12th, 2021. They also
tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic Twitter account to promote it.
We're almost ready for Anipoke! Sarunori's first appearance! The Lost Sarunori! Who is its Trainer?!
The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! It's being broadcast every Friday at 6:55 pm! Just before the anime airs, this article will introduce the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, comments from the voice actors and director, and other Anipoke information you won't hear anywhere else! In today's episode, Sarunori makes his first appearance in Anipoke!
As usual, Go is woken up in the morning by his father, Gorirander. It's the start of a new day! And of course, his mother, also a Gorirander, asks him to take care of his younger brother, Sarunori. It's a normal day for everyone who watches Anipoke. Yes, Go was raised by parents who are Gorirander... but that can't be right!
▲Go's parents became Gorirander!! As you can see, but just in case you didn't know, this is his mother.
▲This is the correct way to react when your own parents have become Grass-type.
So, even though it started out as a nightmare, Go finally started his morning. Now it's time to start a new day!
When Go looked down, he saw Sarunori on his arm, just like in the dream he had just had. That's right, Go is always sleeping with his little brother Sarunori in his arms... but that can't be right!
Of course, Go and Satoshi have no idea where Sarunori came from.
Sarunori sleeps defenselessly in Go's arms. It's a great chance to get Sarunori, if you think about it. Go secretly sets up a monster ball and tries to get it, but it seems that Sarunori is a Pokémon that someone else has already got. What is going on?
▲Go tries to catch it but recalls... "If you take something that belongs to someone else, you're a thief!"
Satoshi and Go decide to look for the lost Sarunori's trainer, but it gets on the Pokémon's back without permission, tries to take Pikachu's food, and hits Satoshi and Go on the their heads with a stick! Sarunori is a bratty, mischievous, and unruly little thing!
▲Only when it's hungry does Sarunori seem to sit still and not move.
▲Sarunori reaches for Pikachu's Pokémon food. "If it takes something that belongs to someone else, it's a thief!"
▲Sarunori has the power to revitalize plants with its stick. Maybe it's hitting Go because he wants to make him feel better!
And if you follow the trail from Sarunori's arrival, relying on the sense of smell of Wanpachi...the facts will be revealed!! The trainer of Sarunori was really OOOO!!?
▲What a surprise, these guys showed up too!
Watch today's episode for the rest of the story! You'll be shocked to learn who Sarunori's trainer is!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】ノリノリでウキウキな初登場! サルノリのトレーナーはいったい誰!!?
ノリノリでウキウキな初登場! サルノリのトレーナーはいったい誰!!?
この記事はアニメ放送直前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナーだ! 今日の放送では、あのサルノリがアニポケに初登場!
いつものようにゴリランダーの父に起こされて朝を迎えるゴウ。さあ新しい1日の始まりだ! そして当然のようにゴリランダーの母に、弟であるサルノリの世話を頼まれる。いつもアニポケを見ているみんなには当たり前の日常だ。そう、ゴウはゴリランダーの両親に育てられ…ってそんなワケねえ!!!
▲ゴウの両親がゴリランダーに!! 見て分かると思うけど一応言っておくとこれは母のほう。
ゴウの腕で無防備に眠るサルノリ。待てよ…これは考え方によってはサルノリをゲットする大チャンスなのでは!? ゴウはこっそりモンスターボールを構えてゲットしようとするが、どうやらこのサルノリはすでに誰かにゲットされているポケモンのようだ。ええ~?ますますどういうことよ!?
迷子のサルノリのトレーナーを探すことにしたサトシとゴウだったが、勝手にポケモンの背中に乗っかる、ピカチュウのごはんをとろうとする、サトシやゴウを頭のスティックで叩く! サルノリはわんぱくでやんちゃで手に負えない!
そして、ワンパチの嗅覚を頼りにサルノリがやってきた痕跡をたどっていくと…まさかの事実が判明する!! サルノリのトレーナーは、まさかの〇〇〇だった!!?
気になる続きは今日の放送で! サルノリのトレーナーが誰かも衝撃的なんだけど、サルノリの発音が「サルノリ↓」なのが個人的に一番の衝撃でした。