CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on May 19th, 2023. They also
tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic Twitter account to promote it.
Anipoke is just around the corner! Captain Pikachu's "Special Training" begins!!
Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!
The Rising Volt Tacklers are heading to the Paldea region, where Liko's home is located. Liko and Roy are told by their leader, Friede, that there is another member of the Rising Volt Tacklers who is rarely seen in public. Newcomers Liko and Roy head to the Off-Limits Door at the back of the blimp to meet the member.......
▲ There is a feeling that someone is inside, but there is no response when they knock...... and no one comes out.
▲ From inside the room, music from Gurumin, a stream of which Liko is also a big fan, is heard......?
▲ After a while, a Kuwassu came running out of the room! This Kuwassu looks familiar!?
According to Friede, the other member is difficult and demanding of trainers' abilities, so maybe Liko and Roy were not taken seriously because they are still inexperienced in battle......? But there is only one thing to do....... Training!
The special training by Captain Pikachu begins! The rule is that Liko and Roy will win the Pokémon battle against Cap if Nyahoja or Hogator get a hit!
▲ Cap is Friede's partner and is very strong through practicing.
▲ The two opponents are Liko's Nyahoja and Roy's Hogator, both of whom have just become partners.
▲ The two of them blindly attack Cap, but the difference between them is obvious......
However, through the special training, Liko realized something. Cap was trying to teach this......? So that's all for this episode! Check out the results of the special training on today's broadcast!!
▲ A scene from the training. Hogator is dancing through Nyahoja's attack...... What will be the result of this strategy!?
▲しばらくして部屋から飛び出してきたのはクワッス! このクワッスもどこかで見覚えが!?
フリードによると、もう一人のメンバーは気難しい上にトレーナーの実力に厳しいので、まだまだバトルの腕が未熟なリコとロイは相手にされなかったのかも……? ならばやることはひとつ……。特訓だ!!
かくして、キャプテンピカチュウによるスペシャル特訓がスタート! キャップとのポケモンバトルで、ニャオハとホゲータの攻撃が1回でも当たればリコとロイの勝ちというルールだ!
しかし、特訓を通じてあることに気づいたリコ。キャップはこれを教えようとしていた……? ということで今回はここまで! スペシャル特訓の成果は、今日の放送でチェックしよう!!