Home / Episode Guide / Farewell, Sprigatito?/さよなら、ニャオハ?/Farewell, Nyahoja?


On February 16th, 2024, the official Japanese AniPoke Twitter account reminded that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available from February 16th, 2024 to March 1st, 2024. This episode was specifically labeled as a missed-program webcast (見逃し配信).

The episode was also available on the TV Tokyo YouTube channel and the Official Corocoro Channel and were labeled as limited-time delivery (期間限定配信). The TV Tokyo version included the series trailer at the end of the episode where as the Corocoro version had beginning and ending bumpers promoting Corocoro.

AniPoke Episode 40 Farewell, Nyahoja?
What did you think?
Liko's Nyahoja past, showcasing that its an unique individual, has been revealed!
Anipoke will not air next week!
The next broadcast will be on Friday, March 1st, 2024.
The missed stream for episode 40 will be available for 2 weeks from today.
Be sure to watch!

アニポケ 第40話「さよなら、ニャオハ?」


CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on February 16th, 2024.


Anipoke is just around the corner! Farewell, Nyahoja!? Liko and Nyahoja are in danger of their partnership collapsing!!


Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!

Today, Liko and Nyahoja are training for a battle with Roy and Hogator! However, in a minor accident during the battle, Nyahoja injures Liko. Fortunately, Liko's wound was not serious...... However, Nyahoja runs away from the Brave Asagi. Then Nyahoja heads to...... a mysterious house in the forest!?


▲ Liko tries to cheer up Nyahoja who seems distressed, but something seems off about Nyahoja.


▲ Even before the special training, Nyahoja seemed to have been curious about this house that could be seen in the distance in the forest. What is this place……!?

Liko searches the forest to bring Nyahoja home, and ends up at the house where Nyahoja went. It turns out to be the home of a breeder who specializes in cat Pokémon! The breeder then told her something shocking: "It happens sometimes. There are some who leave their partners and come back here on their own..." Is it true that Liko and Nyahoja are no longer partners!?


▲ Liko searches in the forest where Nyahoja went and arrives at a house.


▲ There are so many Nyahoja here!


▲ Liko finds Nyahoja, but for some reason Nyahoja tries to distance herself from Liko.


▲ Then, the person who appeared was Manya and says she is a cat Pokémon breeder. For some reason, she seems to know about Liko too……


▲ Manya was the one who raised Liko's Nyahoja! So this is where Liko's Nyahoja was born and raised!!?


▲ Manya tells us her things about Nyahoja that Liko doesn't know.


▲ Is there a reason why Nyahoja, who injured Liko, is acting strange!?

What is Nyahoja's past as told by her breeder!? Will the relationship between Liko and Nyahoja get back to normal!? The rest of the episode will be on Anipoke at 6:55pm today!

【アニポケまであとちょっと!】さよならニャオハ!? リコとニャオハ、パートナー解消の危機!!
毎週金曜 よる6時55分から放送中!
今日もリコとニャオハはロイ、ホゲータと一緒にバトルの特訓! しかし、バトル中のちょっとしたアクシデントでニャオハはリコに怪我をさせてしまう。幸いにもリコの傷は大したことなかったのだが……落ち込んだニャオハはブレイブアサギ号を飛びだしてしまう。そしてニャオハが向かったのは……森の中にある謎の家!?
ニャオハを連れて帰ろうと森の中を探すリコは、ニャオハが向かった家へとたどり着く。なんとそこはねこポケモン専門のブリーダーの家! そしてブリーダーから語られる衝撃のひとこと「たまにいるのよね。パートナーから離れて、勝手にここへ帰ってきてしまう子が……」。まさかリコとニャオハのパートナー解消!?
▲なんとマーニャはリコのニャオハを育てた人だった! じゃあここはリコのニャオハが生まれ育った場所!!?
育ての親が語るニャオハの過去とは!? そしてこのままリコとニャオハの関係は戻らないのか!? 気になる続きは今日よる6時55分からのアニポケで!!

Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with a production artwork piece on February 15th, 2024. The picture featured Nyahoja.

An original drawing of Nyahoja from episode 40.
Nyahoja has a sad look on her face.
Is her partnership with Liko in danger?
