CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on May 24th, 2024.
Anipoke is just around the corner! Looking at it will make you happy!!? Let's go look for the mysterious "Flower Pillar"!!
Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!
Liko, Roy, and Dot are undergoing Terastal training in the Paldea region. Today, in order to find a topic for a report to submit to the Academy, the three of them decided to go camping and observe wild Pokémon and gather information! Dot suggests that it would be nice to find Pokémon that are not on the map! Roy just wants to have a Pokemon battle. While each of them is looking for a subject for their report, Liko is looking for......!?
▲ The three of them have been asked by Zinnia to take pictures and record their events. Will they find anything interesting?
▲ Roy, Hogeta and Kaiden seems to have found a Pokémon of interest......?
Liko is having a hard time deciding on a topic for her report. Then, Dot, who was gathering information about the area, sees talk of the mysterious "Flower Pillar". According to Dot, the "Flower Pillar" is a phenomenon that can be seen in their area, where a huge number of petals fly up in the air and form a pillar of petals.
However, there are many unknown things about the phenomenon, such as why it occurs, when it occurs, and what kind of flower petals are flying up. However, there is another rumor about it that is interesting: "Those who see the Flower Pillar will be happy"! Could this be perfect for her report!!?
▲ It’s just a rumor, but it made an impression! Maybe Pokémon from the area are involved!?
Liko decides to search for the "Flower Pillar" with her Pokémon, but Nyarote is in a bad mood for some reason. Come to think of it, she hasn't seen Terapagos in awhile......? It feels like something is about to happen, but will Liko be able to find out the truth behind the rumors of the Flower Pillar!?
▲ Terapagos is strolling alone at its own pace as usual!?
▲ A large group of Nonokurage were found in the forest! What are they all doing together?
▲ There are more of them than they thought!? Maybe they'll attack? Could they be in a big pinch!?
▲ Also... What are Liko and Nyarote looking at......!?
To be continued on Anipoke at 6:55 p.m. today! Can Liko find the "Flower Pillar"? If she can, will the anime viewers be happy too!?
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】見ると幸せになれる!!? 不思議な「花ばしら」を探しに行こう!!
しかしなぜその現象が起こるのか、いつ発生するのか、舞っているのは何の花びらなのかなど、現象は噂レベルで分からないことだらけだという。しかし気になるのはもう1つの噂、それは……『花ばしらを見た者は幸せになれる』というもの! これはレポートにぴったりかも!!?
▲噂話だけどインパクトは充分! もしかしたらこの辺りのポケモンが関わっているかも!?
▲森で大量のノノクラゲを発見! みんな集まって何をしているのかな?
▲って思ったより数が多くない!? ひょっとして襲ってくる? もしかして大ピンチ!?
続きは今日よる6時55分からのアニポケで! リコは「花ばしら」を見つけられるかな? もし見つけられたら、アニメを観てるキミも幸せになれる……かも!?