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United States Pokémon Ruby Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokemon will claim an entire pond as its own territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.
United States Pokémon Sapphire If WHISCASH goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This POKeMON has the ability to predict real earthquakes.
United States Pokémon Emerald Mysteriously, it can foretell earthquakes. In the daytime, it sleeps in mud at the bottom of a pond. When it awakens, it continually feeds throughout the night.
United States Pokémon LeafGreen It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything - if it is alive, WHISCASH will eat it.
United States Pokémon FireRed It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything - if it is alive, WHISCASH will eat it.
United States Pokémon Pearl As a result of causing tremors by thrashing about, it developed the ability to foretell real quakes.
United States Pokémon Diamond It is very territorial. It repels foes by setting off tremors that extend over a three-mile radius.
United States Pokémon Platinum It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.
United States Pokémon HeartGold It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.
United States Pokémon SoulSilver It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.
United States Pokémon White It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.
Japan Pokémon White なわばりいしきが とても つよく がいてきが ちかづくと はげしく じめんを ゆらして おそいかかる。
United States Pokémon Black It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.
Japan Pokémon Black なわばりいしきが とても つよく がいてきが ちかづくと はげしく じめんを ゆらして おそいかかる。
Japan Pokémon Black 2 なわばりいしきが とても つよく がいてきが ちかづくと はげしく じめんを ゆらして おそいかかる。
Japan Pokémon White 2 なわばりいしきが とても つよく がいてきが ちかづくと はげしく じめんを ゆらして おそいかかる。
United States Pokémon White 2 It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.
United States Pokémon Black 2 It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors.
South Korea Pokémon Y 늪 바닥에 거처를 만든다. 살아 있는 것이라면 좋고 싫고 없이 뭐든 먹어버리고 마는 대식가다.
Italy Pokémon Y Nidifica nel letto delle paludi. È in grado di mangiare qualsiasi essere vivente.
Spain Pokémon Y Construye su nido en el fondo de los pantanos. Es capaz de comerse cualquier cosa.
France Pokémon Y Il fait son nid au fond des marais. Il ne se pose pas de questions et avale toutes les créatures qui passent près de lui.
Germany Pokémon Y Sein Nest baut es am Grund von Sümpfen. Es frisst alles, wenn es nur lebendig ist. Welsar frisst einfach alles.
Japan Pokémon Y ぬまの そこに すみかを つくる。 いきものなら すききらい なく なんでも たべてしまう おおぐらい。
United States Pokémon Y It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything--if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it.
Italy Pokémon X Stabilisce il suo territorio nelle grandi paludi. Se il nemico gli si accosta, provoca un terremoto.
Spain Pokémon X Habita en grandes pantanos. Si se acerca un enemigo, se alborota y causa temblores monumentales.
France Pokémon X Il a besoin d’un étang entier pour vivre. Si un ennemi s’approche, il s’énerve et déclenche un séisme.
Germany Pokémon X Sein Revier hat es im Sumpfland. Nähert sich ein Feind, zappelt es wie wild und erzeugt so Erdbeben.
Japan Pokémon X おおきな ぬまを なわばりにする。 てきが ちかづくと おおあばれして おおきな じしんを おこすのだ。
United States Pokémon X It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.
South Korea Pokémon X 큰 늪을 영역으로 한다. 적이 가까이 오면 크게 난동 부려서 큰 지진을 일으킨다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby Se Whiscash si infuria, è in grado di scatenare una specie di terremoto del raggio di 5 km. Inoltre ha la capacità di prevedere i terremoti reali.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 영역에 대한 집착이 매우 강한 포켓몬이다. 큰 늪 전부를 영역으로 삼는다. 적이 다가오면 날뛰어 지진을 일으킨다.
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Whiscash è estremamente legato all’area in cui vive e delimita laghi enormi come proprio territorio. All’avvicinarsi di un nemico, s’infuria scatenando terribili terremoti.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Whiscash defiende su territorio a toda costa. Es capaz de apoderarse de un estanque entero para sí solo. Si alguien se le acerca, se revolverá y provocará un terremoto devastador.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Quand il s’agit de territoire, Barbicha est très possessif. Un seul de ces Pokémon réclame parfois un étang entier. Si un ennemi s’approche, il fonce sur lui et déclenche un violent tremblement de terre.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Welsar legt viel Wert auf sein Territorium. Ein einzelnes Pokémon dieser Art nennt einen Teich sein Eigen. Wenn sich ein Feind nähert, schlägt es um sich und verursacht ein gewaltiges Erdbeben.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire なわばり いしきが とても つよい ポケモン。 おおきな ぬま ぜんぶを なわばりに している。 てきが ちかづくと あばれて じしんを おこす。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive earthquake.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 크게 난동 부리면 늪 주변 5km 범위에 지진처럼 흔들림이 일어난다. 진짜 지진을 예지하는 힘도 지녔다.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Si Whiscash entra en estado de cólera salvaje, provoca un temblor sísmico de un radio de 5 km. Este Pokémon tiene la habilidad de predecir terremotos de verdad.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Lorsque Barbicha se déchaîne, il déclenche des secousses sismiques dans un rayon de plus de 5 km autour de lui. Ce Pokémon a le pouvoir de prédire les véritables tremblements de terre.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Wenn Welsar auf einen wilden Beutezug geht, erzeugt es ein Beben mit einem Radius von 5 km. Dieses Pokémon kann wirkliche Erdbeben voraussehen.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby おおあばれ すると ぬまの しゅうい 5キロの はんいで じしんの ような ゆれが おこる。 ほんとうの じしんを よちする ちからも もつ。
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has the ability to predict real earthquakes.
United States Pokémon Sun A glutton that devours anything that moves, it quietly lurks at the bottom of swamps, lying in wait for prey.
United States Pokémon Moon Sighting Whiscash leaping from the water is believed to herald an earthquake.
United States Pokémon Sword It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will eat anything—if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it.
United States Pokémon Shield It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around.