Home / Episode Guide / さよならロコン!ポケモンビューティーコンテスト!!/Beauty and the Breeder/Goodbye, Rokon! Pokémon Beauty Contest!!

English Official Summary

Brock checks his e-mail at a local Pokémon Center and finds Suzy, the Pokémon breeder who gave Brock Vulpix, has contacted him regarding a Pokémon beauty contest. She is looking for a Pokémon to enter the contest with and Brock agrees to return her Vulpix. When they meet in the contest city of Bonitaville, Suzy suggests they enter the contest together. However, before the contest can commence, Team Rocket seize all the Pokémon! Will our heroes be able to track Team Rocket and return the bevy of Pokémon beauties?

Italian Official Summary

Leggendo le sue e-mail in un Centro Pokémon, Brock scopre che Susi, l'Allevatore di Pokémon da cui ha ottenuto Vulpix, lo ha contattato per una Gara di bellezza di Pokémon.

Portuguese Official Summary

Um concurso de criação Pokémon dá a nossos heróis a chance de competir, rever um velho amigo e derrotar a Equipe Rocket mais uma vez!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

¡Un concurso de crianza Pokémon brinda a nuestros héroes la oportunidad de competir, saludar a un viejo amigo y derrotar al Equipo Rocket una vez más!

Spanish Official Summary

Brock mira su email en un Centro Pokémon local y descubre que Suzie, la criapokémon que le dio Vulpix a Brock, se ha puesto en contacto con él para hablar de un concurso de belleza Pokémon.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Brock checks his e-mail at a local Pokémon Center and finds Suzy, the Pokémon breeder who gave Brock Vulpix, has contacted him regarding a Pokémon beauty contest. She is looking for a Pokémon to enter the contest with and Brock agrees to return her Vulpix. When they meet in the contest city of Bonitaville, Suzy suggests they enter the contest together. However, before the contest can commence, Team Rocket seize all the Pokémon! Will our heroes be able to track Team Rocket and return the bevy of Pokémon beauties?

Dutch Official Summary

Een Pokémon fok wedstrijd biedt onze helden een kans om mee te doen, een oude vriend te zien en Team Rocket weer te verslaan!

French Official Summary

Pierre consulte ses e-mails à un Centre Pokémon local et découvre que Suzie, l'éleveuse de Pokémon qui lui a confié Goupix, l'a contacté au sujet d'un concours de beauté Pokémon.

German Official Summary

Rocko checkt in einem Pokémon-Center seine E-Mails: Susy, die Pokémon-Züchterin, von der er Vulpix bekommen hat, hat ihm wegen eines Pokémon-Schönheitswettbewerbes geschrieben.