CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on February 5th, 2021. It also
posted the full episode on their official YouTube channel from February 5th, 2021 until February 12th, 2021. The video was not region locked and was viewable in most countries around the world up to 1080p. They also
tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic site to promote it.
It's almost Anipoke time! Beyond the Impossible! Messon In Possible!
Beyond the Impossible! Messon in Possible! Now airing every Friday at 6:55pm! The Pokémon will anime start airing soon! In this article, just before the anime episode airs, we'll introduce the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, have comments from the voice actors and director, and other Anipoke information you won't hear anywhere else!
The always sullen Messon takes a big step forward! "Hey! I'm shooting the blockbuster movie "Spy & Sniper" in my neighborhood!" Satoshi, Go and the others come to the movie set! Go's Messon is captivated by the sight of the trainer's partner, Inteleon, who plays a female spy in the movie, and develops a strong admiration for her.
▲ An encounter with Inteleon, the final evolution of Messon!
▲ The adoring Messon is too cute!
What is that movie!? What is this movie!! Just in case you're wondering, the movie "Spy & Sniper" is a blockbuster movie starring a female Pokémon trainer spy. It's no exaggeration to say that her cool sidekick, Inteleon, was so cool that it sparked their popularity!
Directed by Koreda, who also appeared in episode 19, "I Am Metamon!!". The director is Koreda, who also appeared in episode 19 "I am Metamon! And now he's filming the sequel. By the way, this is the first time talking about this movie, so it's no wonder no one knows about it. What is this movie?
And then Rocket Gang break in and mess up the filming... or so they thought, but the filming continues!? The Rocket Gang unleash Pokémon from the Rocket Gachat, a treasured mecha sent directly from Rocket Gang headquarters, but Intereon fights back in a movie-like manner and fights off the Rocket Gang.
▲ The way it carries itself is just like an agent! Is there a change in the timid Messon's heart!?
Messon begins training to become the Inteleon it's always wanted to be. But then, a Pokémon kidnapping occurs! It's time for Messon to go undercover and retrieve the kidnapped Pokémon! Let the mission begin!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】不可能を超えろ! メッソン・イン・ポッシブル!!
不可能を超えろ! メッソン・イン・ポッシブル!!
この記事はアニメ放送直前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナーだ! いつもメソメソのメッソンが大きな一歩を踏み出す!
「おい!近所であの大ヒット映画「スパイ&スナイパー」の撮影やってんぞ!」…ってことで、映画の撮影現場にやってきたサトシとゴウたち! ゴウのメッソンは映画で女スパイを演じるトレーナーの相棒、インテレオンの姿に目を奪われ、強いあこがれを抱く。
そこへロケット団が乱入し映画撮影がメチャクチャに…なると思いきや、まさかの撮影続行!? ロケット団本部直送の秘蔵メカ、「ロケット・ガチャット」からポケモンを繰り出すロケット団だったが、インテレオンが映画さながらの身のこなしで応戦しロケット団を撃退する。
▲その身のこなしはまさにエージェント! 臆病なメッソンの心にもある変化が!?
自分もあこがれのインテレオンのようになるべく特訓を開始するメッソン。そんな中、ポケモンの誘拐事件が発生! めそめそメッソンの潜入任務「さらわれたポケモンを奪還せよ!」ミッションスタートだ!!