Home / Episode Guide / Rival Battle! The Formidable Pururill!/ライバルバトル!強敵プルリル!/A Rival Battle for Club Champ!
Heading towards the Nacrene Gym, Ash and his friends have arrived in Luxuria Town which has a Battle Club. Ash dashes throughout the town and beings to look back and forth; hoping to spot the Battle Club. After a few moments, Ash screeches to a stop, noticing the Battle Gym in the distance. Ash rushes through the doors and begins querying the battle kiosk for an opponent. Iris and Cilan arrive a few moments behind, announcing they have finally arrived. Iris begins to breathe heavy, attempting to catch her breath as herself and Cilan rushed behind Ash as he searched for the Battle Club. Iris states that running through the town just to reach a Pokémon Battle Club is childish. Ash ignores her comment, shouting out that he has located an opponent. Iris questions Ash what he is shouting about with Ash revealing the screen which displays Trip. Cilan states he is surprised that Trip has arrived at Luxuria Town. Ash questions Cilan if he knows Trip. Cilan responds that Trip came to challenge the Straiton Gym and obtained the Victory Badge with excellence. Iris shouts out demanding to know who Ash and Cilan are discussing. Ash explains that Trip is a trainer that he had previously met at Professor Juniper’s laboratory. Ash states that Trip was the first trainer whom he had a Pokémon Battle with in the Unova region. Ash shouts out with vigor that he has decided to battle Trip once more.

A foreign voice interrupts the trio, announcing that they should leave anything to him. The man welcomes our heroes to the Pokémon Battle Club, and questions Ash if he would wish to have a battle with Trip. Ash looks at the man, who resembles the Battle Manager from Accumula Town, suggesting that he has previously met him before. The man responds that Ash had actually visited his cousin’s club in Accumula Town, pointing towards a portrait which features the resident Battle Managers of every Battle Club in Unova. The photo contains thirteen Battle Managers, whom all resemble each other similar to the resident Joys’ of Unova. The man points at the top right of the photo, stating that the man in red is the Don George of Accumula Town while the man in blue is himself, the Don George of Luxuria Town. Don walks over to the kiosk and places an outbound call via Live Caster to Trip to inquire if he would like to accept Ash’s challenge. Ash questions Don about the use of Live Caster. Don responds that it is a device with which you can talk through a screen; and with it, you can even talk to someone far away.

Trip, who is nearby taking photos, is interrupted by the ring from his Live Caster. Trip answers the call and is greeted by Don, who states that he has a challenger for Trip. Ash shouts that it has been a while since he has last seen Trip. Trip questions Ash if he has started traveling recently as well. Iris and Cilan step in view of the monitor, with Iris responding that Trip is correct and that Ash is also traveling with herself and Cilan. Trip, in surprised state, questions if it is really Cilan of Straiton Gym on the other end of the call. Cilan responds that it is in fact true and he has been traveling with Ash and Iris. Ash interrupts Cilan, demanding for Trip to accept his challenge. Trip denies the request, responding that battling a Pikachu who lost against a low-level Snivy is meaningless. Ash explains that Pikachu wasn’t normal in the previous battle and had been affected by Zekrom. Cilan inquires about Ash’s statement regarding Zekrom. Iris explains that Ash had previously met Zekrom in Nuvema Town. Ash begins to grow frustrated, shaking the kiosk shouting that he also has obtained other Pokémon as well.

Trip arrives at the Battle Club, stating that Ash is noisy and that his loud voice can be heard from the opposite street. Ash rushes up to Trip, inquiring if he would like to battle. Trip responds that a full six-on-six battle might benefit him if he were to accept Ash’s challenge. Ash responds that they can only have a five-on-five battle due to only having five Pokémon on hand. Ash continues that however he only has five Pokémon; he has additionally obtained his first Victory Badge. Trip explains that he has already secured his second Victory Badge. Trip apologizes to Don, stating that he will have to decline Ash’s battle request because battling a Trainer with one badge and five Pokémon is useless. Ash angrily responds that Trip does not possess a higher skill level simply because he has more Pokémon. Trip ponders where Ash’s baseless confidence is derived from and questions Ash if all trainers from rural areas like Kanto are like Ash. Trip suggests that he will search for a more worthy opponent in the next city. As Trip begins to make his exit, Iris intervenes stating that Trip has been complaining about various things the entire time during the conversation and those types of people are often like children. Cilan contributes that he would like to see the battle as well as passion and calmness will clash, producing a deep taste which is both fresh and sharp. Trip questions Don if he would be the referee as himself and Ash will have a five-on-five battle; thereby accepting Ash’s challenge. Ash thanks Trip for accepting his challenge; however Trip arrogantly suggests that he already has knowledge of the outcome before the battle has begun and that he suspects it will be a completely meaningless battle.

Our two challengers take the field, as confident as ever in their abilities. Don, as referee, announces that the Pokémon Battle between Trip will begin. Don explains that each trainer will be allocated five Pokémon each and may switch freely and as soon as all Pokémon of one side are unable to battle, the match is over. Trip flicks his wrist, calling upon Tranquil, who takes the field in an extreme vigor. Ash queries his Zukan on Tranquil’s data: “Tranquil, the Pigeon Pokémon. The evolved form of Pidove. It is believed that, deep within the forests where Tranquil live, there is a peaceful country without strife.” Ash thrusts his arm forth calling upon Oshawott. Trip ponders about where Oshawott had been obtained during Ash’s journey. Ash explains that Oshawott is the same Oshawott which was previously at Professor Juniper’s laboratory. Oshawott begins by launching a strong Water Gun towards Tranquil. Tranquil successfully evades the attack and descends towards the ground, directly striking Oshawott multiple times with Aerial Ace. Don announces Oshawott as unable to battle and awards the victory to Tranquil. Ash ponders who Tranquil had the ability to defeat Oshawott with one attack. Trip explains that his Tranquil is equipped with Super Luck as its ability. Cilan states that Super Luck is an ability that makes it easier to land critical hits. Ash recalls Oshawott into his Monster Ball, shouting that Super Luck has no relevance to the battle. Ash launches a Monster Ball into the arena, calling upon Tepig for assistance. Trip questions Ash’s battle strategy, questioning why Ash chose a Fire-type after a Water-type was unable to defeat its foe. Tepig launches a flurry of embers into the atmosphere; however Tranquil utilizes its agility to evade the attack with ease. Tranquil launches Double Team, generating multiple copies of itself in an attempt to increase evasiveness. After a few moments, Tranquil begins to generate a red aura around itself, raising its attack power with Work Up. Tranquil strikes forward with Aerial Ace, swiftly defeating its foe with two blows. Don announces Tepig as unable to battle, awarding the victory to Tranquil. Ash recalls Tepig into its Monster Ball, thanking him for his assistance. Trip sarcastically states that Ash should start from the basics of battling, having two of his Pokémon easily defeated by Tranquil. Ash responds that the battle has just begun and selects Pikachu as his third Pokémon.

Pikachu strikes forth, and launches a devastating Thunderbolt towards the airborne Tranquil. Tranquil successfully evades the attack, with Trip realizing that Ash was truthful about Pikachu’s ability to use Electric attacks. Tranquil continues to build its attack power with Work Up, and dashes forward in an Aerial Ace, striking Pikachu multiple times. Trip suggests that Pikachu is putting up a useless resistance as Tranquil will secure its third victory in a row. Tranquil blazes forward into another Aerial Ace attack, however Pikachu successfully dodges moments before impact and manages to successfully grasp onto Tranquil’s leg. Pikachu utilizes its grasp to thrust Tranquil airborne, rendering it unable to move for a few moments. Pikachu dashes forward, generating electrical energy around its body in preparation for Volt Tackle. Trip commands for Tranquil to dodge, however due to Pikachu’s prior attack, is unable to outmaneuver Pikachu and is hit directly by his Volt Tackle. Don announces Tranquil as unable to battle and awards victory to Pikachu. Ash shouts out stating that his Pikachu is different from when they previously battled in Accumula Town. Trip laughs at Ash’s statement, responding that Pikachu won’t have a chance against his Servine. Trip recalls Tranquil into his Monster Ball and calls upon Servine. Ash ponders at Snivy’s evolution, surprised it had evolved in such a short time. Trip explains that he strengthened and evolved Snivy. Iris states that Ash and Pikachu have fighting spirit and they can expect great things. Cilan explains that Trip was able to obtain victory against Chili’s Pansear with Servine and there is no doubt that his Servine will present a luscious and rich battle.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is positioned at a local scrapyard waiting for rendezvous with their contact. James suggests that they have arrived early to their destination. After a few moments, Luxuria Town’s police force interrupts the trio. Officer Jenny explains that because of the report from Straiton City, Team Rocket is wanted throughout the entire Unova region. Jenny shouts that they will arrest Team Rocket. A truck’s horn breaks through the silence, and moments later, smashes through the scrapyard entrance and screeches towards Team Rocket. An unknown man opens the door and commands for Jessie, James, and Meowth to get in. The truck speeds through the entrance and exits onto a nearby highway, followed by an assortment of law enforcement vehicles. Jenny demands for Team Rocket to end their useless resistance, however Team Rocket ignores her demand and increase speed. The truck continues down the path and is soon afterwards met by the end of the highway, which is still under construction. The truck exits the roadway and begins its descent, however, Team Rocket successfully escape from the falling truck, propelling themselves skyward with their signature jet packs. The truck collides with the ground and explodes; thrusting a cloud of debris and smoke into the air. The unknown man presents James with a small case, containing an unknown item. Meowth questions if the man is the boss of which Giovanni had spoken. The agent confirms that Meowth is correct and introduces himself as Flint; blasting off skyward away from Jessie, James and Meowth after having completed his objective.

Pikachu strikes forward, incasing his tail in a layer of iron in preparation for Iron Tail. Servine rushes forward, gathering energy in his arm and clashes with Pikachu’s Iron Tail attack. Servine’s attack successfully deflects Pikachu’s attack, which then follows-up with Leaf Tornado, enveloping Pikachu in a tornado comprised of Grass energy. Servine successfully utilizes the tornado’s energy to thrust Pikachu into the ground. Pikachu strikes forward with Volt Tackle, gathering a massive amount of electrical energy around his body. Servine retaliates with Cut, which successfully dissolves Pikachu’s electrical force; knocking Pikachu unconscious. Don announces Pikachu as unable to battle and awards the victory to Servine. Trip questions Ash if he still intends to continue with the battle, stating that Ash only has two Pokémon while he has four. Ash responds that he definitely will not give up until the end, calling upon Snivy. Iris questions why Ash chose Snivy, due to the fact that he possesses Pidove who has a type-advantage over Grass. Cilan suggests that Ash chose Snivy due to an alternative strategy. Snivy strikes forward with Vine Whip, thrusting her whips back and forth. Servine evades her attack, swiftly moving back and forth with minor effort. Snivy begins to gather energy in her tail, in preparation for Leaf Blade. Snivy flips forward to launch the attack, however is unable to strike Servine. Servine retaliates with Leaf Tornado, successfully enveloping Snivy in its attack. Trip boldly states that there is no way that Snivy could stand a chance against his Servine. Ash responds that simply evolving a Pokémon won’t automatically make it any stronger. Snivy continues her onslaught of Vine Whip; however Servine continues to evade the attack with little effort. After a few moments, Snivy launches Attract which renders Servine in a love stricken state. Snivy successfully takes advantage of the situation, launching a flurry of successfully Vine Whip attacks upon Servine. Snivy finishes her onslaught with a final Leaf Blade, knocking Servine unconscious. Don announces Servine as unable to battle and awards the victory to Snivy. Trip recalls Servine into its Monster Ball, stating that he never thought Snivy would possess Attract. Ash recalls Snivy into its Monster Ball, in preparation for Trip’s next selection. Trip reveals a Monster Ball, releasing the essence of Frillish. Ash reveals his Zukan and queries the unknown Pokémon’s entry: “Frillish, the Floating Pokémon. With its thin, veil-like arms, it binds the opponent and paralyzes it with poison. A Pokémon said to reside in deep oceans 8,000 meters below the surface.”

Ash thrusts a Monster Ball into the arena, calling upon Pidove. Pidove extends her wings, releasing a massive Air Cutter towards Frillish. Frillish responds with Protect, which successfully dissolves Pidove's attack. Frillish retaliates with Water Pulse, generating a sphere of water which it launches at Pidove. Water Pulse successfully strikes Pidove, enveloping it in water and forcing it to gasp for air. After a few moments, the sphere explodes, thrusting PIdove towards the stadium wall. Don announces Pidove as unable to battle and awards the victory to Frillish. Cilan suggests that Frillish is strong and the way it fights makes him feel its sharp taste. Trip states that they should stop the meaningless battle, as it will be for Ash’s sake. Ash responds that he still has one Pokémon, calling upon Snivy. Snivy strikes forward with Vine Whip which successfully strikes Frillish, however upon making contact with Frillish’s body, Snivy is affected by Frillish’s poison which renders her temporarily paralyzed. Trip arrogantly identifies Ash’s mistake at using a Physical attack against a Pokémon who has the Cursed Body Ability. Ash ponders about the effects of Cursed Body. Iris shouts that it is an ability that threatens to block a move that attacks physically. Snivy retaliates with Leaf Storm, thrusting a colorful array of leaves towards Frillish. Frillish envelopes itself with Protect and manages to successfully avoid Snivy’s attack. Frillish responds with Night Shade, enveloping Snivy in Ghost energy. Snivy launches a devastating Leaf Storm, which strikes Frillish for a direct hit. Snivy continues with Attract; however Frillish utilizes its agility to avoid the attack. Cilan suggests that Frillish must be considerably quick to be able to dodge Snivy’s Attract. Snivy strikes forward with Leaf Blade, however is temporarily paralyzed again due to Frillish’s Cursed Body Ability. Frillish launches Water Pulse, which successfully strikes Snivy, rendering her into a Confused State. Frillish extends its two thin arms and begins gathering ghost energy in preparation to launch Hex, which it utilizes to take advantage of Snivy’s status problem. Trip explains that Hex is a move that will be twice as powerful against Snivy due to her being confused. The ghost energy successfully strikes Snivy, knocking her unconscious. Don announces Snivy as unable to battle and awards victory to Trip. Trip suggests that Pikachu and Snivy are so-so, however his other Pokémon are hopeless cases. Trip thanks Don for his assistance and excuses himself from the battlefield. Ash shouts out to Trip, inquiring if he will battle him again someday. Trip responds that he will have to think about it, as battles are the basics of being a Trainer after all. Iris suggests that Ash should complete more training to prepare himself for his next bout with Trip. Trip vigorously proclaims that he will train a lot more and become stronger to defeat Trip.

The second Pokémon battle against Trip has ended with a loss for Ash. Seeking further growth, Ash and his friends continue their journey.

English Official Summary

Ash stops by the Pokémon Battle Club in Luxuria Town for a warm-up battle before challenging the next Gym. He’s surprised to find his Unova region rival, Trip, is there, too! Ash challenges Trip to a battle, and although he’s reluctant at first, Trip eventually agrees to a five-on-five match. The battle starts out with Trip’s Tranquill making quick work of Ash’s Oshawott and Tepig. Meanwhile, at the Dreamyard, Team Rocket is surrounded by Officer Jenny’s police force! Unfazed, they stand their ground until a new agent named Pierce comes to their rescue, and they all glide safely out of sight. Back at the Battle Club, Ash finally defeats Tranquill using Pikachu, and Trip sends out his Servine—who evolved from the Snivy Ash battled on his first day in the Unova region! When Pikachu is defeated, Ash counters with his Snivy. Snivy defeats Trip’s Servine with its powerful Attract move, and Trip next chooses his Frillish. Ash then switches to his Pidove to let Snivy rest, but the strategy doesn’t work—Frillish quickly takes Pidove down. Ash brings Snivy out one more time, but when Frillish defeats Snivy as well, Trip is declared the winner. Instead of being angry, Ash redoubles his efforts and vows to train harder than ever for the next time he and Trip have a battle!

French Official Summary

En chemin vers l’Arène de Maillard, Sacha décide de s'arrêter au Club de Combat Pokémon de Luxuriaville et d’affronter un adversaire pour se préparer à ses futurs Combats d’Arène. Il est surpris de constater que son rival de la région d' Unys, Niko, est là également ! Sacha lance un défi à Niko, et celui-ci, bien que réticent au départ, accepte un Combat à cinq contre cinq. Mais le Colombeau de Niko est vraiment très puissant, et se débarrasse facilement du Moustillon et du Gruikui de Sacha. Pendant ce temps, la Team Rocket est arrivée aux Vestiges du Rêve, où ils sont encerclés par les forces de police de l’Agent Jenny ! Mais un autre membre de la Team Rocket nommé Patrick (qui les assistera lors de leur prochaine mission) les secourt avec beaucoup de sang-froid et ils s'évanouissent au nez et à la barbe des agents. Sacha élimine ensuite Colombeau en utilisant Pikachu, puis Niko choisit son Lianaja. Après la défaite de Pikachu, Sacha choisit son Vipélierre, qui l’emporte sur Lianaja. Niko appelle alors son Viskuse. Sacha opère un changement en faveur de Poichigeon, qui est vaincu par Viskuse. Sacha appelle une nouvelle fois son dernier Pokémon, Vipélierre, mais il est battu par Viskuse, et Niko est déclaré vainqueur. Cependant, au lieu d'être furieux, Sacha fait le serment de redoubler d'efforts et de s'entraîner dur pour être prêt la prochaine fois que lui et Niko combattront !

German Official Summary

Auf seinem Weg nach Septerna City entscheidet sich Ash dem Pokémon-Kampfklub in Pracht-Stadt einen Besuch abzustatten, in der Hoffnung auf einen Kampf zur Vorbereitung auf seinen Septerna-Arena-Kampf. Überrascht entdeckt er dort seinen Rivalen aus der Einall-Region, Diaz. Also fordert Ash in zum Kampf heraus. Obwohl Diaz zunächst ablehnt, erklärt er sich dann doch zu einem fünf-gegen-fünf-Kampf bereit. Aber Diaz' Navitaub ist sehr stark und macht kurzen Prozess mit Ottaro und Floink. Inzwischen ist Team Rocket an der Traumbrache angekommen, wo sie von Officer Rocky und Ihren Polizisten umstellt werden. Doch plötzlich taucht das neue Mitglied im Team Rocket, Pedro, auf und rettet sie. Ash besiegt Navitaub mit Pikachus Hilfe. Diaz wählt nun Efoserp. Nachdem Pikachu besiegt wurde entscheidet sich Ash für Serpifeu, das Efoserp besiegt. Nun wählt Diaz Quabbel. Ash wechselt zu Dusselgurr, das von Quabbel besiegt wird. Nun hat Ash nur noch Serpifeu, das von Quabbel besiegt wird und somit ist Diaz der Sieger des Kampfes. Doch statt verärgert zu sein, nimmt Ash sich vor noch härter zu trainieren, um beim nächsten Kampf gegen Diaz zu gewinnen.

Italian Official Summary

Durante il tragitto verso la Palestra di Zefiropoli, Ash decide di fermarsi al Club di Lotta Pokémon di Sfarzopoli, per ingaggiare una lotta in preparazione a quella che si terrà nella Palestra di Zefiropoli. Il nostro eroe scopre con stupore che si trova lì anche Diapo, il suo rivale della regione di Unima! Ash sfida Diapo, il quale, inizialmente riluttante, accetta di fare una Lotta Cinque Contro Cinque. Il Tranquill di Diapo, però, è così forte che si sbarazza velocemente di Oshawott e Tepig. Nel frattempo, il Team Rocket è giunto al Cantiere dei Sogni, e viene accerchiato dalle forze di polizia dell’Agente Jenny! A questo punto fa la sua comparsa un altro membro del Team Rocket, Pierce (che assisterà il gruppo nel prossimo incarico), che li salva, aiutandoli a svignarsela. Ash poi sconfigge Tranquill usando Pikachu, e al posto suo Diapo manda in campo Servine. Quando Pikachu viene sconfitto, Ash sceglie Snivy, che riesce a sconfiggere Servine. Diapo allora sceglie Frillish, e Ash passa a Pidove, che però viene sconfitto. È quindi costretto a far lottare Snivy, il suo ultimo Pokémon, che però viene anch’egli sconfitto da Frillish. Diapo è il vincitore. Invece di arrabbiarsi, Ash dichiara di volersi impegnare di più in vista della prossima lotta con Diapo!

Portuguese Official Summary

A caminho do Ginásio da Cidade de Nacrene, Ash decide parar no Clube de Batalha Pokémon da Cidade de Luxuria para batalhar na preparação para a Batalha que estar por vir no Ginásio de Nacrene. Ele fica surpreso ao saber que seu rival da Região de Unova, Trip, está lá também. Então Ash desafia Trip, e embora relutante a princípio, Trip concorda em ter uma Batalha de Cinco Contra Cinco. Mas o Tranquill de Trip é mesmo muito forte, e faz um trabalho rápido com Oshawott e Tepig de Ash. Enquanto isso, a Equipe Rocket chega ao Jardim dos Sonhos, onde são cercados pela força policial da Oficial Jenny! Mas sem se preocupar, outro membro da Equipe Rocket chamado Pierce (é quem irá ajudá-los nessa próxima missão) os resgata, e eles somem de vista. Ash então derrota Tranquill usando Pikachu, depois de Trip escolher seu Servine. Quando Pikachu é derrotado, Ash escolhe seu Snivy, que derrota Servine, depois que Trip escolhe seu Frillish. Ash então troca para Pidove, que é derrotado por Frillish. Trazendo seu último Pokémon, Snivy, mais uma vez, Frillish derrota Snivy, e Trip é declarado vencedor. Mas, ao invés de ficar zangado, Ash redobra seus esforços e jura treinar mais do que nunca para a próxima vez que tiver uma Batalha com Trip.

Finnish Official Summary

Matkallaan Nacrene Cityn salille Ash päättää piipahtaa Pokémon-ottelukerholla Luxuria Townissa harjoittelemassa tulevaa Nacrenen saliottelua varten. Hän yllättyy huomatessaan, että hänen Unova-alueen kilpakumppaninsa, Trip, on myös paikalla! Siispä Ash haastaa Tripin, ja vaikka tämä onkin aluksi vastahakoinen, Trip suostuu lopulta viisi-vastaan-viisi-otteluun. Tripin Tranquill on kuitenkin todella vahva ja voittaa nopeasti Ashin Oshawottin ja Tepigin. Sillä välin Rakettiryhmä on saapunut Unipihalle, missä poliisijoukot konstaapeli Jennyn johdolla ympäröivät heidät! Heillä ei ole silti huolta, nimittäin toinen Rakettiryhmän jäsen, Pierce (jonka on määrä auttaa suorittamaan seuraava tehtävä), pelastaa heidät ja koko joukkio liitää turvaan. Ash voittaa lopulta Tranquillin Pikachullaan, minkä jälkeen Trip valitsee Servinen. Kun Pikachu häviää, Ash ottaa sen tilalle Snivyn, joka voittaakin Servinen ja Trip valitsee seuraavaksi Frillishin. Tässä vaiheessa Ash vaihtaa Pidoveen, joka kuitenkin saa köniinsä Frillishiltä. Ash joutuu siis ottamaan viimeisen Pokémoninsa Snivyn uudelleen peliin ja kun Frillish voittaa sen, Trip julistetaan ottelun voittajaksi. Sen sijaan, että suuttuisi, Ash vain kaksinkertaistaa ponnistelunsa ja vannoo treenaavansa kovempaa kuin koskaan, jotta olisi valmis, kun hän ja Trip seuraavan kerran ottelevat!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

En su camino hacia el Gimnasio de Ciudad Nacrene, Ash decide hacer una parada en el Club de Batalla Pokémon de Pueblo Luxuria para tener una batalla de preparación para su próxima Batalla en el Gimnasio de Nacrene. ¡Y se sorprende al encontrar ahí a Trip, su rival de Región Unova! Así que Ash desafía a Trip, y, aunque se niega al principio, Trip acepta una batalla de cinco contra cinco, pero el Tranquill de Trip es fuerte y se encarga rápidamente de Oshawott y Tepig de Ash… Mientras tanto, el Equipo Rocket llega al Jardín Ensueño, donde son rodeados por la fuerza policial de la Oficial Jenny; pero sin muchos problemas, otro miembro del Equipo Rocket llamado Pierce (que les ayudará en su siguiente tarea) los rescata y huyen a toda velocidad. Ash logra derrotar a Tranquill usando a Pikachu, tras lo cual Trip elige a su Servine. Cuando Pikachu es derrotado, Ash elige a su Snivy, que vence a Servine, entonces Trip elige a su Frillish. Ash luego cambia a su Pidove, que es derrotado por Frillish. Al lanzar a su último Pokémon, Snivy una vez más, Frillish lo derrota, y Trip es declarado ganador. En vez de enojarse, Ash redobla sus esfuerzos y se compromete a entrenar más duro que nunca para la próxima vez que él y Trip tengan una batalla.

Spanish Official Summary

En su camino hacia el Gimnasio de Ciudad Esmalte, Ash decide parar en el Club de Combate de Pueblo Lujoso para prepararse para su próximo combate en el Gimnasio Esmalte. Le sorprende descubrir que su rival de la región de Teselia, Trip, también está allí. Ash desafía a Trip, quien, aunque reacio al principio, accede a un combate de cinco contra cinco. Pero el Tranquill de Trip es muy fuerte y acaba pronto con el Oshawott y Tepig de Ash. Mientras tanto, el Team Rocket ha llegado al Solar de los Sueños, donde pronto los rodea la policía de la Agente Mara. De forma muy tranquila, otro miembro del Team Rocket llamado Pierce los rescata, y todos salen sanos y salvos del escenario. Ash derrota a Tranquill usando a Pikachu. Trip elige entonces a su Servine. Cuando derrota a Pikachu, Ash elige a su Snivy, y este derrota a Servine. A continuación, Trip elige a su Frillish. Ash saca a su Pidove, que es derrotado por Frillish. A su vez, Frillish derrota al último Pokémon de Ash, Snivy, y Trip es declarado ganador. Pero en lugar de enfadarse, Ash redobla sus esfuerzos y promete entrenar más duro que nunca para la próxima vez que Trip y él libren un combate.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Ash stops by the Pokémon Battle Club in Luxuria Town for a warm-up battle before challenging the next Gym. He’s surprised to find his Unova region rival, Trip, is there, too! Ash challenges Trip to a battle, and although he’s reluctant at first, Trip eventually agrees to a five-on-five match. The battle starts out with Trip’s Tranquill making quick work of Ash’s Oshawott and Tepig. Meanwhile, at the Dreamyard, Team Rocket is surrounded by Officer Jenny’s police force! Unfazed, they stand their ground until a new agent named Pierce comes to their rescue, and they all glide safely out of sight. Back at the Battle Club, Ash finally defeats Tranquill using Pikachu, and Trip sends out his Servine—who evolved from the Snivy Ash battled on his first day in the Unova region! When Pikachu is defeated, Ash counters with his Snivy. Snivy defeats Trip’s Servine with its powerful Attract move, and Trip next chooses his Frillish. Ash then switches to his Pidove to let Snivy rest, but the strategy doesn’t work—Frillish quickly takes Pidove down. Ash brings Snivy out one more time, but when Frillish defeats Snivy as well, Trip is declared the winner. Instead of being angry, Ash redoubles his efforts and vows to train harder than ever for the next time he and Trip have a battle!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Накрин Сити Эш решает остановиться в бойцовском клубе Лакзьюрия Таун, чтобы подготовиться к предстоящему бою.  Он с удивлением узнает, что его соперник из Юновы, Трип, тоже здесь. Трип соглашается на битву 5 на 5. У него есть сильный Транквил, который без проблем одолевает Ошавотта и Тепига. Команда Р, тем временем, прибывает на заброшенную лабораторию, где их окружают полицейские во главе с Дженни. Но им на помощь приходит еще один член команды, Пирс, и вызволяет их из рук полиции. Эш, тем временем, побеждает Транквила с помощью Пикачу. А Трип использует Сервайна. Когда Пикачу проигрывает бой, Эш вызывает Снайви, а Трип – Фрилиша. Затем Эш меняет Снайви на Пидава, но он проигрывает бой Фрилишу. Эш снова вызывает Снайви, но и он проигрывает Фрилишу. Трип становится победителем. Но Эш не расстраивается и решает тщательно готовиться к следующему сражению с Трипом.

Dutch Official Summary

Onderweg naar de Nacrene City Gym besluit Ash om te stoppen bij de Pokémon Vechtclub in Luxuria Town om een gevecht te houden ter voorbereiding op zijn komende gevecht in de Nacrene Gym. Tot zijn verbazing treft hij daar zijn Unova regio rivaal Trip ook! Ash daagt Trip uit en hoewel die eerst terughoudend is, stemt Trip ermee in om een Vijf-tegen-vijf Gevecht te houden. Maar de Tranquill van Trip is zeer sterk en maakt korte metten met de Oshawott en Tepig van Ash. Ondertussen is Team Rocket aangekomen in de Dreamyard, waar ze worden omsingeld door een politiemacht onder leiding van Agent Jenny. Zonder enig probleem worden zij echter gered door een ander lid van Team Rocket, Pierce, die ze met hun nieuwe opdracht zal assisteren, en verdwijnen zij veilig uit het zicht. Ash verslaat Tranquill met Pikachu, waarna Trip zijn Servine kiest. Als Pikachu is verslagen, kiest Ash Snivy, die Servine verslaat, waarna Trip Frillish kiest. Ash gaat verder met Pidove die wordt verslagen door Frillish. Ash haalt zijn laatste Pokémon Snivy nog een keer tevoorschijn. Frillish verslaat Snivy en Trip is de winnaar. Maar in plaats van kwaad te zijn, spant Ash zich extra in en zweert hij nog harder te trainen dan ooit voor de volgende keer dat hij en Trip een Gevecht zullen houden!

Norwegian Official Summary

På vei til Nacrene City-gym bestemmer Ash seg for å stoppe på en Pokémon-kampklubb i Luxuria Town for å ha en forberende kamp før den kommende Nacrene-gym kampen. Han blir overrasket over å oppdage at han rival i Unova-regionen, Trip, også er der! Så Ash utfordrer Trip, og selv om han først er skeptisk, sier Trip ja til en fem mot fem kamp. Men Trips Tranquill er veldig sterk, og tar fort ut Ash sin Oshawott og Tepig. I mellomtiden har Team Rocket ankommet Drømmeplassen, hvor de blir omringet av offiser Jennys politistyrke! Men uten bekymring redder et annet medlem av Team Rocket ved navn Pierce dem (han vil assistere dem på neste oppdrag), og de forsvinner alle trygt ut av syne. Ash slår så Tranquill ved hjelp av Pikachu, og etterpå velger Trip Servine. Når Pikachu blir nedkjempet, velger Ash Snivy, som nedkjemper Servine, og da velger Trip sin Frillish. Så bytter Ash til sin Pidove, som blir slått av Frillish. Han tar ut sin siste Pokémon Snivy en gang til, og Frillish slår Snivy, og Trip blir utnevnt til vinner. Men i stedet for å være sint øker Ash innsatsen og sverger på å trene hardere enn noen sinne før neste gang han og Trip har en kamp!

Swedish Official Summary

På väg till Nacrene City-gym bestämmer sig Ash för att stanna till på Pokémon-stridsklubben i Luxuria Town för att utkämpa en strid, som förberedelse för hans kommande Gym-strid i Nacrene City. Han blir överraskad när han ser att hans rival i Unova-regionen, Trip, också är där. Så Ash utmanar Trip och även om denne är motvillig först, så går han till sist med på en fem mot fem strid. Men Trips Tranquill är verkligen stark och gör snabbt slut på Ashs Oshawott och Tepig. Under tiden har Team Rocket anlänt till Drömgården och där omringas de av konstapel Jennys polisstyrka! Men utan bekymmer räddar en annan medlem av Team Rocket dem. Han heter Pierce och ska assistera dem även på deras nästa uppdrag. Och så glider de säkert ur sikte. Ash besegrar Tranquill med Pikachu och då väljer Trip sin Servine. När Pikachu besegras väljer Ash sin Snivy som besegrar Servine och då väljer Trip Frillish. Ash byter då till Pidove, som blir besegrad av Frillish. Ash tar fram sin sista Pokémon Snivy en gång till och denne blir besegrad av Frillish och Trip utses till vinnare. Men istället för att bli arg, dubblar Ash sina ansträngningar och svär att träna hårdare än någonsin fram till nästa gång han och Trip ska strida!

Danish Official Summary

På vej mod Nacrene City-salen beslutter Ash at gøre holdt ved Luxuria Towns Pokémon-kampklub og tage en kamp som forberedelse til den kommende Nacrene Sal-kamp. Til hans overraskelse er Trip, hans rival fra Unova-regionen, der også! Ash udfordrer Trip, og selvom han stritter imod i begyndelsen, indvilger Trip i at tage en fem mod fem kamp. Men Trips Tranquill er virkelig stærk og gør kort proces med Ash’ Oshawott og Tepig. I mellemtiden er Team Rocket ankommet til Drømmepladsen, hvor de bliver omringet af betjent Jennys politistyrker! Men Pierce, et andet medlem af Team Rocket (som skal assistere dem på den næste opgave), redder dem stille og roligt, og de svæver alle af sted ud af syne og i sikkerhed. Ash sætter Pikachu ind og vinder over Tranquill, hvorefter Trip vælger sin Servine. Da Pikachu bliver besejret, vælger Ash sin Snivy, som besejrer Servine, hvorefter Trip vælger sin Frillish. Så skifter Ash til sin Pidove, som besejres af Frillish. Ash sætter sin sidste Pokémon Snivy ind endnu engang, men Frillish besejrer Snivy, og Trip erklæres som vinder. Men i stedet for at blive vred vil Ash fordoble sin indsats og lover sig selv at træne hårdere end nogen sinde før inden næste gang han skal i kamp mod Trip!