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Game Dex Flavor Text
United States Pokémon Red Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
United States Pokémon Blue Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
Japan Pokémon Stadium すばやく はしりまわり かたいものを みつけては かじっている。おちつきが なく じっとして いられない ようだ。
United States Pokémon Stadium Scurries around quickly, searching for hard objects to gnaw. It appears to be jittery and unable to remain still.
United States Pokémon Yellow Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area.
United States Pokémon Gold It eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.
United States Pokémon Silver Living wherever there is food available, it ceaslessly scavenges for edibles the entire day.
United States Pokémon Crystal This Pokemon's impressive vitality allows it to live anywhere. It also multiplies very quickly.
United States Pokémon Ruby Rattat is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives - it will make its nest anywhere.
United States Pokémon Sapphire RATTATA is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives - it will make its nest anywhere.
United States Pokémon Emerald A RATTATA is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly moves its ears and listens for danger. It will make its nest anywhere.
United States Pokémon LeafGreen Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
United States Pokémon FireRed Its fangs are long and very sharp. They grow continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle them down.
United States Pokémon Pearl Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
United States Pokémon Diamond Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
United States Pokémon Platinum Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
United States Pokémon HeartGold It eats anything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.
United States Pokémon SoulSilver Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles the entire day.
United States Pokémon White Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
Japan Pokémon White どんな ばしょにも すみついて いきていける せいめいりょく。 けいかいしんが とても つよい。
United States Pokémon Black Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment.
Japan Pokémon Black どんな ばしょにも すみついて いきていける せいめいりょく。 けいかいしんが とても つよい。
United States Pokémon Black 2 It searches for food all day. It gnaws on hard objects to wear down its fangs, which grow constantly during its lifetime.
Japan Pokémon Black 2 1にちじゅう エサを さがしている。 キバは しぬまで のびつづけるので かたいものを かじって けずる。
United States Pokémon White 2 It searches for food all day. It gnaws on hard objects to wear down its fangs, which grow constantly during its lifetime.
Japan Pokémon White 2 1にちじゅう エサを さがしている。 キバは しぬまで のびつづけるので かたいものを かじって けずる。
Germany Pokémon X Es baut sein Nest, wo es Futter findet. Es ist den ganzen Tag auf der Suche nach etwas Essbarem.
Italy Pokémon Y I denti affilati gli continuano a crescere, costringendolo a limarseli mordicchiando oggetti molto duri.
Spain Pokémon Y Tiene unos largos y afilados colmillos que no dejan de crecer. Le resultan muy útiles para destruir cosas.
South Korea Pokémon Y 송곳니는 길고 날카롭다. 평생 자라나기 때문에 단단한 것을 갉아서 깎는다.
France Pokémon Y Les dents de Rattata sont longues et tranchantes. Comme elles poussent sans arrêt, il doit ronger tout ce qu’il trouve pour pouvoir les tailler.
Germany Pokémon Y Seine Reißzähne sind lang und scharf. Da sie ständig wachsen, nagt es immerzu an etwas, um sie abzuwetzen.
Japan Pokémon Y キバは ながくて するどい。 いっしょう のびつづけるので かたい モノを かじって けずる。
United States Pokémon Y Its fangs are long and very sharp. They grow continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle them down.
Italy Pokémon X Vive ovunque si trovi del cibo, cercando incessantemente qualsiasi cosa sia commestibile.
Spain Pokémon X Vive allí donde haya comida disponible. Busca todo el día, sin descanso, algo comestible.
France Pokémon X Vivant là où se trouve la nourriture, ce charognard passe ses journées à la rechercher.
Japan Pokémon X たべるものが あるところなら どこにだって せいそくする。 1にちじゅう エサを さがしている。
United States Pokémon X Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles the entire day.
South Korea Pokémon X 먹을 것이 있는 곳이라면 어디서든 서식한다. 온종일 먹이를 찾아다닌다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby Rattata è estremamente cauto. Anche quando dorme tiene sempre le orecchie tese, muovendole come sonde. Non ha particolari esigenze di habitat: costruisce la propria tana ovunque.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 경계심이 매우 강해서 자고 있을 때도 귀를 움직여 주변의 소리를 듣고 있다. 어디에든 자리를 잡고 둥지를 만든다.
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Rattata è estremamente cauto. Anche quando dorme tiene sempre le orecchie tese, muovendole come sonde. Non ha particolari esigenze di habitat: costruisce la propria tana ovunque.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Rattata es cauto como él solo. Hasta cuando duerme mueve las orejas para oír todos los ruidos. No es nada delicado a la hora de elegir su hábitat. Cualquier sitio es bueno para cavar su madriguera.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Rattata est extrêmement prudent. Même lorsqu’il est endormi, il fait pivoter ses oreilles pour écouter autour de lui. En ce qui concerne son habitat, il n’est vraiment pas difficile. Il peut faire son nid n’importe où.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Rattfratz ist extrem vorsichtig. Sogar im Schlaf nimmt es alles wahr, indem es seine Ohren bewegt. Es stellt keine großen Ansprüche an seinen Lebensraum und richtet sein Nest überall ein.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire けいかいしんが とても つよく ねている ときも みみを うごかし まわりの おとを きいている。 どこにでも すみつき す を つくる。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives—it will make its nest anywhere.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 경계심이 매우 강해서 자고 있을 때도 귀를 움직여 주변의 소리를 듣고 있다. 어디에든 자리를 잡고 둥지를 만든다.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Rattata es cauto como él solo. Hasta cuando duerme mueve las orejas para oír todos los ruidos. No es nada delicado a la hora de elegir su hábitat. Cualquier sitio es bueno para cavar su madriguera.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Rattata est extrêmement prudent. Même lorsqu’il est endormi, il fait pivoter ses oreilles pour écouter autour de lui. En ce qui concerne son habitat, il n’est vraiment pas difficile. Il peut faire son nid n’importe où.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Rattfratz ist extrem vorsichtig. Sogar im Schlaf nimmt es alles wahr, indem es seine Ohren bewegt. Es stellt keine großen Ansprüche an seinen Lebensraum und richtet sein Nest überall ein.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby けいかいしんが とても つよく ねている ときも みみを うごかし まわりの おとを きいている。 どこにでも すみつき す を つくる。
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky about where it lives—it will make its nest anywhere.
United States Pokémon Sun Its incisors continue growing until its death. If its Trainer doesn’t offer it a file to gnaw on, it will gnaw on door frames, table legs, and so on.
United States Pokémon Moon With their strong capacity for survival, they can live in dirty places without concern. Left unchecked, their numbers multiply rapidly.
United States Pokémon Sword
United States Pokémon Shield
United States Pokémon Stadium 2 It eats everything. Wherever food is available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously.