Pokémon Ruby
Normally, Whismur's voice is very quiet - it is barely audible even if one is paying close attention. However, if this Pokemon senses danger, it starts crying at an earsplitting volume. |
Pokémon Sapphire
WHISMUR is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes startled by its own crying and cries even harder. When it finally stops crying, the POKeMON goes to sleep, all tired out. |
Pokémon Emerald
Its cries equal a jet plane in volume. It inhales through its ear canals. Because of this system, it can cry continually without having to catch its breath. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
It usually murmurs, but starts crying loudly if it senses danger. It stops when its ear covers are shut. |
Pokémon FireRed
It usually murmurs, but starts crying loudly if it senses danger. It stops when its ear covers are shut. |
Pokémon Pearl
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon Diamond
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon Platinum
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon HeartGold
If it senses danger, it scares the foe by crying out with the volume of a jet-plane engine. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
If it senses danger, it scares the foe by crying out with the volume of a jet-plane engine. |
Pokémon White
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon White
ふだんは ささやくような なきごえ。 ふあんになると ジェットきと おなじ おんりょうで なきつづける。 |
Pokémon Black
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon Black
ふだんは ささやくような なきごえ。 ふあんになると ジェットきと おなじ おんりょうで なきつづける。 |
Pokémon Black 2
ふだんは ささやくような なきごえ。 ふあんになると ジェットきと おなじ おんりょうで なきつづける。 |
Pokémon White 2
ふだんは ささやくような なきごえ。 ふあんになると ジェットきと おなじ おんりょうで なきつづける。 |
Pokémon White 2
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon Black 2
Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane. |
Pokémon Y
위험을 감지하면 제트기와 같은 음량의 울음소리를 내서 적을 풀죽게 한다. |
Pokémon Y
Se sospetta un pericolo, leva grida agli stessi assordanti decibel di un jet, gettando nel panico i nemici. |
Pokémon Y
Cuando percibe peligro, lanza gritos con volumen similar al de un reactor e intimida a sus enemigos. |
Pokémon Y
Il repousse ses ennemis grâce à un cri aussi puissant que le bruit d’un avion à réaction. |
Pokémon Y
Sein Schrei ist so laut wie ein Düsenflugzeug. Bei Gefahr vertreibt es damit seine Feinde. |
Pokémon Y
きけんを さっちすると ジェットきと おなじ おんりょうの なきごえを あげて てきを ひるませるのだ。 |
Pokémon X
평소에는 속삭이는 듯한 목소리다. 위험을 감지하면 큰 소리로 울기 시작한다. 귀의 덮개를 닫으면 울음을 멈춘다. |
Pokémon X
Di solito sussurra, ma se avverte un pericolo lancia grida acute, che interrompe quando ha le orecchie chiuse. |
Pokémon X
Normalmente murmulla, pero cuando siente que hay peligro se pone a chillar. Solo para cuando se le cierran las orejas. |
Pokémon X
Il communique en murmurant, mais se met à hurler s’il sent le moindre danger. Il s’arrête quand on lui bouche les oreilles. |
Pokémon X
Normalerweise murmelt es, aber bei Gefahr beginnt es laut zu schreien. Es hört auf zu schreien, wenn seine Ohrmuscheln bedeckt werden. |
Pokémon X
ふだんは ささやき ごえ。きけんを さっちすると おおごえで なきだす。 みみの ふたを とじると なきやむ。 |
Pokémon X
It usually murmurs but starts crying loudly if it senses danger. It stops when its ear covers are shut. |
Pokémon Y
If it senses danger, it scares the foe by crying out with the volume of a jet-plane engine. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Whismur es muy tímido. Si empieza a gritar fuerte, se asusta a sí mismo y chilla más alto todavía. Cuando para por fin, se va a dormir completamente agotado. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
평소에는 주의를 기울여야 들릴 만큼 작은 목소리지만 위험을 감지하면 두통을 일으킬 만큼 큰 소리로 울어댄다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Normalmente la voce di Whismur è molto tenue, quasi impercettibile, anche se ci si concentra. Tuttavia, se questo Pokémon percepisce un pericolo, inizia a emettere suoni assordanti. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Normalmente, Whismur tiene una voz tenue, casi inaudible, aunque se preste atención. No obstante, si este Pokémon siente que el peligro acecha, puede ponerse a chillar con un volumen ensordecedor. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Généralement, la voix de Chuchmur est très douce, à peine audible, même si on tend l’oreille. Pourtant, lorsque ce Pokémon sent l’approche du danger, il se met à crier si fort qu’il peut déchirer des tympans. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Normalerweise ist Flurmels Stimme sehr leise, selbst mit größter Anstrengung ist sie kaum hörbar. Wenn dieses Pokémon jedoch eine Gefahr wittert, stößt es ohrenbetäubende Schreie aus. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
ふだんは ちゅういしないと ききとれない くらい ちいさな こえだが きけんを さっち すると ずつうを おこす ほどの おおごえで なきだす。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Normally, Whismur’s voice is very quiet—it is barely audible even if one is paying close attention. However, if this Pokémon senses danger, it starts crying at an earsplitting volume. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
한 번 큰 소리로 울기 시작하면 자신의 목소리에 놀라 한층 더 심하게 운다. 울음을 그치면 지쳐서 잠들어버린다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Whismur è estremamente timido. Se gli capita di emettere suoni forti, è atterrito nell’udire la sua stessa voce, quindi urla ancora più fragorosamente. Quando finalmente si placa, va a dormire, spossato. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Chuchmur est très timide. S’il commence à pleurer, il s’effraie tout seul et pleure de plus belle. Quand ce Pokémon finit enfin de pleurer, il s’endort, épuisé. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Flurmel ist sehr scheu. Wenn es laut brüllt, erschrickt es und brüllt dadurch noch lauter. Wenn es schließlich damit aufhört, ist es völlig ausgepumpt und legt sich schlafen. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
ひとたび おおごえで なきだすと じぶんの こえに びっくりして さらに はげしく なく。 なきやむと つかれて ねむってしまう。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Whismur is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes startled by its own crying and cries even harder. When it finally stops crying, the Pokémon goes to sleep, all tired out. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield