On November 6th, 2020, the official AniPoke PR Twitter account
announced that comedy group
3ji no Heroine and
Chidori would be voicing roles in this episode.
3ji no Heroine are the voice actors for the High-class Lady, Marunoom, and Beroringa, who appear in episode 47 of the Anipoke which is airing today. Maki Fukuda, Yumecchi, and Kanade's comments are below.
本日放送のアニポケ 第47話に登場する、おじょうさま、マルノーム, ベロリンガ の声優を担当する3時のヒロイン の3人
福田麻貴 さん ゆめっち さん かなで さんからコメントが届きました
Maki Fukuda, Yumecchi, and Kanade of 3 o'clock Heroine's are making their first attempts at voice acting in the Anipoke!
In celebration of the TV anime Pocket Monsters moving to 6:55 p.m. every Friday night on TV Tokyo, we are pleased to announce that for the third week in a row, a star-studded cast will appear as voice actors! The guest voice actor for the second week will be a popular comedian group, 3 o'clock Heroine!
On Friday, November 27th, 2020, in the broadcast of "Pokémon Champion! The Battle of Big Eaters!!", Satoshi and Go, the two main characters, challenge the "Big Eater Tournament" held in Kuchibashi City! Go and Hoshigarisu will try to win with a surprising strategy against many Pokémon that boast their gluttony.
3 o'clock Heroine's Maki Fukuda will be playing the role of one of Go's opponents, High-class Lady, a regular competitor! A Yarukimono who can't sit still and has an eating style of shoveling food into its mouth, and will be using its speed in the match!
Yumecchi will play the role of Marunoom, which has a "big mouth" unlike any other Pokémon, and can swallow anything whole.
Will Go and Hoshigarisu be able to take the victory in their first attempt at the "Big Eater Tournament", where they'll be pitted against all the veterans for the first time!? Be sure to tune in for a gripping, nail-biting battle that will be just like a popular gluttonous eating show!
Comment from Maki Fukuda, who plays the role of High-class Lady:
I never dreamed in my wildest dreams that the day would come when I would be able to act as a voice actor for the anime Pocket Monsters, which I have watched obsessively since I was a child! Even now, as an adult, I still love Pokémon! I never thought I'd get to be a part of its production, it was like an exciting field trip! Pay close attention! If you see a trainer with a cute face but an ugly voice, that's my voice!
Comment from Yumecchi, who plays the role of Marunoom:
I'm Yumecchi of 3 o'clock Heroine and I made debut as a voice actress in the anime Pocket Monsters! I will appear in the "Pokémon Champion! The Battle of Big Eaters!!" broadcast on Friday, November 27th, 2020! I was very nervous because 3 o'clock Heroine were not expecting to make their debut as Pokémon voice actresses, but the scene was very neat and it was my first experience recording, so it was a great memory! Keep your eyes and ears open to see where I'm appearing! It's very interesting!
Comment from Kanade, who plays the role of Beroringa:
To be able to voice-act for the Pocket Monsters anime...it's a dream come true. I would like to brag about it to my family, friends, fellow comedians, and everyone. I was nervous to take on the challenge, but the director gave me an OK right away, and to be honest... I even felt a good when I finished... (laughs). I hope I have fit in well with the Pokémon world! Please take a look!
3時のヒロインの福田麻貴・ゆめっち・かなでが 「アニポケ」声優に初挑戦!
テレビ東京系にて放送中のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」が、毎週金曜よる6時55分にお引っ越ししたことを記念し、3週連続で豪華出演者が声優として登場することが決定! 2週目のゲスト声優は人気お笑い芸人、3時のヒロインが出演します!
11月27日(金)に放送する「ポケモンチャンピオン!大食い王決定戦!!」では、クチバシティで開催される「ポケモン大食い大会」にW主人公のサトシとゴウが挑戦! たくさんの大食い自慢ポケモンたちを相手にゴウとホシガリスは驚きの作戦で優勝を目指します。
3時のヒロイン・福田麻貴さんは、対戦相手の1人、大会常連の「おじょうさま」役に決定! じっとしていられない性格で次々と食べ物を口に掻っ込むスタイルのヤルキモノと、スピード勝負で場をかき乱します!
強敵ぞろいの「ポケモン大食い大会」に初挑戦するゴウとホシガリスは、優勝を手にする事が出来るのか!? あの大人気大食い番組さながらの手に汗握る展開に是非ご注目ください!
子供の頃から夢中で見ていたアニメ「ポケットモンスター」の声優が出来る日が来るとは夢にも思っていませんでした! 大人になった今でも大好きなポケモン! まさかその制作現場に入れるなんて、社会見学のようなワクワクした気持ちでした! よく注目して見て下さい! 顔はカワイイのに声がブスなトレーナーが出てきたらそれは私の声です!
11月27日(金)放送の「ポケモンチャンピオン!大食い王決定戦!!」に出演します! 3時のヒロインがまさかのポケモンの声優デビューということですごく緊張しましたが現場はとっても温かく初めての体験ができ、良い思い出になりました! どこに出てるか目と耳をこらして観てね! とっても面白い内容ですよ!!
アニメ「ポケットモンスター」の声優をやらせていただけるなんて…夢みたいです。家族、友達、同期の芸人、皆に自慢したいと思います。緊張して挑んだのですが、監督からすぐOKをいただけて、正直…手応えまで感じてしまいました…(笑)。ポケモンの世界に上手く溶け込めていることを願います! 是非、見てください!