Home / Episode Guide / Night and Day, You are the Ones/月と太陽、コハルとハルヒ/The Moon and the Sun; Koharu and Haruhi


On September 3th, 2021, the official Japanese Twitter account reminded people that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available from September 3rd, 2021 to September 9th, 2021. This episode was specifically labeled as a limited time broadcast (期間限定配信).

Pocket Monsters Anime Episode 79 'The Moon and the Sun; Koharu and Haruhi'
What did you think!?
Koharu's Eievui plays an active part in the battle with Eifie and Blacky!
You can see the reliable Eievui in this episode.

アニポケ 第79話「月と太陽、コハルとハルヒ」
コハルのイーブイ がエーフィ やブラッキー と共にバトルで活躍!

After Story

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted an After Story comic on September 5th, 2021 by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie

Koharu's Eievui is taking a nap.
It looks so happy to be asleep.
I wonder if its playing with Showers, Eifie, and Blacky in its dream⁉



CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on September 3rd, 2021.

It's almost time for Anipoke! On the day of the total solar eclipse, in the Johto region, Koharu met... Koharu!


The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! It airs every Friday at 6:55 p.m. and it is very popular! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other Anipoke information you won't find anywhere else! If you like Koharu, you'll enjoy today's episode twice as much!


Koharu wants her partner, Eievui to take its time in choosing what kind of Pokémon it will evolve into, so she has traveled to various regions and met Eievui's evolved forms. And this time, after hearing about Eifie and Blacky from her father, Professor Sakuragi, Koharu goes to the Johto region!


▲ Koharu's Eievui is also curious about its evolved forms, Eifie and Blacky!?

Koharu and Eievui, along with Satoshi and Go, visited the Eclipse Castle in the Johto region. It is said that Eifie and Blacky have been cherished as special beings here for a long time. Koharu encounters Haruhi at the castle, a girl who looks exactly like her!


▲"Koharu" and "Haruhi". Not only are their faces similar, but so are their names!


▲ Even if they change clothes, people wouldn't know! If you're a Koharu fan though, you'll know...!!?

Haruhi is the mistress of the Eclipse Castle! However, in order to be recognized as the castles owner, it is necessary to safely hold the Eclipse Festival that is held on the day of the total solar eclipse. And today is the day of the Eclipse Festival!


▲ Haruhi has been living with Eifie and Blacky since she was a child.


▲ There is also a suspicious shadow staring at Eclipse Castle as preparations for the festival proceed...
As the fireworks signal the start of the festival, a mysterious boy appears in front of Koharu! 
The boy's target is Haruhi, the next mistress of the castle...? 
And under the total eclipse of the sun, something unexpectedly big happens!


▲ Koharu, who was wearing Haruhi's clothes, is mistakenly kidnapped!


▲ The mysterious boy took quite a few Pokémon with him to the Eclipse Castle.

It seems that they broke in. What's their goal...?


▲ What is the fate of the kidnapped Koharu? ※The screenshot is Haruhi.
Check today's episode for the curious ending!

この記事はアニメ放送直前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナーだ! 今日の放送はコハルが好きなキミはいつもの2倍楽しめるぞ!
▲服を交換してもみんなにバレないほど! コハルファンなら分かる…のか!!?
ハルヒはこの日蝕城の次期城主! しかし、城主として認められるためには、皆既日食の日に行われるお祭り「日蝕祭」を安全に執り行うことが条件だという。そして今日がその日蝕祭の当日!
▲さらわれたコハルの運命は!? ※画面はハルヒです。


On May 26th, 2022, Dorah Fine Tweeted that she was the voice of Helia.

Pokémon Master Journeys dropped new episodes today on Netflix - I am thrilled to join the family as the voice of Helia!

Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with a production artwork piece on September 2nd, 2021. The picture featured Haruhi's Eifie and Blacky.

This time, it's an original drawings of Eifie and Blacky from episode 79.
They are the emblem of the Eclipse Castle in the Johto region.
They are also very active in battles!

今回は第79話の中からエーフィとブラッキー の原画をご紹介