Home / Episode Guide / Gulpin It Downゴクリン撃退大作戦!!The Great Anti-Gokulin Operation!

English Official Summary

Ash and friends are in a town close to Petalburg City, when their picnic is gobbled up by a passing Gulpin. They overhear an emergency announcement instructing everyone to evacuate. The kids and a local shopkeeper are accosted by a large group of Gulpin. Officer Jenny saves them, bringing the friends back to the Pokémon Center. They meet Nurse Joy and Professor Jacuzzi, who are working to stop the Gulpin from eating all of the town's food supplies. The professor's first plan involves a giant PokéBlock to lead the Gulpin away. Team Rocket tries to steal the PokéBlock, but their balloon is shot down by the Gulpin. The Gulpin follow the PokéBlock out of town. The Gulpin try to return through the sewer, but Jenny and Joy block the way. The Gulpin emerge onto the street. Professor Jacuzzi arrives with a device that beams them up and shoots them away, but it breaks down with one Gulpin left to go. Ash sends Treecko out to battle and the machine restarts, grabbing both Pokémon. It explodes, and the two of them become oversized. To avoid destroying the town, Treecko leads Gulpin to a lake, but is too tired to battle (shrinking back to normal). May suggests capturing Gulpin in a Poké Ball. Nurse Joy gives the professor a Heavy Ball, and he captures the Gulpin, vowing to restore it to its normal size.

French Official Summary

Sacha et ses amis se trouvent dans une ville proche de Clémenti-Ville, lorsque leur pique-nique est englouti par un Gloupti qui passe dans les parages. Ils entendent alors un message d'alerte qui demande à tout le monde d'évacuer la cité.

German Official Summary

Ash und Gefährten sind in der Nähe von Blütenburg City unterwegs, als ihr Picknick von einem Schluppuck gefressen wird. Plötzlich werden alle über eine Notfalldurchsage aufgefordert, wegen einer Notsituation schleunigst die Gegend zu verlassen.

Italian Official Summary

Ash e i suoi amici sono in una cittadina vicino a Petalipoli, quando il cibo del loro picnic è divorato da un Gulpin di passaggio. Successivamente, una comunicazione di emergenza invita gli abitanti ad evacuare velocemente l'area.

Portuguese Official Summary

O caos reina quando um pesquisador sem querer cria um Gulpin e um Treecko gigantes numa tentativa de controlar uma infestação de Gulpin.

Finnish Official Summary

Syntyy sekasortoa, kun tutkija luo epähuomiossa jättimäisen Gulpinin ja Treeckon yrittäessään pysäyttää valtavaa Gulpin-tulvaa.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

El caos se desata cuando un investigador inadvertidamente crea un Gulpin y un Treecko gigantes con el fin de terminar con una invasión masiva de Gulpin.

Spanish Official Summary

Ash y sus amigos están ahora en una ciudad cercana a Ciudad Petalia, cuando su picnic es engullido por un Gulpin que pasa por ahí. Luego oyen un anuncio pidiendo a todo el mundo que evacúen la ciudad.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Ash and friends are in a town close to Petalburg City, when their picnic is gobbled up by a passing Gulpin. They overhear an emergency announcement instructing everyone to evacuate. The kids and a local shopkeeper are accosted by a large group of Gulpin. Officer Jenny saves them, bringing the friends back to the Pokémon Center. They meet Nurse Joy and Professor Jacuzzi, who are working to stop the Gulpin from eating all of the town's food supplies. The professor's first plan involves a giant PokéBlock to lead the Gulpin away. Team Rocket tries to steal the PokéBlock, but their balloon is shot down by the Gulpin. The Gulpin follow the PokéBlock out of town. The Gulpin try to return through the sewer, but Jenny and Joy block the way. The Gulpin emerge onto the street. Professor Jacuzzi arrives with a device that beams them up and shoots them away, but it breaks down with one Gulpin left to go. Ash sends Treecko out to battle and the machine restarts, grabbing both Pokémon. It explodes, and the two of them become oversized. To avoid destroying the town, Treecko leads Gulpin to a lake, but is too tired to battle (shrinking back to normal). May suggests capturing Gulpin in a Poké Ball. Nurse Joy gives the professor a Heavy Ball, and he captures the Gulpin, vowing to restore it to its normal size.

Russian Official Summary

Страдая от череды нападений Гальпинов, годами опустошающих местные продуктовые лавки, жители маленькой деревушки приглашают эксперта по Гальпинам. Высокотехнологичные приборы  профессора сперва заставляют Гальпинов отступить, но затем они перегруппируются и направляются в центр города к продуктовому складу. Но наши друзья оказались в деревушке как раз вовремя. Хватит ли им и их покемонам сил противостоять нашествию голодных Гальпинов?

Dutch Official Summary

Er ontstaat chaos als een onderzoeker onopzettelijk een enorme Gulpin en Treecko creëert in een poging om een massa ontsnapping van Gulpin te stoppen.

Norwegian Official Summary

Kaos bryter ut når en forsker ved et uhell lager en gigantisk Gulpin og Treecko i et forsøk på å stoppe et masseutbrudd av Gulpin.

Swedish Official Summary

En katastrof följer efter att en forskare oavsiktligt skapat en enorm Gulpin och Treecko, i ett försök att förhindra Gulpins vilda framfart.

Danish Official Summary

Kaos opstår, da en videnskabsmand utilsigtet kommer til at skabe en gigantisk Gulpin og en gigantisk Treecko, da han forsøger at stoppe en massebølge af Gulpin.