Home / Episode Guide / Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!/全員集合!ドンバトル!!/Everyone Gather! The Don Battles!!

Script Error

Kojiro calls the Rocket Gang leader by his given name Sakaki while James in the English version just calls him the boss.

James: And it's all for our beloved Boss...
Kojiro: Yeah. All for Sakaki-sama's sake.
(コジロウ): ああ すべては サカキ様のために。


Paint Edit

A sign in Raimon Town says: "Sports Club". Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted


Paint Edit

A sign in Raimon Town says: "Family Restaurant". Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted


Script Error

Luke specifically says its sponsored by the local (ここ) Battle club in the Japanese original but Luke in the English dub doesn't say anything about the 'local' club.

Luke: It's sponsored by the Pokémon Battle Club!
Luke Japanese: Yeah, the local Battle Club will host it.
(ルーク): ああ ここのバトルクラブが主催するんだ。


Paint Edit

A sign in Raimon Town says: "Family Restaurant". Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted


Paint Edit

Luke's camera has a lot of labels that can be deciphered into English. Anime Language transcriptions:

Location Anime Language Decrypted
Upper left corner [bwtext]FINE[/bwtext] FINE
Upper right corner [bwtext]AUTO[/bwtext] AUTO
Bottom left corner [bwtext]HD[/bwtext] HD
Bottom right corner [bwtext]MENU[/bwtext] MENU
Red letters [bwtext]REC [/bwtext] REC


Script Error

Luke thinks Bianca takes vitamins while Luke in the Japanese original just thinks she is a busy person.

Luke: She must take great vitamins.
Luke Japanese: She seems like a busy person.
(ルーク): なんだか 忙しい人だね。


Script Error

The English dub adds the poorly pronounced Frnech word 'Alors' to Burgundy dialog. Cabernet also specifically states that Satoshi's Pokémon have a sharp tannin (タンニン) flavor which the English dub replaces with the peppery Pokémon alliteration.

Burgundy: Alors, so you're still using the same peppery Pokémon!
Cabernet: Looks like you're still using Pokémon with a sharp tannin flavor.
(カベルネ): まだ タンニンの強い渋いポケモン 使ってるみたいね。


Script Error

The English dub continues to add horribly pronounced French for Burgundy that wasn't in the original Japanese version. The English dub also removed the sommelier 'taste' descriptor that is used in the Japanese version.

Burgundy: Bien sur! You see... Any bitter feelings are not towards you... but him!
Cabernet: Of course. Your taste can be ignored though.
(カベルネ): もっとも あなたは眼中にないってテイストだけど。


Script Error

In what can only be explained as a complete grammatical failure in two languages, the English dub continues continues to add French words for Burgundy that were not in the Japanese original.

Burgundy: Not exactly... But, c'est trés unimportant! I'll show you the stuff of a true connoisseuse maintenant!
English Translation of Burgundy's line: Not exactly... But, that's very unimportant! I'll show you the stuff of a true connoisseuse right now!
Cabernet: But that doesn't matter. This time, I'll show you my true self!
(カベルネ): でも そんなことは関係ないわ。 今度こそ 本当の私を見せてあげるからね。


Script Error

The English dub changed 'tasting' to 'evaluation' in BW19 but they didn't stay consistent like Cabernet did in the Japanese original and the English dub changed 'tasting' to 'reevaluating' in this episode. The horrible French pronunciation continues as 'plaît' is pronounced 'play'.

Burgundy: Because it's now reevaluating time, s'il vous plait!
Burgundy Translation: Because it's now reevaluating time, if you please!
Cabernet: Bonjour! New tasting time, s'il-vous-plaît!
Cabernet Translation: Hello! New tasting time, if you please!
(カベルネ): ンジュール!ニュー テイスティングタイム! シルブプレ。


Script Error

The English dub adds more French that originally wasn't in Cabernet's dialog in the Japanese original. Burgundy says 'Hello' two different ways in French.

Burgundy: Allo, bonjour!
Cabernet: Hey...
(カベルネ): あっ…


Script Error

In the flashback scene, the English dub removes the whole 'draw' concept that Langley talked about in the Japanese original.

Georgia: Unless I'm battling against a Dragon-type Pokémon, I couldn't care less!
Langley: Hmph. If it's not a Dragon type, a draw doesn't bother me in the slightest.
(ラングレー): フン… ドラゴンタイプじゃなきゃ引き分けたって痛くも かゆくもないわ


Script Error

Langley says nothing about the class of Dragon Buster she is in the Japanese original.

Georgia: But remember, I'm a first-class Dragon Buster...
Langley: Oh well. As you know, I'm a Dragon Buster.
(ラングレー): まあ いいわ。私は 知ってのとおり ドラゴンバスター。


Script Error

Iris insults Georgia in the English dub by calling her old. Iris in the Japanese original actually replies by also calling Georgia childish. Ash says one of the girls is on fire now but doesn't indicate which girl while Satoshi in the Japanese original just calls Iris' name to calm her down a bit.

Character English Translation Japanese
Georgia You're more of a kid than I ever was! You're more childish than ever. よっぽどあなたのほうが子供じゃない。
Iris You've always been that old? Not as much as you are. アンタより ましよ。
Ash She's on fire now! Uhm... Iris... あの… アイリス…。


Script Error

The name of the tournament in the Japanese original was based off of Don George's name while the name of the tournament in the English dub was based of the name of the Pokémon Battle Club.

Don George: And now, on behalf of Nimbasa Town and the Don George Pokémon Battle Club, it is my distinct privilege to get things rolling with that old, familiar phrase... let the Club Battle begin!
Don George Japanese: Well then, I happen to declare the battle tournament hosted by me, Don George of the Pokémon Battle Club, the "Don Battles" for short, open!
(ドン・ジョージ): それでは 今ここにポケモンバトルクラブ ドン・ジョージ主催バトルトーナメント大会…縮めて ドンバトルの開催を宣言したりするぞ。


Script Error

The English dub calls the drink seltzer water in Burgundy's description. The Japanese original did not specify the drink other than it was flat sparkling drink (スパークリングドリンク).

Burgundy: Aw, battling Ash will be like drinking a flat glass of seltzer water.
Cabernet: What? My opponent is that flat drink?
(カベルネ): な~んだ 気の抜けたスパークリングドリンクが相手なの?


Paint Edit

The text on the big screen introduces Don George's Battle Tournament. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]BATTLE DOJO[/bwtext] BATTLE DOJO
[bwtext]PRESENTS[/bwtext] PRESENTS
[bwtext]DON BATTLE[/bwtext] DON BATTLE


Script Error

Iris states she has a bad feeling about her opponent in the Japanese original while Iris in the English dub seemed more shocked that Jimmy Ray was her opponent.

Iris: That's my opponent?
Iris Japanese: I... I have a bad feeling about this...
(アイリス): や… やな予感が…。


Script Error

Satoshi calls Pikachu his teams leader (大将 Taishou) in the Japanese original but Ash just tells Pikachu he's keeping him for later with no real explanation.

Ash: Pikachu... I'm saving you for later, buddy!
Satoshi: Pikachu, the captain's turn comes later.
(サトシ): ピカチュウ 大将の出番は まだ先だ。


Script Error

The English dub removes Dent's 'taste' dialog here and replaces it with recipe. Though earlier on in the episode when Dent was describing Shootie, the English dub kept the 'taste' dialog there.

Cilan: How nice! I'll get a taste of tangling with Trip!
Dent: But before that, it seems like I have to taste you, Shootie.
(デント): キミをテイスティングしなきゃならないようだね。

Cilan: One can never say which recipe Ash will follow.
Dent: Satoshi does create unexpected tastes, after all.
(デント): サトシは予想外のテイストをかもし出すからね。


Script Error

The English dub removes the tasting dialog for Cabernet in the next scene and adds another unnecessary French term.

Burgundy: You? Like buying a day-old baguette!
Cabernet: I have no time to taste you.
(カベルネ): あなたをテイスティングしてるヒマはないの。


Script Error

The English dub yet again adds more French terms that weren't originally in the Japanese original and also removes the 'new vintage' (マイ ニュービンテージ) English dialog Cabernet used to describe her Mooland.

Burgundy: Alors! Come on out, Stoutland! Plus vite!
Burgundy Translation: Now! Come on out, Stoutland! Quickly!
Cabernet: Go, my new vintage, Mooland!
(カベルネ): いけ!! マイ ニュービンテージ ムーランド!


Script Error

The Japanese original uses the term 'marriage' (マリアージ) while the English dub uses the term 'compatibility' when Cabernet continues to describe her relationship with her Mooland.

Burgundy: The compatibility between me and Stoutland is perfection!
Cabernet: The marriage between Mooland and I is the greatest!
(カベルネ): 私とムーランドのマリアージュは最高なんだから。


Script Error

The broken record continues as the English dub adds more French for Burgundy that wasn't in the Japanese original. The wine term 'decanting' (デキャンティング) that Cabernet used in the Japanese original was also removed in the English dub.

Burgundy: So let's see your specialty du jour!
Burgundy Translation: So let's see your specialty of the day!
Cabernet: Wouldn't it be better to decant and try again?
(カベルネ): デキャンティングして出直してくればいいんじゃない?


Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Script Error

No! This isn't a recording. The English dub adds more French for Burgundy that wasn't in the Japanese original.

Burgundy: Tres bien, n'est pas? Alors, Thunder Fang!
Burgundy Translation: Very good, isn't it? Now, Thunder Fang!
Cabernet: Follow it up with Thunder Fang!
(カベルネ): からの~ 雷の牙!


Script Error

The English dub once again drops the usages of the term 'marriage' (マリアージ) which Cabernet used in the Japanese original.

Burgundy: There's nothing like a frozen dessert served up by gourmet chef Stoutland! And for you two? It's all on the house!
Cabernet: What do you think of Mooland's cold, stimulating dessert menu? It fits perfectly in a marriage with Gamagaru!
(カベルネ): どう? ムーランドの冷たく刺激的なデザートメニューは。ガマガルとのマリアージュ バッチリフィットね!


Script Error

The English dub definitely doesn't like using the term 'marriage' (マリアージ) as this time Dent's dialog is changed to 'match' instead.

Cilan: Ash and Palpitoad are a great match!
Dent: Satoshi and Gamagaru make a good marriage.
(デント): サトシとガマガル いいマリアージュだ!


Script Error

More French dialog replaces Cabernet's original dialog in the English dub.

Burgundy: Maintenant! Fire Fang, plus vite!
Burgundy Translation: Now! Fire Fang, quickly!
Cabernet: Follow it up with Fire Fang!
(カベルネ): からの 炎の牙!


Script Error

Cabernet's line is completely replace with French dialog.

Burgundy: C'est impossible!
Burgundy Translation: That's impossible!
Cabernet: This can't be...
(カベルネ): 嘘でしょ…。


Script Error

Don George in the Japanese original refers to Dent being the Gym Leader of the Sanyo Gym in the past tense (おった = "was") while Don George uses the present tense to refer to Cilan as currently the Gym Leader. The wording is different between the two versions as the Japanese original makes the distinction that Dent "used to serve", not that he "used to be".

Don George: The fact is, Cilan is one of the Gym Leaders of the Striaton Gym, which means he's going to be one tough opponent.
Don George Japanese: Dent used to work as a Gym Leader at the Sanyo Gym. There happens to be no doubt that he's a strong opponent.
(ドン・ジョージ): デント選手は サンヨウジムのジムリーダーを務めておった人物だ。