Home / Episode Guide / Hypno's Naptime/Sleeper and Pokémon Regression!?/スリーパーとポケモンがえり!?
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Titles and Airdates


  • United States Hypno's Naptime
  • Japan スリーパーとポケモンがえり!?
  • Japan Sleeper to Pokémongaeri!?
  • Japan Sleeper and Pokémon Regression!?
  • Germany Hypnos Nickerchen
  • France Sommeil sur la ville
  • Spain Siesta hipnótica
  • Sweden Pokémon och sömnvågorna
  • Italy Un pisolino ipnotizzato
  • Mexico ¡La siesta de Hypno!
  • Finland Hypno ja nokkaunet
  • Taiwan 素利拍與神奇寶貝催眠
  • Hungary Hipno-Pokémonok
  • Poland Hipno – pokémonowa drzemka
  • Netherlands De Slaapgolven van Hypno
  • Brazil Soneca Hipnótica
  • Israel שנתו של היפנו
  • Czechia Hypnovy vlny
  • Denmark Sengetid For Hypno
  • Greece Ώρα Για Ύπνο, Χύπνο
  • Portugal Hora da Sesta do Hypno
  • Russia Гипнопокемоновый сон


Staff List

OP/ED List

Aim To Be A Pokémon Master
모험의 시작
Start of an Adventure
우리는 모두 친구
We Are All Friends
Pocket Monster
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
Script Adaptation

English Official Summary

Our heroes come to a town in which a great deal of children have recently turned up missing. Working together with Jenny to search for these children, they begin an investigation at the Pokémon Center, inquiring into the disappearances, but Joy has other concerns. For some reason, the Pokémon in the Center aren't getting well at all. Jenny reveals that a mysterious sleep wave has been passing in and out of the town for several days. Our heroes suspect a connection between the missing children and the Pokémon's poor condition. Team Rocket begins a sinister search of their own for the source of these strange occurrences. What could be the cause of this sleep wave?

French Official Summary

Nos héros arrivent dans une ville où de nombreux enfants ont récemment disparu.

German Official Summary

Unsere Helden erreichen eine Stadt, in der kürzlich viele Kinder verschwunden sind.

Italian Official Summary

Informati dall'Agente Jenny che è stata rilevata una misteriosa onda soporifera da alcuni giorni nella zona, i nostri eroi sospettano che sia collegata alla scomparsa di tanti bambini e alla sonnolenza dei Pokémon...

Portuguese Official Summary

A Oficial Jenny revela que uma onda de sono misteriosa foi detectada na área. Nossos heróis suspeitam que isso tem a ver com o desaparecimento de várias crianças e que é a razão dos Pokémon não se recuperarem.

Finnish Official Summary

Konstaapeli Jenny paljastaa, että alueella on havaittu salaperäinen uniaalto. Sankarimme epäilevät, että tämä liittyy jotenkin kadonneisiin lapsiin, ja siihen etteivät Pokémonkeskuksessa olevat Pokémonit parane.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

La Oficial Jenny revela que una ola de sueño afecta al área desde hace varios días. Nuestros héroes sospechan que tiene que ver con la desaparición de varios niños y el porqué los Pokémon no mejoran en el Centro Pokémon.

Spanish Official Summary

Nuestros héroes llegan a una ciudad en la que recientemente han desaparecido muchos niños de una manera misteriosa.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Our heroes come to a town in which a great deal of children have recently turned up missing. Working together with Jenny to search for these children, they begin an investigation at the Pokémon Center, inquiring into the disappearances, but Joy has other concerns. For some reason, the Pokémon in the Center aren't getting well at all. Jenny reveals that a mysterious sleep wave has been passing in and out of the town for several days. Our heroes suspect a connection between the missing children and the Pokémon's poor condition. Team Rocket begins a sinister search of their own for the source of these strange occurrences. What could be the cause of this sleep wave?

Dutch Official Summary

Agent Jenny heeft het over mysterieuze slaapgolf in de omgeving. Onze helden vermoeden een verband met de vermissing van vele kinderen de laatste tijd en het feit dat de Pokémon in het Pokémon Center niet beter worden.

Norwegian Official Summary

Officer Jenny forteller at en mystisk sovebølge har vært i området i flere dager. Våre helter mistenker at det er på grunn av den at så mange barn har blitt meldt savnet, og ingen Pokémon på Pokémon-senteret har blitt bedre.

Swedish Official Summary

Konstapel Jenny avslöjar att en mystisk sömnvåg har härjat i området i flera dagar. Våra hjältar misstänker att det har samband med att så många barn försvunnit och varför alla Pokémon på Pokémon-center inte blir bättre!

Danish Official Summary

Betjent Jenny fortæller, at en mystisk soveepidemi har været i omløb i dagevis. Vore helte har mistanke om, at det har noget med de mange forsvundne børn at gøre og det, at Pokémon i Pokémon-centret ikke får det bedre.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty
  • Japan カスミ
  • Japan Kasumi
  • Japan Kasumi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pidgeotto
  • Japan サトシのピジョン
  • Japan Satoshi no Pigeon
  • Japan Satoshi's Pigeon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Delia Ketchum
  • Japan ハナコ
  • Japan Hanako
  • Japan Hanako
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny
  • Japan ジュンサー
  • Japan Junsa
  • Japan Junsa
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy
  • Japan ジョーイ
  • Japan Joy
  • Japan Joy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Staryu
  • Japan カスミのヒトデマン
  • Japan Kasumi no Hitodeman
  • Japan Kasumi's Hitodeman
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Psyduck
  • Japan カスミのコダック
  • Japan Kasumi no Koduck
  • Japan Kasumi's Koduck
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Arnold's Mother
  • Japan ハジメのお母さん
  • Japan Hajime no Okāsan
  • Japan Hajime's Mother
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Arnold
  • Japan ハジメ
  • Japan Hajime
  • Japan Hajime

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Charmander
  • Japan ヒトカゲ
  • Japan Hitokage
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Oddish
  • Japan ナゾノクサ
  • Japan Nazonokusa
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Psyduck
  • Japan コダック
  • Japan Koduck
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Drowzee
  • Japan スリープ
  • Japan Sleep
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Hypno
  • Japan スリーパー
  • Japan Sleeper
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Cubone
  • Japan カラカラ
  • Japan Karakara
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Magikarp
  • Japan コイキング
  • Japan Koiking

Script Error

Ash in the English dub suggests that he is feeling claustrophobic while Satoshi in the Japanese original states he's just having problems breathing. While trouble breathing could be considered a symptom of claustrophobia, there is no indication that Satoshi had those feelings like it is suggested in English dub.

Kasumi specifically states in the Japanese original in English that the city is a 'concrete jungle'. The English dub removes the English 'concrete jungle' reference and replaces it with Misty saying she can barely see the sky due to the skycrapers.

Character English Translation Japanese
Ash Gee, it sort of feels like all these buildings are closing in on us. But with so many tall buildings around, it's somewhat hard to breathe... でも、高ビルが多くじゃなんか息苦しいな。
Misty Yeah, and they're all so tall. You can hardly see any sky. You're right. It feels kinda like a concrete jungle. なんかコンクリートジャングルって感じ。


Script Error

In the preview for this episode, Satoshi claims the setting is Tamamushi City, yet in the actual episode, the setting has been moved to the anime-only "Yoyoyo Town"

Episode preview:
Satoshi: There's an outbreak of incidents in Tamamushi City.
(サトシ): タマムシシティで事件発生!

Actual episode:
Satoshi: Where are we now?
(サトシ): 今どの辺?
Takeshi: Yoyoyo Town. 
(タケシ): ヨヨヨタウンだ。


Script Error

Satoshi's pun on the name of Hajime in the Japanese original is based on the standard Japanese greeting 'hajimemashite' usually translated as "How are you?".

The English dub could have named the character Howard instead of Arnold and Ash could have made the pun off Howard's name by saying "Howard you?".

Ash: Excuse me, but my name is Ash.
Satoshi: Hajime-llo, I'm Satoshi.
(サトシ): ハジメまして、俺サトシです。

Paint Edit

In the Japanese original, the posters had Japanese text on them but it was removed in the English dub.

The posters say: "If you find him/her, please contact us" and "If you've seen him/her, please contact us" 「さがしています 連絡下さい。」 and 「見かけた方は 連絡下さい。」

Script Error

Kasumi in the Japanese original was afraid that she would get in trouble because she considers herself a target since she is cute. The English dub changed Misty's line to have her saying that she was going to have are picture all over the place when she became famous, skipping the point of being afraid.

Misty: My picture's gonna be on posters when I'm a big famous star.
Kasumi: I have to watch out. Considering how cute I am and all.
(カスミ): 私気を付けなくちゃ、なんだって可愛いし。

Paint Edit

The posters are edited later on in the episode once again.

Paint Edit

The posters are edited later on in the episode once again.

Scene Cut

The English dub replaces the original Japanese flashback scene of Ash's mom from the first episode of the series with a flashback scene from the skipped Beauty and the Beach episode, an episode that actually wouldn't air in English dubbed form for a few years later.

Script Error

The kids response to Jenny's question about seeing the missing kid is completely opposite between the English dub and the Japanese original.

Kid English Dub: Yeah, I play with him all the time.
Kid Japanese Translation: We used to play all the time.
Kid: ずっと前に遊んだよ。

Culture Reference

When Takeshi asks the kids in the Pokémon Center whether they like Junsa, he quotes the catch-phrase "Do you like pretty ladies?" (きれいなお姉さんは好きですか?) which electronic manifacturer National used for their woman's beauty appliances at the time. The English dub obviously drops this reference.

Brock: You do think she's beautiful, don't you?
Takeshi: "Do you like pretty ladies?"
(タケシ): 奇麗なお姉さんは好きですか。

Script Error

Satoshi in the Japanese original specifically ask Joy if she is the second cousin or some relative of the Joy-san from Maiden Cape. Ash doesn't ask anything about being a cousin in the English dub.

Ash: Ah, I bet you're related to the joy from maiden's peak, aren't you?
Satoshi: Are you the second cousin or some relative of the Joy-san from Maiden Cape?
(サトシ): 乙女ヶ崎のジョーイさんのはとこか親戚?

Script Error

Kasumi in the Japanese original is surprised that they call the half-dead slob in front of her a Koiking, since it doesn't act like one. Satoshi's line is a pun on "manaita no ue no koi" (俎板の上の鯉), which refers to a hopeless situation, but literally means "a carp on a cutting board".

Character English Translation Japanese
Misty The magic's disappeared. That's a Koiking? これがコイキング?
Ash Look like it's ready for the deli counter. It's a Koiking on a cutting board. 俎板の上のコイキング。


Script Error

The English dub dex only says Pysduck is a Water Pokémon. The Japanese original specifically states its a waterside 'mizube' (水辺) Pokémon.

Dexter: Psyduck, a water Pokémon.
Zukan: Koduck, a waterside Pokémon.
(ポケモン図鑑): コダック、水辺のポケモン。

Script Error

Misty calls the Sleep wave detector device a radio in the English dub and Kasumi calls it a cell phone in the Japanese original.

Misty: Is that your radio?
Kasumi: A cell phone?
(カスミ): 携帯電話?

Script Error

While there are fish in the background, Nyarth says nothing about fishing in the Japanese original. Meowth though does say he'll go on a fishing expedition as the English dubbers probably adapted the line to account for the fish in the background.

Nyarth is comparing "tobi-ishi renkyuu" ("steppingstone holidays"), a time period studded with several holidays, and "juzu-tsunagi renkyuu" ("string holidays"), where all days are holidays.

Character English Translation Japanese
Jessie Then while he's fast asleep, we can take a break. Then the normally strict boss will be under their trance. するとノルマの厳しいボスはす~やす~や
Meowth While the boss is conked out, I'll take a fishing expedition. And while the boss is asleep, we'll enjoy a vacation! ボスが眠ってる間にバケーションを楽しむニャ!
Jessie We've all been working so hard at being bad... It's the holiday we've been asking for. いつ以来のお休みだろうね。
James Even if we always fail. Not to mention, it'd be what people call "consecutive holidays", right? しかも「連休」ってやつだよな。
Meowth Maybe we're not so good but we need a vacation bad. It won't just be a few holidays scattered here and there, but holidays all throughout! 飛び石連休じゃニャくて数珠繋ぎ連休ニャ!
Jessie *Line removed in English dub* Holidays all throughout! 数珠繋ぎ連休~!


Script Error

The man from the fan club says nothing about members in the Japanese original and is more concerned about who Satoshi and his friends are.

Character English Translation Japanese
Man Are you new members? Who are you people? 君達は?
Ash Uh, members? Uhh... Uh, you see... あっー、だから…


Script Error

The English dub translates daisuki (大好き) as 'lovers'. In the English games, the club is called the Pokémon Fan Club, though the translators obviously missed this reference. The club featured in this is the Pokémon Fan Club (ポケモン大好きクラブ), the in-game club you can find in Kuchiba City in the original Game Boy games.

Misty: The Pokémon Lovers Club?
Kasumi: Pokémon Fan Club?
(カスミ): ポケモン大好きクラブ?

Script Error

When Kasumi starts acting like a Pokémon, Takeshi identifies it as Pokémon regression in the Japanese original. Brock in the English dub states that Misty's has Pokémonitis.

Character English Translation Japanese
Brock Pokémonitis. It's Pokémon regression. ポケモンがえりだ。
Ash Pokémonitis?! Pokémon regression? ポケモンがえり?


Script Error

Satoshi in the Japanese original states that Kasumi doesn't look too cute and of course Kasumi takes offense to that. Ash in the English dub just says Misty looks tired, not really something to get worked up over.

Character English Translation Japanese
Ash Gee, Misty, you're looking kind of beat. Kasumi, make yourself cuter! カスミ、もっと可愛くなれよ。
Misty When I want your opinion, I'll ask for it! What are you saying? I'm cute enough! 何言っての、充分可愛いでしょ?


Script Error

Jessie in the English dub breaks the fourth wall by telling James they needed to pad the episode to 30 minutes to fill in time.

Jessie: We have to fill a half-hour.
Musashi: Don't nitpick!
(ムサシ): つべこべ言ってんじゃないわよ。

Script Error

In the Japanese original, Kojiro makes a joke based on an old Japanese proverb, "When the wind blows, the cooper prospers" (風が吹けば桶屋がもうかる), which refers to the fact that actions can have completely unintended and unpredictable effects, similar to the concept of the Butterfly Effect.

Character English Translation Japanese
Jessie I suppose this means that we blew it again. We go whichever way the wind blows! 風の吹くまま気の向くまま~
James Oh, we blew it again. We blew it sky high. When the wind blows, the cooper prospers and the Rocket Gang suffers! 風が吹けば桶屋もうからずロケット団が迷惑する~
Meowth And what goes up must always come down. Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, and nya! ニャニャニャニャース!


Script Error

The future occupations of the kids are different between the English and Japanese versions.

Character English Translation Japanese
Kid Me, too, and I should be working on becoming a Pokémon Trainer. That's right, I was just about to set off to become a Pokémon Master. そうだ、僕ポケモンマスターになるはずなのに。
Kid I want to be a fireman. I'm going to become a pilot. 僕はパイロットになるんだ。
Kid And I'm gonna be a doctor. I'll be the best cook in the world. あたし世界一のコックさんに。


Scene Cut

The 'Yoyoyo' scene just after Satoshi looks up Koduck in the Zukan is cut from the English dub.

Who's that Pokémon Indigo League


Who's that Pokémon Dare da

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:01
Title: めざせポケモンマスター
Japanese (Romanized): Mezase Pokémon Master
Japanese (TL): Aim to Be a Pokémon Master
Opening Theme for Japanese Version.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:14
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Kanto Title Card Music
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:21
Title: 1997-1998-M07 The Enigma
Hajime's mother explains the situation to Satoshi and friends
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:51
Title: 1997-1998-M05 祈り
Japanese (Romanized): Inori
Japanese (TL): Prayer
Hajime's mother sits in the plaza.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:42
Title: 1997-1998-M39 月の石
Japanese (Romanized): Tsuki no Ishi
Japanese (TL): The Moon Stone
Joy takes the group to see the Sick Pokemon
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:48
Title: 1997-1998-M17 絶対絶命
Japanese (Romanized): Zettai Zetsumei
Japanese (TL): Desperate Situation
Satoshi and friends reach the top of the skyscraper to find a mansion.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:36
Title: 1997-1998-M53 Eyecatch A
Dare da
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:45
Title: 1997-1998-M54 Eyecatch B
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:07
Title: 1997-1998-M07 The Enigma
Satoshi gets out his Zukan to identify Sleeper.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:18
Title: 1997-1998-M63 Taken for a Fool
Kasumi thinks she's a Pawou.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:58
Title: 1997-1998-M38 Dance of the Pippi
Kids are all found in the park
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:26
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Rocket Gang Motto Music
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:15
Title: 1997-1998-M17 絶対絶命
Japanese (Romanized): Zettai Zetsumei
Japanese (TL): Desperate Situation
Musashi reveals a mirror.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:57
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Musashi and Kojiro use whips
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:09
Title: 1997-1998-M41 All's Well That Ends Well
Sleep cures the kids in the park.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:17
Title: 1997-1998-M59 道案内
Japanese (Romanized): Michiannai
Japanese (TL): Guide
Kasumi captures the strange and odd Koduck accidentally
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:59
Title: ひゃくごじゅういち
Japanese (Romanized): Hyakugojūichi
Japanese (TL): One Hundred Fifty-One
Ending Theme for Japanese Version.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:20
Title: Mezase Pokémon Master Instrumental
Preview for episode 28

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: Pokémon Theme
Opening Theme for the English Dub
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:53
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Title Card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:27
Title: 1997-1998-M17 絶対絶命
Japanese (Romanized): Zettai Zetsumei
Japanese (TL): Desperate Situation
Ash and friends reach the top of the skyscraper to find a mansion.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:36
Title: 1997-1998-M38 Dance of the Pippi
Kids are all found in the park (Dub music plays alongside the Japanese music for the first few seconds.)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:03
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Team Rocket's Motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:53
Title: 1997-1998-M17 絶対絶命
Japanese (Romanized): Zettai Zetsumei
Japanese (TL): Desperate Situation
Jessie reveals a mirror.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:34
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Jessie and James use whips.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:46
Title: 1997-1998-M41 All's Well That Ends Well
Drowzee cures the kids in the park.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:54
Title: 1997-1998-M59 道案内
Japanese (Romanized): Michiannai
Japanese (TL): Guide
Misty captures the strange and odd Psyduck accidentally.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:40
Title: PokéRAP
PokéRAP (Day 2)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:38
Title: Pokémon Theme
Ending Theme for the English Dub

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 18
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 11
30 Sep 1997 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Hypno's Naptime/Sleeper to Pokémongaeri!?/スリーパーとポケモンがえり!?. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
16 May 2011 03:31 PM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
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It was a nice episode. I really enjoyed watching Kasumi imitate a Pokémon, as well as her 'catching' of Koduck. I'm really looking forward to the next episode, the Kasumi-Koduck duo were some of my favorite scenes in the original series.
18 Apr 2014 06:57 PM
Adamant Administrator
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Satoshi's group have come to a city where many cases of disappearing children have reportedly happened recently, and end up working together with the city's Junsa to search for the children. They head to the Pokémon Center to question people, but when they get there, it turns out Joy is having problems on her own. For some reason, none of the Pokémon at the Center are feeling well.

Junsa then explains that mysterious sleep waves have been drifting through the city these past few days. Satoshi thinks this might be connected to the missing children and the fact that the Pokémon aren't feeling well. However, the Rocket Gang are also trying to locate the source of these sleeping waves. What awaits them all at the spot the waves originate from?

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mayumi Iizuka: Kasumi
Yuji Ueda: Takeshi
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Rikako Aikawa: Koduck
Ayako Shiraishi: Joy
Chinami Nishimura: Junsa
Katsuyuki Konishi: Gentleman A
Hiroko Kajimura: Child A
Mie Odagi: Child B
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration