Pokémon Ruby
Banette generates energy for laying strong curses by sticking pins into its own body. This Pokemon was originally a pitiful plush doll that was thrown away. |
Pokémon Sapphire
A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as BANETTE. The POKeMON's energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth. |
Pokémon Emerald
An abandoned plush doll became this POKeMON. They are said to live in garbage dumps and wander about in search of the children that threw them away. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet into a POKeMON. If it opens its mouth, its cursed energy escapes. |
Pokémon FireRed
Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet into a POKeMON. If it opens its mouth, its cursed energy escapes. |
Pokémon Pearl
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. |
Pokémon Diamond
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. |
Pokémon Platinum
A doll that became a Pokemon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. |
Pokémon HeartGold
This Pokémon developed from an abandoned doll that amassed a grudge. It is seen in dark alleys. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
This Pokémon developed from an abandoned doll that amassed a grudge. It is seen in dark alleys. |
Pokémon White
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. |
Pokémon White
すてられた ぬいぐるみに おんねんが やどり ポケモンになった。じぶんを すてた こどもを さがしている。 |
Pokémon Black
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. |
Pokémon Black
すてられた ぬいぐるみに おんねんが やどり ポケモンになった。じぶんを すてた こどもを さがしている。 |
Pokémon Black 2
すてられた ヌイグルミに うらみが たまって ポケモンに なった。 じぶんをすてた こどもを さがすぞ。 |
Pokémon White 2
すてられた ヌイグルミに うらみが たまって ポケモンに なった。 じぶんをすてた こどもを さがすぞ。 |
Pokémon White 2
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge of being thrown away. It seeks the child who disowned it. |
Pokémon Black 2
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge of being thrown away. It seeks the child who disowned it. |
Pokémon Y
강한 원념이 인형을 포켓몬으로 바꿨다. 입을 열면 저주의 에너지가 빠져나간다. |
Pokémon Y
Peluche trasformato in Pokémon da un forte odio. Appena apre la sua bocca, sprigiona una forte energia negativa. |
Pokémon Y
Cuando abandonaron a este muñeco de felpa, se convirtió en Pokémon. Libera una energía que hechiza al enemigo. |
Pokémon Y
Un très violent sentiment de haine a transformé une poupée de chiffon en Branette. S’il ouvre la bouche, une énergie négative s’en échappe. |
Pokémon Y
Starke Gefühle des Hasses machten aus einer Puppe ein Pokémon. Öffnet es seinen Mund, kann die ganze verfluchte Energie hinaus. |
Pokémon Y
つよい おんねんが ぬいぐるみを ポケモンに かえた。くちを あけると のろいの エネルギーが にげていく。 |
Pokémon X
버려진 인형에 원념이 깃들어 포켓몬이 되었다. 자신을 버린 아이를 찾고 있다. |
Pokémon X
Un peluche divenuto Pokémon per la rabbia di essere stato buttato via da un bimbo, di cui è alla ricerca. |
Pokémon X
Este muñeco se convirtió en un Pokémon cuando lo tiraron a la basura. Busca a su antiguo dueño. |
Pokémon X
Une poupée mue par la tristesse qui la ronge depuis qu’on l’a délaissée. Elle recherche son propriétaire. |
Pokémon X
Dieses Pokémon war eine Puppe, die weggeworfen wurde. Es sucht nun das Kind, das dies getan hat. |
Pokémon X
すてられた ぬいぐるみに おんねんが やどり ポケモンになった。じぶんを すてた こどもを さがしている。 |
Pokémon X
A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it. |
Pokémon Y
Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet into a Pokémon. If it opens its mouth, its cursed energy escapes. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Fue un hechizo el que hizo que el relleno de este muñeco de felpa olvidado y abandonado pasara a ser Banette. Si este Pokémon abriera la boca, se quedaría sin energía. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
자신의 몸을 바늘로 상처 낼 때 강한 저주 에너지가 발생한다. 원래는 버려진 불쌍한 인형이다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Banette genera energia per lanciare terribili maledizioni, conficcandosi alcuni spilli nel corpo. Originariamente questo Pokémon era un dolce peluche, successivamente gettato via. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Banette genera energía para echar un infalible hechizo clavándose púas a sí mismo. Los orígenes de este Pokémon son algo tristes: era un muñeco de felpa al que tiraron a la basura. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
En plantant des aiguilles dans son propre corps, Branette génère de l’énergie permettant de lancer de puissantes malédictions. Au départ, ce Pokémon n’était qu’une malheureuse peluche jetée à la poubelle. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Banette belegt andere mit Flüchen, indem es Nadeln in seinen eigenen Körper sticht. Dieses Pokémon war ursprünglich eine mitleiderregende Plüschpuppe, die weggeworfen wurde. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
じぶんの からだを はりで キズつける とき つよい のろいの エネルギーが はっせいする。 もとは すてられた かわいそうな ぬいぐるみ。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Banette generates energy for laying strong curses by sticking pins into its own body. This Pokémon was originally a pitiful plush doll that was thrown away. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
버려진 인형의 솜에 저주 에너지가 스며들어 포켓몬이 되었다. 입을 열면 에너지가 빠져나간다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Un’energia maledetta ha permeato l’imbottitura di un peluche vecchio e dimenticato, dando vita a Banette. Questo Pokémon deve tenere sempre la bocca chiusa per evitare che l’energia accumulata scappi fuori. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Une énergie maudite a pénétré le rembourrage d’une vieille peluche abandonnée, donnant ainsi vie à Branette. L’énergie de ce Pokémon s’échappe s’il ouvre la bouche. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Die Energie eines Fluchs durchdrang die Füllung einer weggeworfenen und vergessenen Plüschpuppe und erweckte Banette zum Leben. Die Energie dieses Pokémon würde entweichen, wenn es seinen Mund öffnen sollte. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
すてられた ぬいぐるみの わたに のろいの エネルギーが しみこんで ポケモンに なった。 くちを あけると エネルギーが にげてしまう。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as Banette. The Pokémon’s energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield