Home / Episode Guide / A Rivalry Revival / ライバルたいけつ!サトシVSシゲル!! / Rival Showdown! Satoshi VS Shigeru!!
The narrator recaps of what happened in the last episode. Now Ash and Gary are going to battle each other. Gary makes this a 1-on-1 battle. Ash chooses Pikachu and Gary chooses Eevee. Brock notices that Gary has trained Eevee very well because of its shiny coat and bright eyes. Brock decides to be the judge of the battle. The battle begins. Pikachu starts off with Quick Attack, but Eevee's Reflect keeps Pikachu from hurting it. Pikachu is about to use Thunderbolt when Eevee uses Double Team. Many copies of itself surrounds Pikachu. Pikachu shocks all the copies. Ash tells Pikachu to stop in order to save electricity. Eevee comes out with a Take Down attack. Pikachu's Agility helps it dodge the attack. Eevee uses Skull Bash which hits Pikachu. Pikachu tries to get up, but it can't. Eevee is declared the winner.

Professor Oak congratulates Gary for his victory. Gary thanks his grandpa and he walks away. Ash is laying on a boulder thinking about his battle. Misty walks up to Ash. She tells him that Gary is on a new journey. Meanwhile, Professor Oak does some scans of the GS Ball. He hasn't been able to find any information on it. Ash walks up to Professor Oak. He asks him if Gary is on a new journey. Professor Oak tells Ash that he is and that is the reason of why Gary has been training so hard. Misty wonders what they should do if Professor Oak can't solve the mystery and if Professor Ivy can't solve it. Ash wants to know where Gary went off to today. Professor Oak tells him that Gary went off to the Johto League. It's where trainers win badges in the western territory to qualify for the championship. They walk outside. Ash also wants to compete in the Johto League. Misty tells Ash that he's been getting a lazy ever since the Orange League. This gets Ash mad. Brock knew that Ash and Misty wouldn't get along without him. Brock decides to join the group again.

Professor Oak gives back the GS Ball to Ash. On his computer is a picture of Kurt, the famous Pokéball designer. Kurt is located in Azalea Town, and Professor Oak wants Ash to take the GS Ball to Kurt. Professor Oak tells Ash to head for New Bark Town first. New Bark Town is the town of New Beginnings. It's where new trainers have to sign up to participate in the Johto League. Brock reassures Professor Oak that he will keep an eye out for Ash and Misty as long as there is not a pretty girl.

Ash and co. heads back to Ash's house. When they walk inside, Ash sees his mother packing his backpack with new clothes. She already knows that Ash will be leaving for Johto. Mrs. Ketchum decides to cook a big dinner in honor that Ash is leaving again. Mrs. Ketchum tells Brock to go to the market. Brock is ready to go when he sees Mr. Mime ahead of him. They both want to go to the market. The worse part is that both Brock and Mr. Mime forgot the shopping list. She gives it to Ash.

Team Rocket is slowly walking down the road. They are very tired and worn out. Jessie spots a sign. The sign reads that Pallet Town is one mile ahead. Meowth sees Gary coming their way. They think up of a plan. Team Rocket says their motto on a stage, but Gary ignores them. They sigh because their plan didn't work. It is dinner time at Ash's house. Everyone is enjoying their meal. Mrs. Ketchum gives Brock all the credit because he made the dinner. Meanwhile, Professor Oak tells Ash that he will meet some Pokémon that he has never seen before. Professor Oak has a little surprise for Ash. He takes out a brand new Pokédex. The Pokédex contains lots of information on the new Pokémon that have been discovered. Tracey announces to everyone that he is going to be Professor Oak's assistant.

Suddenly, two reporters walks in the room. They sample the food, and they make an interview. Brock thinks that the female reporter looks very familiar. The female reporter spots Pikachu. She tells the cameraman to move in closer on Pikachu. Pikachu smiles, and a hand reaches out and grabs Pikachu. The reporters reveal themselves as Team Rocket, and they run outside. Ash and Mr. Mime chases Team Rocket. Mr. Mime uses Light Screen to trap Team Rocket. Team Rocket runs in a different direction. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but the camera doesn't break. Suddenly, Scyther appears followed by everyone else. Scyther's Slash attack breaks the camera apart. Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt at Team Rocket. Tracey sends out Marill. Marill uses Water Gun, sending Team Rocket away.

Ash thanks Tracey and his Pokémon for helping out Pikachu. Ash lays in his bed thinking about the Johto League. Ash thinks to himself of how nice it would be to spend some time in Pallet Town, but as a Pokémon Trainer, he has to keep on moving. He tells Pikachu that they can win the Johto League, and Pikachu agrees. The next day, Ash, Misty, and Brock sets off for Johto. Professor Oak reminds Ash to bring the GS Ball to Kurt. Ash will try to remember. They wave goodbye to each other as Ash and co. heads off for the Johto League.

English Official Summary

An errand of Professor Oak's sets Ash on the road once again, but first he must face his old hometown rival, Gary, in a Pokémon battle.

Italian Official Summary

Dopo che Gary è arrivato in soccorso salvando i nostri eroi dalle grinfie del Team Rocket, Ash non perde l'occasione per sfidare il suo vecchio rivale. Chi avrà la meglio questa volta?

Portuguese Official Summary

Depois de Gary vir ao resgate contra a Equipe Rocket, Ash aproveita a oportunidade... e finalmente, nosso herói consegue desafiar seu rival para sua primeira Batalha Pokémon!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Luego de que Gary llega al rescate contra el Equipo Rocket, Ash aprovecha la oportunidad… Por fin, nuestro héroe reta a su rival a su primera batalla Pokémon!

Spanish Official Summary

Un recado del Profesor Oak pone a Ash en marcha nuevamente, pero primero tiene que enfrentarse en un combate Pokémon a Gary,un viejo rival de su ciudad natal.

English Great Britian Official Summary

An errand of Professor Oak's sets Ash on the road once again, but first he must face his old hometown rival, Gary, in a Pokémon battle.

Dutch Official Summary

Nadat Gary Ash te hulp geschoten is tegen Team Rocket, grijpt Ash zijn kans om eindelijk zijn rivaal uit te dagen voor hun allereerste Pokémon gevecht!

French Official Summary

À la demande du Professeur Chen, Sacha reprend la route pour une nouvelle mission, mais il doit d'abord affronter son vieux rival local, Régis, dans un duel Pokémon.

German Official Summary

Professor Eich schickt Ash wieder einmal los – aber zuvor muss er noch gegen Gary, den Rivalen aus seiner Heimatstadt in einem Pokémon-Kampf antreten.