The fifth variant of the Pokémon Sunday opening kept the preview box style like the forth variant had for the upcoming episode in smaller video box.
The opening begins with a picture of the world from space with Tokyo Tower (東京タワー) on top of the globe. It quickly turns from nighttime to daytime as the stars disappear and the sun and clouds come out. The announcer states: "PokéMorning!" as a hot air balloon with the Pokémon Sunday logo floats by carrying Hikozaru, Lucario and Pikachu. The preview clip shows as Pikachu and Pochama wave in the lower third as the preview is displayed.
The opening lasts approximately 40 seconds on average. The Pokémon Sunday (ポケモン☆サンデー) logo that was on the hot air balloon rises from the bottom of the screen and then continues to float up to the top as Hikozaru, Lucario and Pikachu wave to start the show.