CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on May 27th, 2022. They also
tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic Twitter account to promote it.
Anipoke is just around the corner! Welcome Back Champion! Alola Triumphant Return Battle Royal!
The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! It airs every Friday at 6:55 p.m. and it is very popular! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other Anipoke information you won't find anywhere else! Continuing from last week, Lilie, Gladio and the others will appear in today's broadcast!
Lilie and her family were able to reunite with Mohn, who was missing and was the focus of the story in last week's broadcast! Satoshi, Go, and Koharu, who were present at the reunion while investigating Pokémon, travel to the Alola region with the Mohn's family! The people of Alola are excited by the miraculous return of Mohn, who disappeared into an Ultra Wormhole, as well as the triumphant return of Alola's first champion! Now let's all get ready for a feast!!
▲ Finally the whole family is back together in the Alola region!
▲ Satoshi shares his joy with his friends from the Pokémon School. Satoshi hasn't seen all his schoolmates together for a long time!
▲ This is Koharu's first time in the Alola region!
▲ Koharu is wondering about Eievui's evolution, and decides to ask Suiren, another Eievui trainer, about it.
▲ The answer makes Koharu realize a new option...!?
Alola's first champion, Satoshi, is back... and there is only one thing to do! A Battle Royal will be held at the Royal Dome in Alola! Four pairs of contestants, said to be the strongest in Alola, will clash!!
▲ The venue was packed as it was the triumphant return of the champion! The spectator seats were filled with familiar faces!
▲ The first competitor is Kaki, the fiery guy from Akara Island! How strong has Garagara become after training to beat Satoshi!
▲ Gladio is also burning for revenge against Satoshi! Will it be Lugarugan? Or Zoroark? Or...?
▲ And of course, there's this guy! Not the Masked Royal, but Professor Kukui... participating as one of the trainers!!
▲ The first Alola Champion! You can see Satoshi's fully powered battle!!
Battles with strong opponents ahead of the fierce battles of the Masters Eight! Check out today's broadcast for the results!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】おかえりチャンピオン! アローラ凱旋バトルロイヤル!!
おかえりチャンピオン! アローラ凱旋バトルロイヤル!!
この記事はアニメ放送直前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナーだ! 先週に引き続き今日の放送にはリーリエ、グラジオたちが登場!
先週の放送で行方不明だったモーンと再会することができたリーリエたち! ポケモンの調査中、その再会に居合わせたサトシ・ゴウ・コハルの3人は、モーン一家とともにアローラ地方へ! ウルトラホールに消えたモーンの奇跡の生還、そしてアローラの初代チャンピオンの凱旋に湧くアローラの人々! さあみんなで宴の準備だ!!
アローラの初代チャンピオン・サトシが帰ってきた…ならばやることはひとつ! ということでアローラのロイヤルドームでバトルロイヤルが行われることに!! アローラ最強とも言われる四組の選手が、いまぶつかり合う!!
▲チャンピオンの凱旋試合とあって会場は超満員! 懐かしの顔が並ぶ観客席にも注目だ!!
▲一人目の選手はアーカラ島の燃える男・カキ! サトシに勝つため修行を重ねたガラガラはどれだけ強くなったのか!?
▲そしてグラジオもサトシへのリベンジに燃える! 出すのはルガルガンか!? ゾロアークか!? それとも…?
▲そしてもちろんこの人も! ロイヤルマスクではなくククイ博士…いや1人のトレーナーとして参戦だ!!
▲迎え撃つ初代アローラチャンピオン! サトシのゼンリョクバトルが見られるぞ!!
マスターズエイトの激闘を前に巻き起こった強敵たちとのバトル! その結果は今日の放送をチェックしよう!!