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Anime Recommendation List

This list was created to give people a quick view of what episodes people might like in the anime series. Japanese titles are used for consistency's sake. The top user rated episodes are listed in a separate page on this site and viewers can rate their favorite episodes in the episode guide. Episodes are not recommended based off of importance but rather whether they are enjoyable or not. Icons are linked to the episode guide, the character guide and the attack dex for easy reference.

Means a Pokémon is caught or evolves
Means a newly learned move
Means there is a trainer battle in the episode that isn't against Team Rocket
Episodes in Green means its a highly recommended episode
Episodes in Yellow means its a recommended episode
Episodes in White means its an okay episode
Episodes in Red means the episode isn't liked very much

Episode List

This page has been viewed 8100 times.
Last updated 15 Mar 2015 02:30 by K.N..
Revision #14
Page Tags: Anime