Home / Dex / Popplio

Official Art

Sugimori Artwork

Official Art

Global Link Art Image

Basic Info

Introduced: Generation 7
Species: Sea Lion Pokémon
Type: Water
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 7.5kg
Catch Rate: 45
Base Happiness: 70
Gender Ratio: 12.5% Female/ 87.5% Male


Language Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 球球海獅
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 球球海狮
English Popplio
French Otaquin
German Robball
Italian Popplio
Japanese アシマリ
Japanese (Romanized) Ashimari
Japanese (Trademark) Ashimari
Korean 누리공
Spanish Popplio

Dex Numbers

Dex #
National Dex #728
Alola #7


  • Torrent: Powers up Water-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low.
  • Liquid Voice: All sound-based moves become Water-type moves. [Hidden Ability]

Evolutionary Chain

Level 17
Level 34


Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon

Damage Taken

Electric 2x
Fire 0.5x
Grass 2x
Ice 0.5x
Steel 0.5x
Water 0.5x

Base Stats

8 Water 50
7 Water 50

Dex Flavor Text

Game Dex Flavor Text
United States Pokémon Sun This Pokémon snorts body fluids from its nose, blowing balloons to smash into its foes. It’s famous for being a hard worker.
United States Pokémon Moon This Pokémon can control water bubbles. It practices diligently so it can learn to make big bubbles.
United States Pokémon Sword It creates special bouncy balloons to send at its opponents. When the balloons pop, the sheer force of their bursting is what deals damage.
United States Pokémon Shield If Popplio want to create big, powerful balloons, they must be persistent. It takes daily practice for these Pokémon to develop their skills.

Sprite List

Gen/Game Normal Shiny
Sixth & Seventh Generation

anim anim

anim anim

Character Appearances

Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lana's Popplio
  • Japan スイレンのアシマリ
  • Japan Suiren no Ashimari
  • Japan Suiren's Ashimari

Episode Appearances

Ep # Title
SM 1
SM 3
SM 5
SM 2
SM 4
SM 7
SM 8
SM 9
Movie 20
SM 10
SM 12
SM 13
SM 14
SM 15
SM 16
SM 17
SM 18
SM 19
SM 20
SM 22
SM 24
SM 25
SM 26
SM 27
SM 28
SM 29
SM 30
SM 31
SM 32
SM 33
SM 34
SM 35
SM 36
SM 37
SM 38
SM 39
SM 40
SM 41
SM 42
SM 43
SM 44
SM 45
SM 46
SM 48
SM 49
SM 50
SM 51
SM 52
SM 53
SM 54
SM 55
SM 56
SM 57
SM 59
SM 60
SM 61
SM 62
SM 63
SM 64
SM 65
SM 66
SM 67
SM 68
SM 69
SM 70
SM 71
SM 72
SM 74
SM 75
SM 76
SM 78
SM 79
SM 80
SM 81
SM 82
SM 83
SM 84
SM 85
SM 86
SM 87
SM 88
SM 89
SM 90
SM 93
SM 94
SM 95
SM 96
SM 98
SM 99
SM 100
SM 101
SM 102
SM 103
SM 104
SM 105
SM 106
SM 118
SM 123
SM 144
PM2019 46
Eevee 5
Eevee 6
SP 9
PM2023 58

TCG Cards

#39: Popplio
Retreat Cost:
#23: Popplio
Retreat Cost:
Note: Move names that have a colored checkmark beside the name receive a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) when used by this Pokémon

Level Up Moves

Pound Type Icon Physical 35 40 100 1 1
Water Gun
Type Icon Special 25 40 100 1 1
Growl Type Icon Status 40 100 4 4
Disarming Voice Type Icon Special 15 40 8 8
Baby-Doll Eyes Type Icon Status 30 100 11 11
Aqua Jet
Type Icon Physical 20 40 100 14 15
Icy Wind Type Icon Special 15 55 95 16
Encore Type Icon Status 5 100 18 18
Bubble Beam
Type Icon Special 20 65 100 22 22
Sing Type Icon Status 15 55 25 25
Double Slap Type Icon Physical 10 15 85 29 29
Hyper Voice Type Icon Special 10 90 100 32 32
Moonblast Type Icon Special 15 95 100 36 36
Captivate Type Icon Status 20 100 39 39
Hydro Pump
Type Icon Special 5 110 80 43 43
Misty Terrain Type Icon Status 10 46 46

TM/HM Moves

Confide Type Icon Status 20
Work Up Type Icon Status 30
Hail Type Icon Status 10
Rain Dance
Type Icon Status 5
Sleep Talk Type Icon Status 10
Attract Type Icon Status 15 100
Swagger Type Icon Status 15 85
Protect Type Icon Status 10
Substitute Type Icon Status 10
Rest Type Icon Status 10
Double Team Type Icon Status 15
Toxic Type Icon Status 10 90
Acrobatics Type Icon Physical 15 55 100
Facade Type Icon Physical 20 70 100
Frustration Type Icon Physical 20 100
Return Type Icon Physical 20 100
Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Type Icon Special 15 80 100
Echoed Voice Type Icon Special 15 40 100
Round Type Icon Special 15 60 100
Hidden Power Type Icon Special 15 60 100
Blizzard Type Icon Special 5 110 70
Ice Beam Type Icon Special 10 90 100
Type Icon Special 15 90 100

Egg Moves

Aromatic Mist Type Icon Status 20
Wonder Room Type Icon Status 10
Aqua Ring
Type Icon Status 20
Charm Type Icon Status 20 100
Perish Song Type Icon Status 5
Amnesia Type Icon Status 20

Move Tutors

Water Pledge
Type Icon Special 10 80 100