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Pokémon Die TV-Serie: Schwarz und Weiß - Staffel 15

  • Pokémon the Series: Black and White - Season 15
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Audio Tracks:   English German
Publisher:  Polyband/WVG
Catalog #:  
Release Date:  2024-08-30
Aspect Ratio:  16:9
Region Code:  
Video Format:  PAL
Storage Medium:  DVD9
Closed Captions?:  No
Rental Only?:  No
Price:  €39.99


Während Ash mit seinen Freunden weiter die Einall-Region bereist, muss er sich der ultimativen Prüfung stellen: Es gilt, Lauro, den Champ der Einall-Region zu besiegen! Unsere drei Freunde erwarten viele schwierige Aufgaben und letztendlich muss das Trio als Team zusammenarbeiten, um eine Insel vor den zerstörerischen Kräften von drei zerstrittenen Legendären Pokémon zu retten!




Episode List
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  •   The Gym Leader is a Charismatic Model! Enter Kamitsure!!
  •   ジムリーダーはカリスマモデル! カミツレ登場!!
  •   Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader!
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  •   Raimon Gym! An Electric Shock Battle of Splendor!!
  •   ライモンジム! 華麗なる電撃バトル!!
  •   Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!
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  •   Satoshi and Dent VS the Subway Masters!
  •   サトシ、デントVSサブウェイマスター!
  •   Lost at the Stamp Rally!
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  •   Satoshi VS Champion Adeku!
  •   サトシVSチャンピオン・アデク!
  •   Ash Versus the Champion!
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  •   Go Over the Rainbow! A Maracacchi Musical!!
  •   虹の彼方へ!マラカッチでミュージカル!!
  •   A Maractus Musical!
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  •   Mebukijika! A Four Season Line-up!!
  •   メブキジカ! 春夏秋冬勢揃い!!
  •   The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!
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  •   Zuruggu and the Selfish Gothimu!
  •   ズルッグとわがままゴチム!
  •   Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!
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  •   Iris and Monozu! Training at the Day Care!!
  •   アイリスとモノズ! 育てや修行!!
  •   The Lonely Deino!
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  •   Swift Hero A-Gilder VS Mr. Freege!
  •   快傑ア☆ギルダー VS フリージ男!
  •   The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!
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  •   A Battle Between the Brothers Dent and Pod! Baoppu VS Yanappu
  •   デントとポッド兄弟バトル!バオップVSヤナップ
  •   A Call for Brotherly Love!
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  •   Tornelos VS Voltolos VS Landlos! (Part 1)
  •   トルネロスVSボルトロスVSランドロス!(前編)
  •   Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1
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  •   Tornelos VS Voltolos VS Landlos! (Part 2)
  •   トルネロスVSボルトロスVSランドロス!(後編)
  •   Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 2
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  •   A Subterranean Gym Match! VS Yacon!!
  •   地底のジム戦! VSヤーコン!!
  •   Battling the King of the Mines!
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  •   Bachuru and Dentula! The Electric Stone Cave!!
  •   バチュル、デンチュラ!電気石の洞穴!!
  •   Crisis at Chargestone Cave!
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  •   Link Trade Evolution! Chevargo and Agilder!!
  •   通信交換進化!シュバルゴとアギルダー!!
  •   Evolution Exchange Excitement!
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  •   The Ruins of the Dark Hero! Symboler and Deathkarn!!
  •   黒き英雄の遺跡!シンボラーとデスカーン!!
  •   Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!
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  •   Double Battle! Pikachu and Waruvile VS Pendror and Gamageroge!!
  •   ダブルバトル!ピカチュウ・ワルビルVSペンドラー・ガマゲロゲ!!
  •   Battling the Bully!
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  •   Afro: Go! Buffron: No!!
  •   アフロでGO!バッフロンはNO!!
  •   Baffling the Bouffalant!
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  •   Fukiyose Gym Air Battle! Challenger Dent!?
  •   フキヨセジムのエアバトル!挑戦者デント!?
  •   Cilan Takes Flight!
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  •   Fukiyose Gym! A Decisive Mid-Air Battle VS Furo!!
  •   フキヨセジム!VSフウロ空中決戦!!
  •   An Amazing Aerial Battle!
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  •   Overcoming Obstacles! Climb The Tower of the Sky!!
  •   難関突破!天空の塔を登れ!!
  •   Climbing the Tower of Success!
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  •   The Donamite Begins! Zuruggu VS Yanakkie!!
  •   ドンナマイト開幕! ズルッグVSヤナッキー!!
  •   The Clubsplosion Begins!
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  •   The Donamite Goes On and On! Crimgan VS Kirikizan!!
  •   どんどん続くよドンナマイト!クリムガンVSキリキザン!!
  •   Search for the Clubultimate!
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  •   The Fierce Donamite! Kirikizan VS Enbuoh!!
  •   熱闘ドンナマイト!キリキザンVSエンブオー!!
  •   A Clubsplosion of Excitement!
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  •   The Decisive Donamite Battle! Nageki VS Dageki!!
  •   決戦ドンナマイト!ナゲキVSダゲキ!!
  •   Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!
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  •   The Rescue of Kibago! An Aiant Nest!!
  •   キバゴ救出!アイアントの巣窟!!
  •   Battling the Leaf Thieves!
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  •   A Fierce Fight at Twist Mountain! The Abagoura Miracle!! (Part 1)
  •   ネジ山の激闘!アバゴーラの奇跡!! (前編)
  •   A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1
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  •   A Fierce Fight at Twist Mountain! The Abagoura Miracle!! (Part 2)
  •   ネジ山の激闘!アバゴーラの奇跡!! (後編)
  •   A Restoration Confrontation! Part 2
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  •   Flaming Memories! Pokabu VS Enbuoh!!
  •   炎のメモリー!ポカブVSエンブオー!!
  •   Evolution by Fire!
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  •   Enter Hachiku! The Sacred Mountain of Ulgamoth!!
  •   ハチク登場!ウルガモスの聖なる山!!
  •   Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!
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  •   Sekka Gym Match! A Battlefield of Ice!!
  •   セッカジム戦! 氷のバトルフィールド!!
  •   Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!
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  •   Pokémon Sommelier Showdown! A Tasting Battle!!
  •   ポケモンソムリエ対決!テイスティングバトル!!
  •   Clash of the Connoisseurs!
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  •   The Tesseed Laboratories! Iris and Baivanilla!!
  •   テッシード研究所!アイリスとバイバニラ!!
  •   Crisis at Ferroseed Research!
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  •   Movie Showdown! The Isshu Defense Force Goes into Action!!
  •   映画対決!出撃イッシュ防衛隊!!
  •   An Epic Defense Force!
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  •   Fierce Fighting at the Tachiwaki Gym! VS Homika!! (Part 1)
  •   激闘タチワキジム!VSホミカ!!(前編)
  •   Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 1
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  •   Fierce Fighting at the Tachiwaki Gym! VS Homika!! (Part 2)
  •   激闘タチワキジム!VSホミカ!!(後編)
  •   Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2
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  •   Sing, Meloetta! The Melody of Love!!
  •   歌えメロエッタ!愛の旋律!!
  •   All for the Love of Meloetta!
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  •   Pochama VS Yanappu! A Battle of Splendor!!
  •   ポッチャマVSヤナップ!華麗なるバトル!!
  •   Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!
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  •   Survival at Iwark Island!
  •   イワークの島でサバイバル!
  •   Expedition to Onix Island!
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  •   Dent the Sommelier Detective! The Mystery of the Missing Kumasyun!!
  •   ソムリエ探偵デント!消えたクマシュンの謎!!
  •   The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!
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  •   Iris and the Roughneck Kairyu!
  •   アイリスと暴れ者カイリュー!
  •   Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!
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  •   The Junior Cup Begins! Kairyu VS Tunbear!!
  •   ジュニアカップ開幕!カイリューVSツンベアー!!
  •   Jostling for the Junior Cup!
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  •   Power Battle! Iris VS Hikari!!
  •   パワーバトル!アイリスVSヒカリ!!
  •   Battling Authority Once Again!
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  •   Satoshi, Iris and Shootie! The Final Battles!!
  •   サトシ、アイリス、シューティー! 最後のバトル!!
  •   Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three!
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  •   The Junior Cup, Site of Partings and Encounters!
  •   別れと出会いのジュニアカップ!
  •   Goodbye, Junior Cup—Hello, Adventure!
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  •   Seigaiha Gym Match! Mantain VS Daikenki!!
  •   セイガイハジム戦! マンタインVSダイケンキ!!
  •   The Road to Humilau!
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  •   Uproar at the Pokémon Nursery School! Washibon and Valchai!
  •   ポケモン保育園は大騒ぎ! ワシボンとバルチャイ!
  •   Unrest at the Nursery!
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  •   Meloetta and the Abyssal Temple!
  •   メロエッタと海底の神殿!
  •   Meloetta and the Undersea Temple!
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  •   The Sacred Beast Formes Advance! Isshu's Greatest Crisis!!
  •   霊獣フォルム総進撃!イッシュ最大の危機!!
  •   Unova’s Survival Crisis!