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Game Dex Flavor Text
United States Pokémon Gold It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its Tackle is strong enough to knock down a house.
United States Pokémon Silver The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take long to grow.
United States Pokémon Ruby Donphan's favorite attack is curling its body into a ball, then charging at its foe while rolling at high speed. Once it starts rolling, this Pokemon can't stop very easily.
United States Pokémon Sapphire If DONPHAN were to tackle with its hard body, even a house could be destroyed. Using its massive strength, the POKeMON helps clear rock and mud slides that block mountain trails.
United States Pokémon Emerald A DONPHAN is so strong it can easily haul a dump truck. Its hide has toughened to a rock-hard state. An ordinary sort of attack won't even leave a scratch.
United States Pokémon LeafGreen It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its TACKLE is strong enough to knock down a house.
United States Pokémon FireRed The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take a long time to grow.
United States Pokémon Diamond It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
United States Pokémon Pearl It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
United States Pokémon Platinum It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
United States Pokémon HeartGold It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its tackle is strong enough to knock down a house.
United States Pokémon SoulSilver The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take long to grow.
Japan Pokémon White からだを まるめて かいてんしながら とっしんする こうげき。いちげきで みんかを ばらばらに ふきとばす。
Japan Pokémon Black からだを まるめて かいてんしながら とっしんする こうげき。いちげきで みんかを ばらばらに ふきとばす。
United States Pokémon Black It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
United States Pokémon White It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
United States Pokémon Black 2 It attacks by curling up then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
Japan Pokémon Black 2 からだを まるめて かいてんしながら とっしんする こうげき。いちげきで みんかを ばらばらに ふきとばす。
United States Pokémon White 2 It attacks by curling up then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit.
Japan Pokémon White 2 からだを まるめて かいてんしながら とっしんする こうげき。いちげきで みんかを ばらばらに ふきとばす。
Spain Pokémon X Tiene afilados y duros colmillos, y una gruesa piel. Su Placaje es tan fuerte que puede derribar una casa.
Italy Pokémon Y Più grandi sono le zanne, più alto è il suo rango nel branco. Le zanne crescono lentamente.
Spain Pokémon Y Cuanto más grandes son sus colmillos, mayor su estatus en la manada. Los colmillos tardan mucho en crecer.
France Pokémon Y Plus grandes sont ses défenses, plus haut est son rang dans le troupeau. Elles poussent lentement.
Germany Pokémon Y Je größer und länger die Stoßzähne, desto höher ist ihr Rang in der Herde, doch das dauert lange.
South Korea Pokémon Y 송곳니가 길고 클수록 무리 중에서 서열이 높다. 송곳니가 자라는 데는 시간이 걸린다.
Japan Pokémon Y キバが ながくて おおきいほど むれのなかでの ランクが たかい。 キバがのびるには じかんがかかる。
United States Pokémon Y The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take long to grow.
Italy Pokémon X Ha zanne dure e affilate e la pelle grinzosa. La sua Azione è così forte da abbattere una casa.
France Pokémon X Il a des défenses aiguisées et une peau épaisse. Ses charges peuvent détruire une maison.
Germany Pokémon X Aufgrund seiner scharfen Stoßzähne und seiner rauen Haut könnte es mit Tackle ein Haus niederreißen.
Japan Pokémon X するどく かたい キバと さらに がんじょうな ひふでの たいあたりは いえをも こわすほど。
United States Pokémon X It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its Tackle is strong enough to knock down a house.
South Korea Pokémon X 예리하고 단단한 이빨과 더욱 튼튼한 피부의 몸통박치기는 집도 부술 정도다.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Si Donphan tuviera que dar un golpe con todo el cuerpo, con lo robusto que es echaría abajo hasta una casa. Estos Pokémon usan su fuerza para ayudar a despejar pasos de montaña cuando hay piedras o lodo.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 몸을 둥글게 말아 고속 회전하며 상대에게 돌진하는 공격이 특기다. 구르기 시작하면 어지간해서는 멈출 수 없다.
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Donphan adora attaccare arrotolandosi in forma sferica e puntando sul nemico ad elevata velocità. Una volta partito, questo Pokémon è molto difficile da fermare.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire A Donphan le encanta enrollarse como una pelota y cargar contra el enemigo rodando a toda velocidad. Una vez que ha comenzado a rodar, no es fácil pararlo.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire L’attaque favorite de Donphan consiste à se mettre en boule et à charger son ennemi en roulant à pleine vitesse. Une fois qu’il commence à rouler, ce Pokémon a du mal à s’arrêter.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Donphans Lieblingsattacke ist es, als Ball zusammengerollt mit voller Wucht gegen seine Gegner zu krachen. Wenn es erst einmal rollt, ist dieses Pokémon nur schwer aufzuhalten.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire からだを まるめて こうそくかいてん しながら あいてに とっしんする こうげきが とくい。 ころがり はじめると なかなか とまれなくなる。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Donphan’s favorite attack is curling its body into a ball, then charging at its foe while rolling at high speed. Once it starts rolling, this Pokémon can’t stop very easily.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 단단한 몸으로 부딪치면 집도 부서진다. 그 힘을 이용해 산길을 막고 있는 토사를 치우는 일을 돕는다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby Il massiccio corpo di Donphan dispone di una forza tale da poter abbattere persino una casa. La sua incredibile potenza aiuta a liberare i sentieri montani dopo una frana di massi o fango.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Si Donphan décidait de charger, il pourrait détruire une maison. Grâce à sa force étonnante, ce Pokémon peut aider à déplacer les rochers et les coulées de boue qui bloquent les chemins de montagne.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Donphan kann mit seinem harten Körper sogar ein Haus zerstören. Mit seiner imposanten Kraft hilft dieses Pokémon dabei, Erdrutsche aus dem Weg zu räumen, die Bergpfade versperren.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby かたい からだで ぶつかれば いえも こわれる。 その ちからを つかって やまみちを ふさいだ どしゃくずれを どかす しごとを てつだうよ。
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby If Donphan were to tackle with its hard body, even a house could be destroyed. Using its massive strength, the Pokémon helps clear rock and mud slides that block mountain trails.
United States Pokémon Sword
United States Pokémon Shield
United States Pokémon Stadium 2 It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide. Its Tackle is strong enough to knock down a house.