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Game Dex Flavor Text
United States Pokémon Red Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets.
United States Pokémon Blue Forms colonies in perpetually dark places. Uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets.
Japan Pokémon Stadium めと はなが ないかわりに くちから ちょうおんぱを だして はんしゃおんを おおきな みみで ききわけて とぶ。
United States Pokémon Stadium It has neither eyes nor a nose. It emits ultrasonic cries that bounce back to its large ears, enabling it to fly safely.
United States Pokémon Yellow Emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as a sonar used to check for objects in its way.
United States Pokémon Gold While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings.
United States Pokémon Silver Capable of flying safely in dark places, it emits ultrasonic cries to check for any obstacles.
United States Pokémon Crystal During the day, it gathers with others and hangs from the ceiling of old buildings and caves.
United States Pokémon Ruby Zubat remains quietly unmoving in a dark spot during the bright daylight hours. It does so because prolonged exposure to the sun causes its body to become slightly burned.
United States Pokémon Sapphire ZUBAT avoids sunlight because exposure causes it to become unhealthy. During the daytime, it stays in caves or under the eaves of old houses, sleeping while hanging upside down.
United States Pokémon Emerald While living in pitch-black caverns, their eyes gradually grew shut and deprived them of vision. They use ultrasonic waves to detect obstacles.
United States Pokémon LeafGreen It forms colonies in perpetually dark places and uses ultrasonic waves to identify and approach targets.
United States Pokémon FireRed It has no eyes. Instead, it relies on its ultrasonic cries for echo location to flit about in darkness.
United States Pokémon Pearl Disliking sunlight, it sleeps deep in forests and caves until sundown.
United States Pokémon Diamond Even though it has no eyes, it can sense obstacles using ultrasonic waves it emits from its mouth.
United States Pokémon Platinum It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth.
United States Pokémon HeartGold While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings.
United States Pokémon SoulSilver Capable of flying safely in dark places, it emits ultrasonic cries to check for any obstacles.
United States Pokémon White It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth.
Japan Pokémon White くちからだす ちょうおんぱの はんしゃで まわりの ようすや じぶんの いばしょを しらべている。
United States Pokémon Black It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth.
Japan Pokémon Black くちからだす ちょうおんぱの はんしゃで まわりの ようすや じぶんの いばしょを しらべている。
United States Pokémon Black 2 It does not need eyes, because it emits ultrasonic waves to check its surroundings while it flies.
Japan Pokémon Black 2 ちょうおんぱを だして まわりの ようすを たしかめながら とぶので りょうめが なくても だいじょうぶ。
United States Pokémon White 2 It does not need eyes, because it emits ultrasonic waves to check its surroundings while it flies.
Japan Pokémon White 2 ちょうおんぱを だして まわりの ようすを たしかめながら とぶので りょうめが なくても だいじょうぶ。
Germany Pokémon X Obwohl es keine Augen hat, kann es Hindernisse mithilfe von Ultraschallwellen wahrnehmen.
Italy Pokémon Y Non ha occhi, ma si sposta agilmente nella notte emettendo ultrasuoni la cui eco lo avverte degli ostacoli.
Spain Pokémon Y No tiene ojos. Se guía por las ondas ultrasónicas que emite. El eco le indica por dónde tiene que ir en la oscuridad.
South Korea Pokémon Y 양쪽 눈이 존재하지 않는다. 입에서 초음파를 내어 어둠 속을 날아다닌다.
France Pokémon Y Comme il ne possède pas d’yeux, il n’utilise que ses ultrasons pour se déplacer dans les ténèbres.
Germany Pokémon Y Es hat keine Augen. Zur Orientierung nutzt es seine Ultraschallwellen-Schreie, um in der Dunkelheit zu fliegen.
Japan Pokémon Y りょうほうの めが そんざいしない。 くちから ちょうおんぱを だして くらやみを とびまわる。
United States Pokémon Y It has no eyes. Instead, it relies on its ultrasonic cries for echolocation to flit about in darkness.
Italy Pokémon X Non ha occhi, ma avverte gli ostacoli con le onde ultrasoniche che emette dalla bocca.
Spain Pokémon X Aunque carezca de ojos, puede detectar obstáculos con las ondas ultrasónicas que emite su boca.
France Pokémon X Bien que dépourvu d’yeux, il repère les obstacles grâce aux ultrasons émis par sa gueule.
Japan Pokémon X くちから だす ちょうおんぱで りょうめが なくても まわりの しょうがいぶつを さっちできる。
United States Pokémon X Even though it has no eyes, it can sense obstacles using ultrasonic waves it emits from its mouth.
South Korea Pokémon X 입에서 내는 초음파로 두 눈이 없어도 주위의 장애물을 탐색할 수 있다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby Zubat evita la luce del sole perché nociva per la sua salute. Durante il giorno sta rintanato in grotte o sotto i cornicioni di vecchie case, dormendo appeso a testa in giù.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 낮에 어두운 곳에서 가만히 있는 것은 긴 시간 동안 햇빛을 받으면 전신에 가벼운 화상을 입기 때문이다.
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Zubat rimane perfettamente immobile al buio durante le ore diurne più luminose. Infatti la prolungata esposizione al sole gli provoca delle bruciature.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Durante el día, Zubat permanece inmóvil y a oscuras. Si este Pokémon pasara mucho tiempo expuesto al sol, correría el peligro de sufrir quemaduras.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Nosferapti reste calme et immobile dans un coin sombre pendant la journée. En effet, une exposition trop longue à la lumière du soleil lui brûle légèrement la peau.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Tagsüber bleibt Zubat an einem dunklen Ort und bewegt sich kaum. Wenn es dem Sonnenlicht längere Zeit ausgesetzt wird, zieht es sich Verbrennungen an seinem Körper zu.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire ひるま くらやみで じっと しているのは たいようの ひかりを ながい じかん あびると ぜんしんが かるく やけどしてしまうからだ。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Zubat remains quietly unmoving in a dark spot during the bright daylight hours. It does so because prolonged exposure to the sun causes its body to become slightly burned.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 태양의 빛을 받으면 몸 상태가 나빠지기 때문에 낮에는 동굴이나 오래된 집의 처마 밑에 매달려 자고 있다.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Zubat evita la luz del día porque le resulta perjudicial para la salud. Durante el día, permanece en cuevas o bajo los aleros de las casas viejas durmiendo colgado de las patas, cabeza abajo.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Nosferapti évite la lumière du soleil, car ça le rend malade. Pendant la journée, il reste dans les cavernes ou à l’ombre des vieilles maisons, où il dort, la tête à l’envers.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Zubat meidet Sonnenlicht, da es dadurch krank würde. Am Tage hält es sich in Höhlen oder unter den Dachrinnen alter Häuser auf. Dort schläft es mit dem Kopf nach unten.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby たいようの ひかりを あびると たいちょうが わるくなるので ひるまは どうくつや ふるびた いえの のきしたに ぶらさがって ねている。
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby Zubat avoids sunlight because exposure causes it to become unhealthy. During the daytime, it stays in caves or under the eaves of old houses, sleeping while hanging upside down.
United States Pokémon Sun It sleeps in caves during the day. It has no eyes, so to check its surroundings while flying, it emits ultrasonic waves.
United States Pokémon Moon When exposed to sunlight, they suffer burns. The frequency of their ultrasonic waves can differ slightly from colony to colony.
United States Pokémon Sword
United States Pokémon Shield
United States Pokémon Stadium 2 While flying, it constantly emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings.