Pokémon Gold
Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears to be closer to a rock than a plant. |
Pokémon Silver
It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining. |
Pokémon Ruby
Sudwoodo camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being attacked by enemies. However, because the forelegs remain green throughout the year, the Pokemon is easily identified as a fake during the winter.
Pokémon Sapphire
SUDOWOODO camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being attacked by enemies. However, because the forelegs remain green throughout the year, the POKeMON is easily identified as a fake during the winter. |
Pokémon Emerald
It mimics a tree to avoid being attacked by enemies. But since its forelegs remain green throughout the year, it is easily identified as a fake in the winter. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears to be closer to a rock than a plant. |
Pokémon FireRed
It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining. |
Pokémon Diamond
Despite appearing to be a tree, its body is closer to rocks and stones. It is very weak to water. |
Pokémon Pearl
It stands along paths pretending to be a tree. If it starts raining, it seems to disappear. |
Pokémon Platinum
To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. |
Pokémon HeartGold
Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears more similar to rock than to vegetation. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining. |
Pokémon White
こうげき されないように ひたすら きのまねをしているが みずはにがてで あめになると どこかに にげだす。 |
Pokémon Black
こうげき されないように ひたすら きのまねをしているが みずはにがてで あめになると どこかに にげだす。 |
Pokémon Black
To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. |
Pokémon White
To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. |
Pokémon Black 2
To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. |
Pokémon Black 2
こうげき されないように ひたすら きのまねをしているが みずはにがてで あめになると どこかに にげだす。 |
Pokémon White 2
To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain. |
Pokémon White 2
こうげき されないように ひたすら きのまねをしているが みずはにがてで あめになると どこかに にげだす。 |
Pokémon X
Sebbene finga di essere un albero, la composizione sembra più simile a quella di una roccia. |
Pokémon Y
Si traveste da albero per evitare gli attacchi. Odiando l’acqua, scompare appena inizia a piovere. |
Pokémon Y
Se disfraza de árbol para no ser atacado. Odia el agua, por lo que desaparecerá si empieza a llover. |
Pokémon Y
Il se déguise en arbre pour éviter les problèmes. Il déteste l’eau et se cache par temps de pluie. |
Pokémon Y
Es tarnt sich als Baum, um nicht angegriffen zu werden. Es hasst Wasser, darum läuft es bei Regen weg. |
Pokémon Y
おそわれないように きのまねをする。 みずがにがてで あめが ふりだすと いつのまにか すがたを けす。 |
Pokémon Y
습격당하지 않도록 나무 흉내를 낸다. 물에 약하기 때문에 비가 내리면 어느 순간에 모습을 감춰버린다. |
Pokémon Y
It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining. |
Pokémon X
Aunque pretende ser un árbol, en su composición se parece más a una roca que a una planta. |
Pokémon X
Il fait semblant d’être un arbre. Sa composition est en fait plus proche de la pierre. |
Pokémon X
Obwohl es vorgibt, ein Baum zu sein, kommt seine Zusammensetzung einem Stein näher als einer Pflanze. |
Pokémon X
いつも きのふりを している。 からだの つくりは しょくぶつより いしや いわなどに ちかいようだ。 |
Pokémon X
Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears more similar to rock than to vegetation. |
Pokémon X
항상 나무인 척하고 있다. 몸의 구조는 식물보다 돌이나 바위에 가까운 듯하다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Sudowoodo si camuffa da albero per evitare gli attacchi nemici. Tuttavia, poiché gli arti superiori sono sempreverdi, d’inverno viene scoperto facilmente. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
적에게 습격당하지 않으려 나무인 척한다. 양손이 일 년 내내 초록빛이라 겨울에는 가짜임이 바로 들통 난다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Sudowoodo si camuffa da albero per evitare gli attacchi nemici. Tuttavia, poiché gli arti superiori sono sempreverdi, d’inverno viene scoperto facilmente. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Sudowoodo se camufla adoptando la imagen de un árbol para que no le ataque ningún enemigo. El problema viene en invierno, ya que las extremidades superiores tienen color verde y es fácil identificarle. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Simularbre se camoufle en arbre pour éviter d’être attaqué par ses ennemis. Mais étant donné que ses pattes restent vertes toute l’année, ce Pokémon est facile à repérer pendant l’hiver. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Mogelbaum tarnt sich als Baum, um Angriffen von Feinden aus dem Weg zu gehen. Da seine Arme aber das ganze Jahr über grün bleiben, fällt seine Tarnung im Winter leicht auf. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
てきに おそわれない ように きの ふりをする。 りょうては 1ねんじゅう みどりいろなので ふゆは にせものだと すぐに ばれてしまう。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Sudowoodo camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being attacked by enemies. However, because its hands remain green throughout the year, the Pokémon is easily identified as a fake during the winter. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
적에게 습격당하지 않으려 나무인 척한다. 양손이 일 년 내내 초록빛이라 겨울에는 가짜임이 바로 들통 난다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Sudowoodo se camufla adoptando la imagen de un árbol para que no le ataque ningún enemigo. El problema viene en invierno, ya que las extremidades superiores tienen color verde y es fácil identificarle. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Simularbre se camoufle en arbre pour éviter d’être attaqué par ses ennemis. Mais étant donné que ses pattes restent vertes toute l’année, ce Pokémon est facile à repérer pendant l’hiver. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Mogelbaum tarnt sich als Baum, um Angriffen von Feinden aus dem Weg zu gehen. Da seine Arme aber das ganze Jahr über grün bleiben, fällt seine Tarnung im Winter leicht auf. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
てきに おそわれない ように きの ふりをする。 りょうては 1ねんじゅう みどりいろなので ふゆは にせものだと すぐに ばれてしまう。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Sudowoodo camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being attacked by enemies. However, because its hands remain green throughout the year, the Pokémon is easily identified as a fake during the winter. |
Pokémon Sun
To avoid attack, it mimics a tree. It will run off if splashed with water, which it hates. |
Pokémon Moon
Apparently, the larger the green parts of this Pokémon, the more collectors value it. It’s a particular favorite among elderly people. |
Pokémon Sword
If a tree branch shakes when there is no wind, it’s a Sudowoodo, not a tree. It hides from the rain. |
Pokémon Shield
It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining. |
Pokémon Stadium 2
Although it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears to be closer to a rock than a plant. |